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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Where does it say that? At the top of every page (just below the search box) it says: View New Content which should work. Alternatively, at the bottom of the main page you have Today's Active Content. Ah he meant from the homepage, none of the links worked in the profile box bit next to the ad. I've fixed these now.
  2. Yeah that's exactly right, thank you, I meant to point that out. Folks your real post count is the one you see in topics here. Your profile page simply shows you how many posts you have in total on the forums, so, including Fun and Off-topic and Trash Can etc. where we don't count them.
  3. Using this one for now, but it maybe we make a lot of changes to it depending on how people feel about. Closing this news post now. Please continue any further discussion here.
  4. After several months of dabbling around with IPB3, we've finally decided to upgrade, and here we are on nice shiny new improved forum! The Skin As you can see we've already made modifications to the default skin. Apologies to those of you who liked the old one better, we weren't able to convert that. What I've done is integrate the forums into the main website layout, keeping the site 100% consistent throughout. New Features IPB3 brings with it a decent amount of new features, I'll give a brief overview here, and Gerard will also go into detail about a few important changes in the following post. Private Messaging PM's are now Private Conversations between you and up to 6 other members. It's pretty much the same as the old system really, with the added ability of sharing the conversation with multiple people. Statuses Those of you who are active Facebook users will know doubt enjoy using this. From the index page or your profile page you can now tell users what you're currently thinking/doing etc. This will be shown on your profile page. The Sidebar On the index page you will have noticed there is now a sidebar. This displays the latest user status updates, recently posted topics, and any forums/topics you are watching (subscribed to for updates). If this annoys you, you can always hide it by clicking the little X to the top right of it Of course there are many more. A topic will be posted later with a more in depth explanation to some of the features you may not be aware of or understand fully. Found a Bug? Something not working/looking like you expected it to? If you find a bug, let us know here. You may find that every single post on the forum shows up as "unread" for you. To fix this, you can click "Mark board as read" right at the bottom of the page. Staff Changes We've re-shuffled the staff a little. Retired staff members including Slayer and Jared have now been removed. Forum veteran Mike, whom you know as Righty, has been reassigned to the more appropriate position of Super Mod. Finally, joining me at the top is @Gerard (once again!). Gerard will be playing a much more active role on the forums now, and you'll see him implementing a number of changes soon. And on that note, Gerard will help explain some of the more important changes to how we're running this forum...
  5. 4:30 A.M. Well, the upgrade went very smoothly. We took a little longer than expected getting it all configured how we wanted it and implementing a few other changes. For the most part it's pretty much done now. Please head over to the upgrade topic which gives details of the upgrade itself and various changes we've made to various aspects of the forum. You should definitely read that. If you're not already a member of our ever-growing forum, now would be a great time to join our community! Being a member has many benefits, being able to post topics and chat with other users being an obvious advantage, and you'll also be able to upload mods to our downloads database, among other things. If this sounds like something you might be interested, go ahead and sign up, it only takes a few moments! I mentioned on our Twitter feed earlier this week that today we would most likely be looking to upgrade our forums. This is now going to happen at 1:30 A.M (UK time) when our traffic levels have dropped. Obviously our forums will be offline for the duration of the upgrade, and some parts of the website will be non-functional until it is completed, such as the user area of the downloads database. Our upgraded forums will have many new useful features that IPB3 introduces, and will bring us greater capabilities for expanding in the future. There will be a pinned topic detailing new features and explaining some other changes we will be making, and this news post will be updated with all relevant links once the process is complete. The forums will remain online for the next few hours until we're ready to upgrade. Any questions/concerns can be posted in the comments.
  6. uTorrent has huge market share, would be surprised if anyone here used anything else.
  7. Fingers all the way. How the fuck are you going to use multi-touch functionality with a pen!?
  8. Chris


    Yeah McAffee sucks. Just uninstall it and use a free one, there's plenty around. AVG Free is a popular choice here.
  9. Chris


    Scott, the iPhone 3GS is £175 over here, on a 2 year contract at £35 a month. 24 * £35 = £840 + £175 = £1015 That's £1015 ($1676) you're paying, and only for 2 years, and that's the cheapest contract. That's why it's not more popular around the rest of the world. In Europe and Asia the market is a lot stronger and there's much more competition here.
  10. Also you can't even compare those two games, they're not in the same genre. Anyway. Settle down now gentlemen.
  11. You pre-order so you receive it on the day. Not to secure a copy. Dumbass.
  12. I pre-ordered last night
  13. This is awesome. Congrats on a great vid, makes me want to play GTA IV again!! Also good to see some proper video encoding, instead of the usual retards using DivX .avi you used x264 Props to you sir for an excellent job on every aspect of the video.
  14. Really? Hmm... maybe we did, I'm pretty sure it was ONLY in Reception, perhaps Year 1 as well...honestly can't remember. Definitely didn't have in Year 2 though.
  15. Chris


    @Steam: Yeah but, I mean when would you realistically have your phone in outside of a -20C to 45C temperature range. Unless you live in an insanely hot (or cold) country this is never going to be a problem. If you're stupid enough to leave your phone in a hot car (PROTIP: it will get stolen anyway) then who cares it's your own fault. @GTAP: LOL that sucks, more so if you're popular and always have people texting/phoning you. Luckily that's not the case for me, and luckily I don't live in a country that has such bad phone plans.
  16. Chris


    How the fuck can you overheat a phone?
  17. Chris


    I like it now, the latest version 3GS actually has decent features. I thought the previous versions were awful and so far behind in terms of technology. I think that's mainly because phones in Europe in Asia are so far ahead though. For the US it was fine because there's nothing better available on their market. Unfortunately it's far too expensive for me to justify buying. Slightly off topic but am I right in thinking that in the USA you have to PAY to RECEIVE phone calls. LOL, imagine that. Like someone needs to get in contact with you and you have no credit. Then they die. Stupid.
  18. LOL Biff and Chip FTW. Unfortunately we only had those books in Reception, and my reading skill was "too advanced" for my age (5 years old) so I had to read books that the older kids would read in Year 1 and 2. I think I was deprived
  19. I think Ricky Gervais is hilarious most of the time. UK version of The Office was ok, haven't seen then US so can't compare. I've heard it's actually funnier though which is pretty strange, usually the US remakes of British shows are fucking terrible.
  20. Since rep is different in IPB3 I decided to completely remove it from here before we upgrade.
  21. It's more than that Gerard. 98% of visitors to TGTAP use a Microsoft OS. 45% of visitors to TGTAP use a Microsoft web browser. Also thanks for clearing up the XML thing, I was hoping that was the case. Didn't really trust the source. Good to hear docx will still be used by Office. I like OOo as well but it's doc/docx handling is not that great, and since that's what everyone uses I wanna be able to read stuff correctly.
  22. Yes, you're in luck! There are 1,198,003,000 people living in India. I think a few of those are members here! Honestly though what's this topic about? Why is it posted in the Vice City section?
  23. I'm sorry this seems like a step backwards to me. MS finally starts doing something right by using a format based on XML resulting in a number of benefits, greater compatibility and hugely smaller filesizes for a start, and now they get told they can't. What now, go back to the old .doc format? And no it won't result in the end of Office. It's far too widely used in industry. Non tech-savvy people hate change, employees will complain if their company switches to OO and will want Office back. Unless they make their product worse and worse every year I doubt anything will change in terms of market share.
  24. Nope, nothing else is being changed at the moment. Those pages load fine for me. It'll be offline for a few hours at the most.
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