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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Weird, I see you use FlagFox too and it's showing the American flag... guess you must be extremely cached since we moved almost a week ago. Should be seeing the UK flag.
  2. @Bossman and Evo: yeah you're not really missing much. Main thing I like in CS4 though is Content Aware Scaling. This basically lets you resize (stretch) pictures while keeping objects (humans, trees etc.) all in proportion. Not many times where you'd need it, but I used to resize a lot of old 1024x768 wallpapers and stretch them to make widescreen versions. Was very useful for that. Basically my point was all the new stuff is cool, but not much point upgrading if you won't make use of it.
  3. So Adobe are releasing Creative Suite 5 in 18 days time (See http://cs5launch.adobe.com/ ), and there's a cool new feature in Photoshop called Content Aware Filling that I think some of us will find extremely useful. Came across this video today which demonstrates it. And PatchMatch also looks fucking amazing: What do you think? Pretty cool I reckon.
  4. Well, geographicaly I think Australia is closer to the US than the UK, so maybe it will have slower ping times. Nothing we can really do about that, but I'd advise you moving to Europe if you want it to load faster
  5. Good to hear, thanks for everyone's comments. As I said in the original post, if you do come across any problems or the server becomes slow or something, post here and let me know so I can look into it.
  6. Good news everyone! TGTAP is now on it's brand new server in the UK. The hardware is a lot better and way more powerful, so everyone should notice an increase in stability and speed. If anyone has any comments on this or has found any bugs since the move then you can let me know in this topic. For those interested, the specs: 2x Quad-core Intel i7 E5530 (2.4GHz Gainestown) i7 CPUs 12GB DDR3 1333Mhz RAM 2x 500GB drives in RAID 750GB backup drive 100Mbit uplink (possibly upgrading to 1Gbit in the future)
  7. Yeah, what is the point of this post?
  8. I've increased the limit on the media tag so you can post up to 10 videos now. This first tune is the song of me and that special someone This one is also awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xEzboG8Oec
  9. SHOULD OF HAD BEEN A... the fuck? Honestly what the fuck is wrong with you man. Go and stand in the corner and think about what you've said. Return to your computer when you've figured out a way to improve your post.
  10. Looks like a dildo. I will use it accordingly.
  11. No one's are - we don't currently have anyone moderating the downloads as all our staff are too busy. Have approved yours now though, if anyone else is wanting theirs approved let me know in this topic and I'll make sure they get approved.
  12. Bottom left of every post, Bateman.
  13. I still +1'd you for effort
  14. So what does your message say? No one can be arsed to find a converter or actually work it out. It better be funny...
  15. Why would you have IE, Opera, Firefox, and Chrome all installed at the same time? I have to, I'm a web developer. Also I've no idea why you can't click shit Steam, anyone else having that problem?
  16. Thanks for the responses guys. I currently have a 4850 and thinking about it some more I might just keep this until I find it necessary to actually upgrade. At which time some better cards will probably be in my budget so I'll look/post again then. It's kinda annoying the two companies are pretty even at the moment. Was better back in the day when you asked and everyone would agree on one of them
  17. As topic title says... I may be doing a couple of upgrades to my PC in the near future, one of which will be my graphics card and I've no idea what to get. I haven't been keeping up to date with any developments from nVidia or ATi, so I've no idea who is best to go with at the moment. Anyone know? With my budget, if I went with nVidia I'd probably get a 250 or 260, and with ATi then I'd get a 5770. So if anyone has any personal experience with either of those cards, or knows of any good reviews comparing them, please let me know and post here so I can figure out what's best for me to get.
  18. Grand Theft Auto IV on Games for Windows LIVE is now available through the Games on Demand service. This means any of you who have not yet got your filthy hands on a copy of the game, can now download it directly from the Games for Windows LIVE client for just £19.99 (or $29.99). The PC version of GTA IV has some exclusive features including an easy-to-use video editor tool, hugely improved graphics, the Independence FM radio station that allows you to add your own songs in game. Plus insane up-to-32-player multiplayer matches. And remember, Episodes from Liberty City comes out on 30th March for the PC and PS3, so now would be the perfect time to get GTA IV.
  19. Well I'm a little bit late in posting these, but you all know what a lazy bastard I am and plus I have actually been kinda busy over the past couple of months (not really but a little bit). Anyway, without further ado, here are all the award winners' badges. We don't yet have an award system in place for IPB3, but there will be one eventually, it's just not a high priority right now. Congratulations to everyone who won, and commiserations to those who didn't, better luck next year eh!? In addition to the awards above, the staff were planning on giving out a few awards of their own. However we found that on most we either couldn't decide on a winner, or deemed that the awards would have some implications and we're not sure if members would see them as intended. That said, one award did produce a clear winner: Other awards included: Laziest Staff Member: Chris, chris82 and "everyone except Chris" were all mentioned Most Missed Staff Member: biggamer132, Dave and Slayer were mentioned Worst Member: Two people were nominated, one of whom had a clear lead Member Most Likely to Become Staff: Again, one person was nominated multiple times, but we felt if we gave out this award, that member may then expect to become staff at some point, people may see it as a promise of one day being staff, when obviously there are many factors involved in us choosing staff. So that's it for the 2009 awards! Overall they went pretty smoothly, not as many voters or indeed awards as last year, but we can put this down to the obvious (and half expected) decrease in activity. Hopefully this years 2010 awards will be an improvement.
  20. I text the girl to wish her a happy Valentine's Day, got a reply essentially saying "thanks, but I'm not in love with anyone to be wished a happy Valentine's"...
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