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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Gametrailers.com have put up an exclusive trailer for The Lost and Damned featuring Johnny: In addition to this, the official Lost and Damned website has been updated with six new screenshots.
  2. I dunno, nothing really stands out as the "best" to me, I think the GTA IV exclusives were better, but we got a couple of those, so maybe R* have some more DLC ones for us. There's some good and some ok ones there. I think ours was definitely one of the better ones though. Some of the European fansites we linked got some pretty cool shots actually.
  3. LOL well he lives in Australia too (do you ALL live there? Why Australia? It's like Croatians, there's shitloads in Australia... weird) so yeah. If he is offended it may be lulzy to leave it for a while to see if he starts making serious chat topics about Yugoslavia and shit I kid, I'll change this whenever is next convenient, it's not a particularly important issue.
  4. The country list we used was the most up to date I could find at the time it was implemented, so don't blame me, I know you're not but I'm just saying. I see the country is now the Republic of Macedonia so I'll update when I next get a chance. Europe changes all the damn time though. Like when Serbia and Montenegro split. Had to change it then and add new flags and stuff Thanks for letting me know.
  5. Way to miss off the most common one, what the hell. :/ Best not be some Anti-Apple bullshit. Because I see you put down RealPlayer for the lulz, good one iTunes here, simply because it's the best way to keep all 18,000 of my songs organised the way I want them. I think you'll find most people though never really change from what they started out with though, I'm probably one of the rare few who did. WMP to WinAmp and then to iTunes. I don't know how the former two have since changed, but at the time iTunes was the only program that could adequately keep my collection organised both in terms of on my computer and inside the program, easily letting me find stuff. Also, the search works perfectly if I need to find a particular song. In a list of 18,000 it's normally a pain in the ass.
  6. He's asking for any games mods to show off though, not just GTA.
  7. No offence to you personally, but very few people here were supporting McCain. Most of our users are from Europe anyway. Just a heads up that's all, wouldn't expect many downloads of your mod
  8. I didn't read everyone's replies except the first few and last few here, but wow. Seriously this is like, amazing stuff. First of all, you come on a forum and post an Anti-Obama thread. Only 40% or so of our visitors are Americans, that's 60% of people right away that disagree with your views (or do you not believe various worldwide opinion polls either, pretty much every worthwhile country had a majority side for Obama). And I don't know what the final figures were for actual Americans voting, but obviously less than 50% of Americans agree with your views. Expecting anyone here to agree with you is foolish. And yes, as rappo just pointed out, you DID lose ALL credibility with the Bin Laden remark. Unbelievable.
  9. You're not an American though. So unless you hosted your GDrive on one of their American servers you'd be fine. With a service like this, it would be so retarded to host in another country (for speed and bandwidth reasons) that they'd pretty much be forced to offer more local storage options. That said, most countries still have shit Internet, only certain European and Asian countries currently have the feasibility to use such a services. I have approximately 1.5TB of data on my hard drives, on my 8MB connection at home (1.3MB upload) which is the standard for the UK right now and actually above average since Cable isn't popular here, it would take me 15728640 seconds, or 4369 hours to upload it all. That's over 182 days. Over half a year. Shit.
  10. We got a lame one first time round so it was our turn this time Remember first time round GTAGaming got a cool one which revealed the HUD and stuff... yeah, well now they don't get one as cool
  11. You don't ever think to click on thumbnails?
  12. Rockstar have just sent over exclusive screenshots to some of the fansites. Click the thumbnail below to see ours. Thanks R*! Check out these other fansites that received an exclusive shot: GTAGaming | RockstarWatch | PlanetGTA | GTA4.net | GTASite.pl | GTAInside.com | GTA4.tv | GTA4.fr | GTAWH UPDATE: Multiple fansites also received the following two screens:
  13. Doesn't interest me in the slightest. This just slows everything down. Plus I wanna keep private stuff private. Hard drives really aren't that expensive when you think about it.
  14. Assuming he'll be acquiring it in legal ways... otherwise it won't affect his total cost. Spaz you did specifically say "waste" resources, it doesn't waste them, it just uses more because it needs more.
  15. Didn't you read all of his nationalist bullshit topics? You need to stay in more, browse more forums He's the dickhead I got pissed off with because of all his pro-Macedonian shit and the arguments it caused. I got more pissed off when, in a somewhat ironic twist, found out that he doesn't even live in the country! But he actually has had the decency to apologise which is nice. Doesn't make much difference to me though, forum is still full of dicks like every other GTA forum. Now we just have one that's not so much of a dick anymore
  16. Lol calm down, Jesus. Yeah Vista's perfectly fine if you have 3GB+ RAM. And yes I used to have an 8800, it was good back in the day when it first came out and still will run pretty much all modern games on max settings, it struggles with Crysis though, and GTA IV is very slow so that's why I upgraded to an ATi 4850. Also, any 32bit OS has a maximum capability of using 3.2GB of RAM, it's an inherent limitation from the CPU or OS, I actually can't remember why/how it is but yeah. Anyone building a computer now is stupid if they go with a 32bit OS, there's absolutely no point. There's practically no hardware compatibility issues since pretty much all manufacturers still in the business make drivers for 64bit OS's too. The only software that won't run are things made specifically for 32bit systems, which isn't anything modern.
  17. Just ignore it, it's nothing to do with you.
  18. They must be so insanely unknown, maybe just some local rock band that managed to get a song on something? Usually you can just google a lyric or two in quotes in google and you'll get results, but no, fuck all.
  19. Rockstar have released the second patch for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV, and it contains a lot of fixes. You'll be prompted to download the update next time you're signed in and playing the game on GFWL, though you can also head over to the GTA IV patch page and download and install it manually.
  20. Safe blood innit mate.
  21. Chris

    Which Card?

    I have the 4850 so I can vouch for it, definitely get it.
  22. Rockstar have launched the official website for the Xbox 360's first downloadable episode, The Lost and Damned. The official game description and features are shown as well as the official box art for the game, and a couple of new mini trailers have been added, "Billy Grey" and "Malc", you can watch these below. The Lost and Damned will be available for download on February 17th, and will cost $19.99 or 1600 Microsoft Points.
  23. The large gaming sites have all posted their first previews of The Lost and Damned, along with a plethora of new screenshots. Check out the following sites for all the juciy new details. Kikizo IGN Kotaku CVG GamesRadar GamePlayer.com.au See all 30+ new screenshots From these previews, the following information has also surfaced: The length of the episodic content is, according to Rockstar, more or less the same as that of the original storyline. Johnny (Our new main character) helps head the notorious motorcycle gang 'The Lost' with his brother Billy, who has recently been sent to rehab to avoid imprisonment. The storyline relates closely to that of the original game's. It's reported that we'll meet Niko, Playbox X and Elizabeta, and actually re-play some of the missions from the original story, from Johnny's perspective, instead of Niko's. The Lost are currently in a gang rivalry with another motorcycle gang, 'The Angels of Death'. There is a lot of friction between Johnny and his brother, mainly regarding leadership of the gang. The first mission previewed was called "Angels of America." This mission saw Johnny hunting down members of the opposing gang, using the sawn-off shotgun to kill them off before they can let their gang members know that the war is back on. Several new vehicles have been added, including some motorbikes which are specific to The Lost. Your starting bike is unique to you and cannot be retrieved if destroyed. A new feature added to the episode is formation driving, where you can interestingly initiate dialogue with other gang members. This is done "by keeping yourself inside of a floating Lost emblem, which trails behind the convoy leader's ride at all times." Also, "pressing down on the d-pad displays a whole list of bar-graph stats for your gang members."[CVG] Talking to your fellow gang members, defending them and saving them during battle will boost their Ability and effectiveness in combat. If a gang member is killed, he gets replaced by a rookie, so it's important to look out for your most hardened members. One of a few new weapons is the grenade launcher, grenades "pop out of the nozzle with an ever-so-satisfying sound effect, arch into the air with a trail of smoke and bounce around a corner before blowing enemies sky-high." More new weapons include an automatic 9mm, a sawn-off shotgun, an assault shotgun, and pipe bombs, which can be dropped from your motorcycle. The Lost and Damned features new building interiors which aren't available in the original game. Mini-games become available at the safehouse - a hi-low card game, an arm wrestling game, as well as additional TV material. You can now also get Little Jacob to deliver weapons there. New Internet sites have also been added. The radio stations remain the same, but with the addition of lots of new music to Liberty City Hardcore, including a new (as of yet unnamed) DJ. A redesigned pause menu now carries a stamped rubber effect to it's lettering, the health and armour bars now being white and blue respectively. Johnny's phone also has a different , more worn appearance to Niko's. A new grain filter background effect has been added, but Rockstar aren't sure if it will remain in the final version. Rockstar have introduced a new feature which was the main game lacked, mid-mission checkpoints. In long missions, reaching checkpoints will save your progress, so if you are killed, or another important person is, you don't have to redo the entire mission. See all 30+ new screenshots
  24. Wow, has a shit ton of explosions in it. Dunno if it's gonna improve the series though. I'll watch it just for the sake of it anyway though, just because I've seen all the others.
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