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Everything posted by Shortbus

  1. Thats really cool, one of my friend loves doing this in San Andreas. He makes maps for it and stuff. Nice use of the video editor.
  2. There was even a helicopter on GTA3's box.... But wait there wasn't even a helicopter in GTA3!
  3. Something must've gone wrong with the update.
  4. That's really cool dude. I expect this will be fantastic for machinima makers.
  5. Go to your start menu, find "Run", type in "dxdiag", for DirectX diagnostics, go to the Display tab, take a screenshot, post it here. Also take a screenshot of the System tab.
  6. Here's my personal thoughts on the list. ------------------------------------ 1. Grand Theft Auto IV Probably doesn't deserve it, in my opinion. Still a fantastic game nevertheless 2. Braid never even heard of it... 3. LittleBigPlanet Cartoon version of Garry's mod, deserves to be like 15. 4. Rock Band 2 meh 5. Gears of War 2 pretty good. good #5 6. Dead Space sucked 7. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed sucked even more than dead space 8. Hunted Forever never even heard of it... 9. Fieldrunners See #8 10. Spore Doesn't deserve this good. Should be like #16. ------------------------------------ Probably it will be a battle for GOTY between Fallout 3 and Grand Theft Auto 4.
  7. Atheist. I personally think it all is ridiculous. (Complete opinion. Don't flame me.) I celebrate Xmas though, because, one - my family is southern baptist, and two - I need a new headset.
  8. I don't know about GTAIV because I havn't played it for an extended period, but in earlier GTAs the font was called Pricedown.
  9. steam games run off .gcfs, not .exes, so yeah, steam will be different than the retail
  10. yeah you're right. thats the card I am getting. Wonder how it'll handle GTA4? AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Gigabyte Radeon HD 4850 1GB GDDR3 Corsair 3GB DDR2-667mhz Windows XP Home
  11. The only thing that might give you trouble is the CPU, just look up some tutorials on how to do it. All you need is a screwdriver and a pair of hands.
  12. The gigabyte one (first) is actually a 1GB 4850. AND, its stock overclocked, and looks like it has a much better cooler on it. the sapphire is 512MB, not as big a cooler (essential for 4850 i heard it gets a little hotter than other cards) but $20 less. personally i'd go for the gigabyte. @Giedrius It would run, but you would definitely definitely have it on really low settings. The sapphire is also 1GB.. The gigabyte cooler is actually aluminum but painted to look copper. It's also a Zalman, a company which makes good coolers.
  13. Need to compare cards guys. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814125236 and http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102759
  14. I think I'd prefer a high speed dual core. GTA4 will run fine with it and it'll be optimal for future games.
  15. I can't whistle so I'd be fucked if I wanted a taxi
  16. I think just about anyone who's play another GTA on PC could guess the controls >.>
  17. I wasn't planning on pirating it.
  18. Probably just an old/overworked spring. If it bothers you that much, probably any PC repair store can fix it easily.
  19. What game are we talking about here? It looks a lot like Niko, and I'm pretty sure we know what he looks like, and considering this is in the GTA4 section, I'm guessing it's Niko. Not to mention, that doesn't even look like GTA4. Pretty sure it's fan art, correct me if I'm wrong.
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