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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Which member was average or worse, and improved to become a pretty decent member here? Surprised to see a couple of names on here, not because I don't think they've improved, but because I thought they were fine when they joined and thus, didn't need to improve :/
  2. Who helped people out the most this year?
  3. This is for mods and super mods, it didn't include admins. Vote for the one you respect the most.
  4. Very nice award to win here. Great to see a good number of people nominated for it. Good luck to everyone in this.
  5. Was surprised to see myself nominated for this one. Didn't think I'd answered that many questions on the game but perhaps I have. Not sure who my vote's going to yet.
  6. Yet another one I'm not sure who to vote for...
  7. Another close one. Not sure who to vote for yet.
  8. Haven't made my mind up on this one yet. It's gonna be close I think.
  9. Again going by the trivia topic, I voted for TNF, simply for the sheer amount of questions he's answered in the topic. Excellent.
  10. Well, my vote is going to Earthbound this year. Was close though, going by the trivia topic alone, both TNF and Husky answered loads of questions. Wasn't sure which of the three to vote for.
  11. The main problem is that they only appeal to Macedonians as someone already pointed out, which if you're basing popularity off number of downloads then you're not going to see it get very high I don't think. I like the police car though, Skoda lol, is that JVT's model with a skin you've put over it, or did you make the model yourself? If it's your own model then it's decent.
  12. Over the past few days rumours have been flying around about a new GTA game (presumably GTAV) set in Tokyo, due for release at the end of 2009. The original quote actually came from the latest issue of Game Informer, and was in their "Loose Talk" section - a section where they guess stuff, basically... The original quote: Quite why GI thought this is a realistic scenario is beyond us, luckily, R* today cleared up the rumour (via Kotaku) saying: With DLC keeping GTA players engaged until late 2009, we can't see a new, full GTA game being released until at least 2010, in all likelihood I personally think we're looking at 2011 as the best guess for now. That's of course assuming GTA V is coming... Sources: R* say no GTAV [Kotaku], original rumour [PSU]
  13. Vimeo has always been far superior to YouTube. YouTube only just recently added the ability for HD videos... Vimeo's been doing that since it started IIRC. I will never understand why YouTube was the one that got popular. It's also got the second worst community in the world.
  14. Impossible that it could be overheating as soon as you turn your computer on, wouldn't have been enough time for it to heat up to a dangerous temperature that quick. Assumed you've cleared shit out of it like dust then it sounds like the temperature sensor has gone in your motherboard. There should be somewhere in your BIOS that allows you to turn the sensor off, or at least ignore warnings. EDIT: Oh you can't get to BIOS. Well you're fucked?
  15. Still the latest news story but yeah whatever might as well post it in here too.
  16. Well she is an actress so you can't blame her. Her singing career went to shit so going back to acting is a good step IMO. I'd lol if she ends up back in Neighbours though. Epic fail.

  17. ROFL. Nice one Nate. This topic made me giggle.
  18. Probably because she's gone to America to try her luck in Hollywood. She's only had small roles in a couple of films though.

    Girl in my current sig is Veronika Fasterova though, who's just a model in case you were wondering.

  19. Holly Valance.

  20. Can't remember since Vista fixes this shit by keeping everything aligned to a grid. I'm pretty sure on XP if you right click on the desktop, there's an option like "Align icons to grid" or something similar to that. Try that. Should be the same for any folders viewed in Windows Explorer too.
  21. I think Andrew is a pretty cool guy. eh trolls GTA fourms and doesn't afraid of anything.
  22. Going wildly off topic now but what the hell it's this forum... Firstly, 4chan is an imageboard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imageboard for explanation of what one of those is. Secondly, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4chan for a more 'friendly' explanation of what 4chan is about.
  23. Yeah it wasn't. I hung out in Yahoo Groups (they used to be good back then) and just chat to people on YIM. Used cheat sites like cheatplanet (they used to be good too) for videogames, and mod Midtown Madness 1 and 2 (a lot of the modders also moved on to GTA when GTA3 came out, you'd be surprised how many started out on games like MM and early NFS titles). 4chan wasn't around til 2003 and I was 15 then. Didn't start visiting the site until about late 2004 though, maybe 2005 I can't remember.
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