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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I was about to say none and point out how only one person realised it's a tortoise and not a turtle. I was about to reference Wikipedia for lulz and then realised there are actual geographic differences in which countries call what species what... apparently in America it's "turtle" or "sea turtle", and "tortoise" is only ever used to refer to members of the true tortoise family, as opposed to all land dwelling turtles, as in British and Australian English. There's some random turtle/tortoise knowledge for you! Very hilarious but old video. I like it though.
  2. Well yeah. Turn off all of Vista's "security features" because although they probably do their job quite well, they're a pain in the ass to people like me who actually know wtf they're doing on their PC.
  3. Bioshock 2, Mafia II, DLC 2, AND RDR. Fucking awesome. They need to be spaced months apart though otherwise sales will be compromised. I don't really care what order they're released in tbh.
  4. Due to the large amount of files being uploaded to our database and lack of time on staff member's part, some of you are waiting more than a few days for your mods to be approved and are understandably getting frustrated and posting topics here about it. This topic should address some of the problems we face and help you understand our position and why we may not have approved your mod sooner. Why do our mods need to be approved by you? It's a safety and integrity measure. If we didn't approve/check mods ourselves, people could upload viruses and other malware and we'd be responsible for distributing it. On a less serious note, some people upload truly awful and poorly made mods that we simply do not want in our database. Why hasn't my mod been approved yet? We get a lot of mod submissions. It takes time to check each mod is what it's said to be, and that the file contains no viruses. A huge problem is with people uploading mods they've downloaded from other websites that they didn't actually make themselves. This means we often need to check the uploader is also the actual author of the mod. A backlog thus builds up since we can't check every minute of everyday, and so we end up missing genuine mods sometimes. I've waited more than 48 hours and my mod is still not approved, can I post here to bring it to your attention? Sure. If you're adamant your mod is worthy of inclusion in our database, and you are the one who's made it, then post the name/ID of it here and we'll check it out as soon as we see your post, and hopefully approve it. My mod was unapproved/deleted. Why? Reasons why this may have occured: Not your mod - file will either be deleted or attributed to the real author Duplicate - the mod is already in our database Contains virus / other malware Mod was very badly made, no readme etc. - also if you drew over a skin in MS Paint... we hate those :/ Is there any way I can skip the mod approval process? Yes there is actually. Authors with 3 or more files already approved will automatically bypass the process and have files immediately appearing in the database. This is in place because we believe that if you already have this amount of mods then in all likelihood you're a trustworthy person. Of course, should you then break the rules regarding mods you'll be warned or even banned and risk having some/all your files removed. What rules are there for uploading mods? You'll find these above the upload form. Why can't I delete screenshots or change the category of my mod? These limits were originally put in place to prevent abuse. i.e. people deleting all screens of their mods so people don't know what it looks like in game, or moving their mod to an inappropriate category so it's not easily found. Screenshot removal is something that will be added in the future though. In the meantime, if you need screenshots removed or the category changed, PM Chris on the forums and ask. If there's something I've missed, or anything you need clarification on, please post here. Otherwise, this topic can now be used to fasttrack your mod approval for those who are desperate
  5. Looks like rem approved it. Thanks. Closing this now and I'll make a topic concerning file approval because this is getting a bit stupid now.
  6. In case you haven't seen them already, Rockstar have put up a couple of new gameplay videos on the official Chinatown Wars website. The first demonstrates how to hack terminals and assemble a sniper rifle with the DS stylus, while the second focuses on the drug trade in Liberty City, showing how to become a street pharmacist. Chinatown Wars will be released in less than a week, that's 17th March in the US, and 20th March everywhere else. It's a game you definitely don't want to miss out on. Link: official Chinatown Wars website
  7. I swear this discussion has been had before but can't actually find it. It's a fair point though. I think what we'll do for now is just move them all to fun and offtopic so people won't just do it for the post count. I think one of the reasons for not having one big topic is simply because it would get absolutely massive and would be confusing to find which posts were for which member and all that. At least if someone has their own topic then they can talk about anything relevant that happened and also see who actually gives a shit about them - people that don't give a shit can simply skip the topic
  8. Sure, just go into the control panel, make sure you're in Classic View so all the options are shown -> appearance and personalisation -> customize colors -> Click on "open classic appearance properties..." and then just select an alternative from the color scheme dropdown, Vista Basic would be fine.
  9. Just an error on HMV's part. Not "fake" just not real either.
  10. Fuck file-sharing websites. Follow his instructions though. For the GTA community, it would be best to upload to a well known and popular fansite with a huge downloads database. Both of you have clearly failed to realise that, but you're actually on one right now, and our upload form is just a click away.
  11. It couldn't get Summer Glau's character from The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but some of the questions to be fair are quite awkward to answer, especially the "is she a human being?" one.
  12. Closed due to YJ being on her period.
  13. You're the fool for uploading a cropped version of the GTA IV map, and for believing it's in GTA IV. The only similarity is the fact it's most of Liberty City being used that was in IV, minus Alderney. The map itself is actually pretty much that though. But what you've posted is from GTA IV, not from CW. The Huang Lee thing in the LCPD cars police search in IV is simply an easter egg that R* told us (the fansite webmasters) to tell everyone about when we were in New York with them.
  14. Long overdue. Not all that exciting but I guess good news for the people who wanted them!
  15. There's like a new one posted everyday. Most already exist as well. I realise this is an equally useless topic so if anyone has a good idea of what to do then post a post in this topic saying what to do. The person who comes up with the best idea of what to do in this topic wins a free lifetime membership to the "I like to dress up like a princess" club. Wondering how TGTAP struck up such a sweet deal? Well, we didn't. I stole rockstarrem's membership card.
  16. I'm impressed if you genuinely realised that before using a translator. I was expecting only some of the members who've been here way longer than you to get it, for other reasons
  17. He is using that already, you can see the BLOCK tab on the top right of each flash element. And yeah those ads happened to me too, they take up a shitload of screen space and do it without you even rolling over them. I do hope these aren't driving away visitors because it's pretty ridiculous to be honest.
  18. vreau sa fac sex cu tine. A highly useful phrase I once learned You guys can figure out the language. Enjoy.
  19. They never did. I consider them lower than rapists and murderers. I'd much rather be friends with a serial killer and rapist than a chav. The only community that are lower than chavs, in my opinion, are paedophiles... barring them, nothing is worse than a chav. That's how much I detest them.
  20. Learn to read Husky, seriously, you're blatant ignorance annoys the shit out of me. Unless anyone else reading my posts thinking I hate Vista? I've been using it as my main OS for well over a year now, I like it, I don't deny it doesn't have flaws, but it's been fine for me. No major problems, drivers for every possible thing I could want, every game runs smooth as hell etc.
  21. LOL Australian internet. I feel sorry for you guys. I mean I like your country, I do, but your Internet is appalling! Gotta love that Eastern European internet though. War torn countries like that have their telecommunications crippled to shit so they start new ones with fibre optics and it pays off now. I secretly wish the UK had been a bit more badly bombed during the war (just our telecoms, not people) so that we'd all be on fibre optic now. The govt can't justify the upgrade costs for the entire country now so we're stuck with copper wire until the ISPs put fibre optics down themselves, which, thankfully, a few seem to have started
  22. Chris

    Happy birthday! Have a good one etc.

  23. What the hell? Are you seriously not reading my posts? Why the fuck would I use an OS I "hated"? I never said that. Please do explain where are you getting this from?
  24. So people who have windows XP say that Vista sucks is because they are jealous because they don't have Vista? Why did you quote my post? It had nothing to do with jealousy. If that's all you got from it then you need to improve your comprehension skills. I was addressing people's ignorance. Partly true, dunno why you CAPS LOCK OMFG that but yeah. If anyone's thinking of upgrading now, don't. Wait til 7 comes out because it's actually looking like Windows Vista done properly, in other words, a pretty decent OS.
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