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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris


    How, we aren't Newegg. Go through the site and just don't complete the order when it asks you to pay :/
  2. This news is made of win and god! Awesome.
  3. How the hell did you manage to get that from me saying I made a one page website for the trailer? :S Wonderful comprehension skills there... @laggynoob: None of what you just said makes any sense. I don't think you really understand how search engines or the Internet works, therefore I'm not sure you're in a place to comment about it.
  4. Yeah I made a page full of ads just to make money. If it gets popular you can sell the site for quite a bit of money, so the link is there just to help it rank better in search engines
  5. Fun and Off-topic practically acts as a shoutbox already.
  6. Oh it already is different, I just forgot to remove the line for pointer cursor. Done now. I'll sort the image out when I get back from NY.
  7. lol rappo We're not having a shoutbox simply because no respectable website would ever have one, the ONLY thing that gets posted in them is spam. If you want to talk about stuff, use the forums, forums are for discussions. I realise you guys aren't webmasters but seriously you need to learn about why sites don't have this sort of novelty shit on them. We're a professional and respected fansite, if you genuinely believe shoutboxes are useful and an important feature then I'm afraid you'll need to leave here and visit one of the fansites that is very small and isn't acknowledged by R* etc. Simple as that.
  8. Oh damn, yeah that'll be broken if you uploaded it here, I'll just go fix that. Thanks! EDIT: Can you confirm it's fixed now?
  9. For anyone who's interested, I have made a change on the homepage so that if you're logged in, the "Join the Forums" image will be faded out and instead you'll see your avatar along with relevant forum links such as to the main forum page, my controls, your profile page, new posts, and your pm's. Comments/feedback?
  10. "MIA" lol. It's true though, and yeah GBA actually did pretty well. Sorry for the epic delays in getting the awards announced. Not as bad as one forum I'm on though, which still hasn't done their nominations yet (not a GTA forum btw) Now that the New York trip has come up I'll make a point of doing them when I get back, so expect to see a topic next weekend. Sorry to keep you all waiting etc.
  11. Throw out the plant, get a new one and water it, you tool. You need a nice desk, I dunno if IKEA has US stores but if they do then get down there and get something decent, Scandinavians generally know how to design stuff out of wood. Put your PC/laptop and monitor on it, along with your lava lamp, lava lamps aren't really cool anymore but whatever. 5.1 surround sound. Don't need anything awesome unless you're an audiophile, Logitech X-540 are some good speakers that I've got, I'd recommend them. Fairly cheap now. Get rid of theose speakers you have at the moment. Any furniture you aren't using get rid of it so you have more space. If money is left, a nice chair would be a good idea. If your budget really is $6,000 then you are a lucky man and could get some incredibly nice stuff for your room.
  12. POTD is pretty popular isn't it? Yeah I keep meaning to change that so it shows relevant forum links if you're already logged in. I'll do that when I get back from NY.
  13. Lol you're weird. Why don't you just drag a TGTAP link on to your bookmarks toolbar so all you have to do is click it :/
  14. Well if you're 1 hour behind Eastern it'll be at midnight, but I dunno about daylight savings an whether that's in affect right now in some parts of the US, hopefully someone else can confirm. Could be that it airs at the same time.
  15. We just got word from R* that The Lost and Damned is going to be on GameTrailers TV tomorrow night in a special feature, here's the email containing the full details on what to expect from the show: So make sure you're tuned in on either Spike TV or GameTrailers.com at the specified time, should be an interesting watch.
  16. Rockstar have announced that a new trailer for The Lost and Damned will be going live next week, so keep an eye out for that. Rockstar also added a new screenshot on the Official GTA IV site entitled "Angels of Death", check that out below.
  17. Lol, it always was. Also I never said I wasn't going to ask it. Chill out.
  18. Shit, put .jpg twice in the URL! fixed now, thanks.
  19. Yeah I actually planned on asking that myself. Don't expect an answer though... I'll try my trick of engaging in casual conversation then randomly slipping in a question to catch them off guard I'll also ask about the next DLC too... when it's coming, is it a new story, or will it carry on from Niko or Johnny... etc.
  20. This topic doesn't apply to everyone, but a fair amount of you. If it concerns you, please reply. If not, disregard it. Just need some opinions/comments that's all. I'm aware a lot of you guys seem to have TGTAP forums bookmarked, or you just come straight here or whatever, completely skipping the homepage, missing any news updates and the like. The only way you see the latest news is if you happen to see the "latest post" link on the GTA News forum at the top. So I'm just wondering, how come you skip the homepage? Are we missing relevant stuff that would make you visit the homepage if we did have it? Don't you care about any GTA news? Something else? Today I realised it most because I posted about being invited to NY at the same time as I posted the new artwork... and because the artwork topic got a reply first, it's shown as the "latest post" and you guys see that glancing over the forum. Maybe check it out, reply, and go back to the rest of the forum... because you haven't visited the homepage you're unaware that this is not in fact the latest story. I remember when I posted about the IV event in NYC, loads of people posted with questions for me. Now it seems, no one actually wants me to ask any questions to R* on their behalf?? Normally we'd have loads of you wanting to ask R* something, and I'm assuming you haven't posted simply because you're unaware of the topic there. Might not be the reason why but I've seen it happen in the past where we've posted multiple news stories in a short space of time, and some receive very little interest when they're things that typically would do. So yeah if this describes you, please reply and let me know why it is you come straight here. Your comments could help improve TGTAP if it appears we need to add certain content to the homepage. Thanks.
  21. Nope. Yeah it's an absolute pain in the arse but it's the only way you can be sure! Best thing to have done is to have used a 100% checklist when you first started the game, bit late of me to say now but it saves time in the long run
  22. Not sure, unless I've missed it from recent previews we don't. Original filename was just Biker_Chick_Art_copy.jpg which doesn't give away any information other than the fact she is female and rides a motorbike. Oh and also drinks piss water. Thinking to other female artworks, I guess she could play a role as large as Elizabeta's, or be practically not in the game, like Lola. I guess that's something I might find out in NY.
  23. You don't, well I guess you could ask by emailing them but we've been on the mailing list for years when Richard used to be the webmaster. They've probably changed things now because there are literally hundreds of fansites and I guess they don't exactly what hundreds of people on there. If you're a big site you'll get recognised etc. Not really much more you can do. Pretty sure they will email updates (heads up when official site is being updated and things like that) to most fansites who ask, then the large (and I mean really big) fansites for both English speaking and foreign languages get sent exclusive screenshots and "care packages" (swag) once in a while. It seems only a select few get invited to events, understandable considering the costs involved though.
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