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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Old news (to me at least) but I wasn't aware the knowledge of their IP address (that one specifically) was out in the public. How did you find that out btw?
  2. Yeah I was watching a movie and I've no intention of opening the polls just yet since I've got things to do. So I'll close the topics whenever I've got time.
  3. Chris

    lol yes. Anything.

  4. Chris

    Yes that's correct.

  5. Yeah the driver issue is a big myth, only if you have really old hardware would you have trouble finding drivers for it. I'm pretty sure you can choose to perform an upgrade when installing Vista so you shouldn't lose any data.
  6. The polls stay open for at least a week so it doesn't really matter
  7. Yes you might as well, your CPU is capable of 64bit computing, and yes you would need a 64bit OS, otherwise you won't notice any difference whatsoever. 32bit OS's are physically limited to allocating about 3.2GB worth of memory addresses, so if you have more RAM than that then it simply would go unused, rendering it useless. So yeah if you have 4GB or more of RAM you should definitely upgrade to a 64bit OS, XP or Vista. If you have 64bit XP with SP2 then that's fine, all service packs are free so I don't know why there's this big thing with people worrying about it etc. You can simply upgrade to SP3.
  8. Just a heads up to anyone who hasn't yet finished writing up their nominations for the 2008 awards, or hasn't yet submitted pictures for hottest member - these two topics will both be closing tomorrow afternoon at around 3PM GMT, so please make sure you have everything done by then. If I've nothing more important to do tomorrow night I'll probably create the polls so everyone can start voting. If not then Sunday night. Look out for another announcement sometime over the weekend regarding those.
  9. Yeah I fucking love this mission, it's awesome. Every time I do it I've always just driven away really fast, if I didn't have a fast car with me I just took the Bobcat that's parked there and got a faster car from the street. With a good car it's a lot easier to get out of the cops radius. As long as you're a good driver anyway. Wasn't even aware there was a boat near but I hate them anyway. But it sounds like a much easier way to escape so try that.
  10. Yeah there was one based on T3 but apparently it was really shit. I'd love a good terminator game actually.
  11. Well this all went wildly off topic didn't it. Calling all Serbs "blood-thirsty assholes and losers" is a huge negative generalisation, no need for that mate. Too much nationalist shit coming from east Europe lately. Macedonians, Bosnians, Serbians all arguing. Nothing ever changes does it. We're gonna start coming down harder on people arguing this sort of bullshit in legitimate topics. Completely irrelevant to GTA. Feel free to go and make a topic about this in serious chat if it bothers you that much. Can't see it lasting long though, it seems impossible to have a civilised debate around here lately. Chillax.
  12. You're about the 3rd person who's revealed that detail to me. I'm flattered, I really am
  13. Took me a second to realise where you'd actually added stuff. But yes can't tell it's shooped at first which is good. The extensions you made to the Northern parts are the best I think.
  14. Thanks. Will hopefully have other improvements made soon too. :)

  15. There is an advert there. Are you using AdBlock or something? It'll look ridiculous if you are
  16. Everything was designed/made by me with the exception of the footer logo which is designed by TM.
  17. First of all, a happy new year to all our visitors, hope 2009 is a great year for you ignoring all the economic problems and whatnot! If you're reading this, you're now viewing version 4 of The GTA Place. At the moment the changes you'll see are purely aesthetic ones. We will be adding numerous new features and content over the coming weeks. We hope you like the new design. It should be working perfectly on the vast majority of modern browsers we were able to test, though if you spot any issues or bugs with any part of the site then let us know in the forums. Our forums remain unchanged for now, they'll be undergoing upgrades in the next couple of months along with some other exciting changes, not just a matching skin, but also changes we're planning on making to the gang scene to name one. Not a member on our forums, why not register now? Signing up only takes a few moments, and you'll be able to make your own topics and posts, and discuss GTA among other things with over 20,000 other people. If you have any feedback then let us know. Enjoy the year ahead!
  18. Just The Americas left now. London's fireworks were awesome this year. 10 full minutes of awesomeness. Anyone outside the UK watch them? Australia's in Sydney were also pretty awesome as usual, saw some of it on the news earlier. Anyone see the ones in Auckland, New Zealand? It's like they couldn't be bothered putting any effort in :/ But yeah, London owned this year. In fact if your city is not called either London or Sydney, chances are your fireworks aren't as good as ours! Happy New Year everyone!
  19. Just tried out the video editor for the first time today. Seems alright I guess considering it's in game. I just made a quick 20 second clip. Was driving along the other day when I crashed into this biker, the result was euphoria providing a couple of lulz. So here it is: Or if that didn't work: https://tv.rockstargames.com/videos/view/id/F0D093CD56E1E3D1 Feel free to share yours.
  20. Sorry, great game but I don't really play it anymore, and I hardly played it online either.
  21. It is, I was actually there last year. And yeah the BBC always have excellent coverage of the new year celebrations so that's always good. I think Sydney, Australia have awesome celebrations too. Dunno what other major cities do them but Sydney I remember seeing on TV in 2000 for the millennium, look awesome.
  22. The Doctor? Sarah Silverman is a female comedian lol. And yeah, Sarah Connor Chronicles is a spin off TV show, actually pretty decent one too, that is set in between T2 and T3, obviously since Sarah is still alive etc.
  23. Vodka Red Bull. For the lulz. Probably die quickly since it's an anti-depressant mixed with a stimulant. But they taste alright... well, after a while. Or JD and Coke, but kinda gone off that a bit now. As for lagers, usually just Carling or Budweiser. None of this Bud Light shit they have in the US though, thankfully they don't even bother selling it outside their own country, dunno whose idea it was to make "Light" alcoholic drinks but it defeats the point a bit You must need to have twice as much to get drunk, what an epic waste of money that would be.
  24. Happy Birthday! Excellent time of year for it too with parties and stuff! Have a good one
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