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Everything posted by Chris

  1. But normally you just use "salut" to say hello, right? What about "goodbye", there's several ways to say that isn't there, which is the most commonly used?
  2. Yeah that's what I've found. Obviously using Google Translate right now . I think the grammar is the hardest part, but some words seem not too hard... a number of words I've come across are similar to either English or French/Spanish/Other latin languages I have some knowledge of. So for example, without using a translator I kind of figured that the word 'buna' meant 'good', because I already knew in French this is 'bien' and Spanish 'buena' ... it's so similar. Same with the numbers 1 - 10... they seem pretty similar to French and Spanish so I could tell what they were before using a translator just to clarify. So yeah I'm not sure how well I'll be able to learn just from people on the internet
  3. Da, sunt suparata acum I'm sort of serious actually... in case anyone here does speak it...
  4. Chris

    Left 4 Dead 2

    I'll be getting this game anyway I expect. When the first came out we were addicted to it. Some of this might be kinda the same yes, but it's still cool.
  5. LOL. Unlucky. But, how did he/she get it though, do you know? I only ask because I'm genuinely interested in how you get a virus these days. Sure I could intentionally go to dodgy porn websites and download FreePr0ns.exe but why would I?
  6. I don't think high end stuff is relevant in this case though. What you've posted there is most likely fine for her. I suppose Steam has a point with a bigger power supply though to help the future upgrade potential. 400W is pretty low even these days. Granted it's probably enough for her but you never know.
  7. Mă gândesc de învăţare român, din motive nespecificate. Oricine vrea să mă ajute?
  8. How the hell did you get this virus? I don't even use an AV and I don't get viruses :/
  9. Rockstar has released a new video clip from The Ballad of Gay Tony, focusing on "Gay" Tony Prince. The video is roughly one minute long and features Tony's nightclubs, Hercules and Maisonette 9. Watch below or head over to Rockstar's website for the HD version. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="480" height="300" id="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="menu" value="false" /> <param name="movie" value='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=163' /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /> <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=163' quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" menu="false" width="480" height="300" name="RockstarMediaPlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></object>
  10. Google AdSense he presumably meant. People never usually donate to websites unless it's for a good reason, i.e. sites like Wikipedia, or a charity, or perhaps a private community that you belong to and strongly support. A general website would be lucky to receive any donations. Huck: PayPal is by far the safest way for you to pay myself or whatever company you end up going with. EDIT: Also just to clarify what I meant about bad hosting in the Philippines. The country isn't well connected. We can see this by the speedtest results you've previously posted showing how slow a typical internet connection is there. The servers will obviously be faster, and since you live there your ping times might be fine, but for everyone else outside of Ph. they're going to find it painfully slow I would imagine.
  11. If paid I can host you on my dedicated server in the UK. Sorry but can't do for free. I can most likely match any deal you can find on any Filipino host you were looking at.
  12. The latest issue of Xbox World 360 Magazine went on sale today in the UK. It contains an eight-page preview of The Ballad of Gay Tony. Below is an overview of some of the new details revealed: The HUD (Heads-Up-Display) is a "Parma Violet-style pink/purple". The Ballad of Gay Tony features around 20 missions (about the same as The Lost and Damned), so it'll probably take around 5 hours to complete the game. Missions get scored out of 100% depending on your style and efficiency. You can re-play missions at any time in order to improve your scores. Three nightclubs are accessible - Bahama Mamas, Hercules and Maisonette 9. Luis is tasked with managing Hercules and Maisonette 9 - the two clubs which belong to Gay Tony. Hercules was not available during this preview. The golf course in Algonquin behind Memory Lanes now has a purpose! A golfing minigame has been added. New websites have been added to the in-game internet. Additionally, four missions were detailed. So if you want to remain spoiler free about the game until you get it, stop reading this news post now. Spoilers ahead. Big thanks to Adam at GTA4.net for these details.
  13. That one looks absolutely shit based on reviews, so don't get it. I've actually never had a problem with Seagate though, currently using a mixture of Seagate and WD drives in my PC at the moment (see my about page for the model numbers if you're interested). No problems with any of them so far.
  14. What the article doesn't tell you is that this is completely normal behaviour for a Japanese person. In fact, have you seen some of the shit the Japs get up to? This woman is comparatively sane compared to them!
  15. Never used the mod, but you'll need a GXT editor to change the language files, which I presume is where it's getting that from. Those are mission names though, so if it's using the same string it'll change those too. But yeah, a GXT editor is the tool you'll need.
  16. USA Today gave us a little Ballad of Gay Tony exclusive last Tuesday, today they bring us an interview with Rockstar's vice president for creative development, Dan Houser. Speaking about The Ballad of Gay Tony, Houser said: Want to read on? You should definitely check out the full article, a very interesting read to say the least.
  17. Yeah this is the one you got, Bulletproofboy.
  18. A number of gaming sites have tonight posted their own hand-on previews of the PSP version of Chinatown Wars. In addition to the previews there are also some brand new screenshots of the game. At the end of this post is a list of sites you can read previews of the game on. So go ahead and pick your favourite for all the juicy details. A quote from IGN: IGN Eurogamer SPOnG Kotaku Play.tm UGO G4TV PocketGamer ElectricPig
  19. A quick heads up to say Rockstar has released an automatic title update for the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV. The update fixes the invisible player issue and prevents the use of cheat code exploits in multiplayer games. You'll be prompted to download the patch next time you start the game up.
  20. Looks like a cross between those coloured Dell Inspirons and an old MacBook... meh.
  21. Can't you upload on a myspace account or some shit where I can stream them? I'm too lazy to download and open them in my favourite media playing program.
  22. Guys it's already in the known issues. Don't need three more people to confirm it :/
  23. Seems like quite a serious issue here, the article could have done without the sexism. It's pretty weird though, not sure I'd want to breastfeed (with my own) any future children I have :/
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