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Status Updates posted by Chris

  1. So much nostaligia! #PlayStationMemories. For The Players Since 1995: http://t.co/HwOoPLhQdn

    1. BlackListedB


      I'm actually going to see if my PS2 GTA Stories might work on my PS3 repair unit, but I have a phat PS2 in reserve, and some old PS1 games

    2. BlackListedB


      I see in the PS2 era room on the wall is a Kasabian poster, no one knew who they were back then, if they even were!

  2. 'A wonderful inspiration' - Maria De Villota tributes http://t.co/49fjJOkBNw #F1

  3. This better be as good as the original seasons: Jack Bauer surfaces for '24: Live Another Day' http://t.co/ydhb7PfB8Y via @usatoday

  4. Formula E - FIA Formula E Championship unveils provisional 2014/2015 calendar http://t.co/maUgWt2Xox #FormulaE

  5. Had a great time playing #GTAOnline with @rockstargames in NYC today @ Hotel On Rivington http://t.co/8DeJV6hE3G

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlackListedB


      Will they admit a reason for delaying the online aspect? I had ideas about why, but none of us can say for sure

    3. Chris


      As far as I know it was always intended to be launched after GTAV.

    4. BlackListedB


      Still the reasoning is not public information, like any further expansion to PS4 or Xbox1, but PC, I would say the same as you just did RE PC versions

  6. Poor Mark. Such a bullshit regulation. #F1 http://t.co/5ONsL3uGBm

  7. RT @TheGTAPlace: Big thanks to @RockstarGames again for another #GTAV care package! http://t.co/GeRcgqr4mF

    1. Blur


      R* really should add these to their warehouse. I would buy it.

  8. All-Electric Formula E Will Be the Race to Watch in 2014 | Autopia | http://t.co/QMI8xtSuaP http://t.co/jBoycPcpdn

  9. #GTAV Finally. Took UPS 11 hours to drive a few miles to deliver it. Not like I really wanted this game or anything http://t.co/8RYiqXlTwH

    1. Nate10


      mfw a few miles u_u

  10. Wife-stealers hail Grand Theft Auto V http://t.co/w9BiyzYO1E

  11. My copy of #GTAV is currently in Germany... I do hope UPS can get it to my house in the UK in time! :/ http://t.co/2TEaVdSK7a

  12. RT @SkySportsF1: Here's the story as Felipe Massa confirms he will not be driving for Ferrari in 2014... http://t.co/kOrUjriG2j #SkyF1

    1. Nate10



  13. RT @BuzzFeedUK: If "Breaking Bad" had been set in the UK (via @keeltyc) http://t.co/nOHcUsSy0k

  14. You think!? – http://t.co/EBAMMjcs8f - Blatter: Awarding Qatar World Cup may have been 'a mistake' http://t.co/1SoPMv5PYU

  15. NSA and GCHQ unlock privacy and security on the internet http://t.co/5OzMqdChGa via @guardian

  16. BBC News - Miniature 'human brain' grown in lab http://t.co/2fGtmFISv4

  17. RT @rob_swire: We're probably going to release another Pendulum album some time next year.

  18. GTA Cheats app update approved in 2 days #iosreviewtime

  19. Another app I've submitted an update for went into review after just 16 hours, but is still in review 12 hours later. Bit strange :/

  20. Geography quiz app (flags/countries/capitals) I made for #iOS as a little side project out now free on the @AppStore http://t.co/z0bLeUTAaO

  21. RT @stevenwaterfall: Insane! – Android Fragmentation Report (July 2013) http://t.co/6fgYwPosop

  22. 'Breaking Bad' episodes will air on Netflix UK immediately following US broadcast http://t.co/Dc2cd9YOZW via @verge

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