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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah they all work fine now. I know I've got a PM from you to reply to, thanks for reminding me
  2. Actually that's my crappy net. People uploading/downloading here so my upload speed sucks, turns out the last two didn't upload properly. First two should be working fine though, check the others out in a while when they'll have finished uploading again.
  3. Rockstar have given us the heads up to let you all know about an upcoming fansite event for The Lost and Damned. You may remember last April myself and some of the other fansite webmasters were invited to New York to experience GTA IV first hand. Well Rockstar have been kind enough to invite us all back again, so it looks like we'll be getting a similar experience this time round with The Lost and Damned. I will indeed be going, and I'll try and find out some info for you but you know what R* are like! Still, if you can think of any good questions for me to ask them about the DLC then go ahead and post a comment. I'll also hopefully get some better photos this time round and will share them all with you once I get back, along with a unique fan perspective/review of the game and experience as we did last time. P.S. If you didn't see it earlier, there's some awesome new hi res artwork for TLAD out.
  4. Rockstar have sent us over some insanely high res artwork for The Lost and Damned. If you're on a slow connection you might wanna give these a miss, they'll take a while to download. Click the thumbs below for the full size versions: Also on the subject of artwork, Patrick Brown, whose name you may recognise for creating some amazing fan artwork for the GTA series has made yet another astounding piece. We've posted about him once or twice before, and felt this latest piece was definitely worth a mention. Check out his DeviantArt page for loads more.
  5. Actually London isn't such a bad idea, only downside is everything's expensive as fuck. Could probably only meet up for the day and go home that night. i.e. not a whole lot going on due to the time it would take everyone to get there.
  6. I'd rape that zombie's brains out (so that it died obviously, and I saved the world). But yeah, not sure about the eye, but the skin effects look roarsome.
  7. Well if anyone's gonna organise it then it'll need to be one per country, possibly one for all of Europe if people are willing to fly to the UK. The reason is for the number of members in one area. US could do it because there's loads of you. But a lot of Americans have never flown and won't leave their home state so that might fuck things up if there's only a few. Majority of you are underage too so what exactly will you do? Go to someone's house and play GTA? Awesome. Anyway, not like I can organise another country's so it's someone else's bother. A UK one would be really easy to organise based on the huge amount of members we have from there and how small the country is. Best thing to do (for any meet): Agree on a date (2 days/nights) Rent out a large house/manor or some shit with like 10 bedrooms for 2 nights or so. In an area where the most people can easily get to [*]Have one person arrange the securing of the house, have the others all pay you a deposit so no one shows up paying fuck all and you're left with a 10 bedroom house for yourself or something! [*]Make sure everyone's transport is arranged [*]Have people bring all the game consoles to the house, and ensure TV's are there (bring one if not obviously) [*]Maybe an age limit, 18+ maybe a little restrictive, so 15/16+ maybe a better option to get more people. But at least everyone can go out and drink/club or whatever if over 18. In the US you're fucked over by ages anyway so doesn't matter about age limits for you since barely anyone here is 21+. [*]Have at least a few people of age so they can buy alcohol and bring it back to the house for everyone to enjoy [*]When everyone is there, have fun! That's basically it. GTAF did a UK meet in Blackpool (I think) last year, a few members showed up and it was a success, sort of, way more members planned to go but never did. Still, I'm pretty sure if someone organised it well enough a meet up in some country could work for TGTAP too. I reckon for UK, we'd need to keep it England due to the lack of Scots and Welsh here, probably somewhere in the general Midlands area would do best since it's in the middle so no one has an epic amount of travel to do. I'm not wanting to organise it, but if one is organised then I'd like to attend.
  8. Lol I'd love to see a beach made of snow. If it was like the day after, and sunny, it would be the most surreal shit to see people sunbathe there. It's be cold as fuck but you'd get an insane tan maybe
  9. Excellent.

    BTW, lol, just noticed on your interests, your girlfriend is the very last thing you decide to mention :P

    I wonder if she's aware of this, she may like to be slightly higher on the list :P

  10. A surprising number of people are here because it's a forum they "haven't been banned on" - maybe we're not being strict enough, maybe we should go around banning some more people?
  11. LOL Mods. Looks like someone saw to your topic. We don't allow advertising here, but you're allowed a link in your sig, so just have it there
  12. The most we'll get is like a foot of snow over here, usually only ever up North though. That's fuck all for Americans, they get way more and more often so it's not a bother. It completely fucks this country over which is why I love it. Everyone becomes incompetent. It's awesome. It is pretty bad this week though since it actually is pretty much the entire island that's getting hit. Even got it where I am in the West Midlands, only like a couple of centimetres but yeah. Fuck global warming! It's fucking freezing here, literally, -4 or some shit. For a Brit this is a fucking cold. If you're a Russian or some shit then it's nice and warm so you're not allowed to complain etc
  13. I see. Well, mine's essentially just a screen capture from a video so it's not much :P

    I've been fine though, you?

  14. Probably not too long since all the models such as the characters and bikes are already in the game (some are hidden away) which is what I would assume would be the bulk of the file size.
  15. I'm alright mate, how are you?

  16. Thanks. Yours is pretty awesome too.

  17. Yeah was getting bored of the old one, plus, Christmas was ages ago.

  18. I wouldn't be so sure about that L-Ric. It was actually incredibly close. Was one of the reasons I left the polls open as long as I did, wanted to make sure there weren't ties etc. Me and Ice were level one point before I closed, I actually told some people to vote and hoped it still didn't end in a tie. It didn't.
  19. Seems like a rather emphatic way to go out, 3 games? Wow. It's dead. Waste of time and resources by EA I think. They could have dedicated them to another game.
  20. I don't know anything about laptop graphics cards, wait until chris82 sees this thread, he'll know if it's any good or not. That processor might not hold up too well for IV though. Something a little faster might be needed.
  21. We've closed the polls for the 2008 awards now. Since we're not ready to hand out all the awards, I've hidden the polls away for now so it's a bit more of a surprise when we announce the winners, so you don't just go through them and look who's winning etc. Hopefully have the badges made sometime this week and perhaps dish them out next weekend. Well done to everyone, some were very close.
  22. Shipping costs to the UK will be a nightmare, and most US retailers refuse to ship electronics outside the country. I will always advise against going with Dell, the only good thing about them is the customisation they offer. Apart from that they're incredibly unreliable, have shitty support, and are poorly built. HP (the UK site) might be a place to look. If you're fine with a stock model which fits your specs then use these popular and reputable sites: http://www.ebuyer.com http://www.scan.co.uk http://www.dabs.co.uk http://www.microdirect.co.uk http://www.overclockers.co.uk http://www.ebuyer.com/product/149035 - this one has everything you specified, even BluRay, though no HDMI port. £771.61 so slightly over your budget, but all the cheaper ones have integrated graphics so you'd have no chance of playing IV.
  23. Rockstar have updated the official Lost and Damned website with some more new content. Another new screenshot has been added to the official GTA IV website for Ashley Butler, the "party girl who partied too much". Other updates include: Johnny Klebitz trailer - shown earlier on GameTrailers Republican Space Rangers The Martin Serious Show The new screenshots
  24. Not really. Even just reading the last page I can see numerous speeds above 10, yours doesn't touch 8. Also, you have no idea about Sweden's infrastructure do you... that's a perfectly normal speed in some countries.
  25. You don't believe in abortions? Dude, there's nothing to believe about it. It's completely real and not a myth. Whether you agree with it or not is another matter but if you're going to make a topic about it, how about presenting a more informed argument rather than just trying to use words that you have no idea of the meaning of.
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