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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Rockstar have posted up an exclusive audio clip from Lazlow's new radio show in The Ballad of Gay Tony. You can listen to the clip below. <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=theballadofgaytony/EN/audio&vidID=9241' quality="high" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#000000" menu="false" width="310" height="90" name="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> Link: Rockstar News Wire
  2. Following on from the new trailer released earlier today, Rockstar have now launched the official site for The Ballad of Gay Tony. The site includes a number of brand new screenshots, and also contains a list of new weapons. See the rest in our gallery
  3. Rockstar have released another video clip from The Ballad of Gay Tony. This one introduces us to Yusuf Amir. The song featured in the clip is Arab Money by Busta Rhymes. <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=166&cacheAG=true' quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" menu="false" width="480" height="300" name="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
  4. From what I've heard, not generally, no.
  5. Pretty much every reputable gaming store has a trade-in scheme. What country do you live in?
  6. Rockstar have updated the brilliant mural at Canal and Greene Street, New York City, with some great Episodes from Liberty City artwork. Back in February for the fansite event I was able to snap this picture when it featured artwork for The Lost and Damned. Previously in 2007 it displayed the original IV logo. Link: Rockstar News Wire
  7. Nice pics, just went through the whole facebook album. Question: Why do all your pics have a kinda blue tint? Looks a bit weird that's all, what camera were you using? Some of the cars look really shit though. But I do like the Skylines and Evos. Oh and brunettes/black haired girls ftw. Blondes can bugger off Might check out the vid later.
  8. They're excellent words.

  9. I can't believe this became a meme like literally as soon after he pulled that douche bag stunt. I'll start us off: In case anyone's been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks. Here's what Kanye did.
  10. Awesome. I've never really cared about getting my own place.. until now. Most likely won't until about 2 years or so though. Will be living with my Dad for about a year, then after that year I'll be with a couple of friends while we finish our final year of uni... so once these 2 years are done then yeah... I definitely want my own place.
  11. We do not remove warnings, only when they are accidental would they be removed.

  12. Rockstar have confirmed in this little tidbit of news that fan favourite radio DJ Lazlow has recorded more content for his radio station in GTA IV, Integrity 2.0, which you'll be able to listen to in The Ballad of Gay Tony. Rockstar have also been answering some your questions, you can read those, and the answers, over here. Source: Rockstar News Wire
  13. Yeah I've started listening to electro and house recently, got into some dubstep now as well. Never used to be into this stuff so not sure why I'm changing tastes now but oh well This is a dubstep track: Boy Crisis - Dressed to Digress (Nero Remix), listen here: You like?
  14. Rockstar has released a new video with more scenes from The Ballad of Gay Tony, by way of a Weazel News report. Below is the feature on "Guns in Liberty City". <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=164&cacheAG=true' quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" menu="false" width="480" height="300" name="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> An HD version can be watched on Rockstar's website.
  15. Rockstar will be releasing a new video today, "A Weazel News Special Report: Guns in Liberty City". Look for it in the afternoon (EST) or early evening (GMT). It'll be up on the Rockstar News Wire as well as various trailer websites, and of course we'll be posting it here too.
  16. Rockstar have let us know that various big gaming sites will today be releasing online previews of The Ballad of Gay Tony. Some sites have already published theirs and we'll update this post with links and details etc. IGN EuroGamer Kotaku TeamXbox SPOnG 1UP GameSpot G4TV Play.tm Digital Spy See the 12 new screenshots in our gallery. UPDATE: 7 more new screenshots have been added to our gallery. In addition, some websites got exclusive shots - these can be seen at: IGN #1 and #2, GameSpot, 1UP and TeamXbox.
  17. The Internet IS my wife Slyde haha.
  18. Evo - play on the same server I play on with my mates. We don't have a clan or anything but.. yeah. etc.
  19. Also don't understand getting stuck. Weird for so many reasons. 1. Looks like a chav - why would she be at an indie/rock festival? 2. The toilets aren't ones you can get stuck down. I know because I've been to Reading Festival and it's the same. Two types. Campsite toilets are just a huge pool of water basically with rows of toilets above them. There's like a 1 metre drop so if you dropped your handbag down there's no way in hell you'd be able to retrieve it. The toilets in the arena itself are just your standard bathroom toilets, obviously not even big enough to drop a handbag down. But LOL. EDIT: oh right just seen the pic of the bogs, they look different to the ones that were at Reading. But still... she got herself stuck in one... LOL.
  20. I don't game much in general anymore. However, over Christmas probably a hell of a lot due to Modern Warfare 2 and Operation Flashpoint 2, plus a number of other decent games coming out
  21. Interesting choice of discussion topic! Shall we change to something more trivial now? How many hours per day do you guys and girls spend using the Internet? Me? I'm on it practically all day every day as I have no life
  22. Missed it because IPB no longer puts members names in their group colours under the Today's Birthdays section Happy birthday both of you anyway. Have a good one.
  23. Awesome thanks for that TG. And regarding the pronunciation of "la revedere" yeah it helped, I've actually used forvo.com before, it's a really useful site.
  24. Well pa is certainly the easiest way I have a tendency to pronounce things as I would if they were French which is a bad habit. e.g. La revedere I'm saying that like "la rev-uh-dare" which is probably completely wrong. EDIT: Do you pronounce the t at the end of "salut"? Or is it silent like in French? Da.
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