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Everything posted by Butters!

  1. I'm pretty sure. Which means regardless of what you do with your pregnancy, you can donate, right? Or wrong? I'm not sure. You can, but most parents chose to keep the umbilical cord frozen, because it has somthing that can heal a baby in certain circumstances.
  2. I've done everything it says, but now when I use the Car Spawner, it say vechile spawned, but the car is invisable and you cant enter it
  3. So just a few minutes ago I was on SA:MP Crazybobs Cops and Robbers, and me and this group of about 5 people where pulling a heist on the federal mint. One of the gus in the gang caled the cops on us though, so we where all killed in raid. So when we where going to try again, my cat stepped on the Windows button, and it shut SA:MP down. I went straight back onto the same server (yes, it definatly was the same one), but everyone from the gang had left. None of the ID Nmbers worked, and they didnt answer on normal chat - so how can you refund people on SA:MP, because I find it hard to belive that all 5 people would decide to come off in the space of two mins.
  4. Yeah! I've been a raybob supporter ever scince I heard about him 40 seconds ago.
  5. "Sir, I'm afraid you will never be able to use Xbox Live Again."
  6. Patriot. Looks better in IV, and can flip police cars really easily. Hours of fun
  7. Nothing Special. Besides, I'm sure aliens are supposed to move
  8. I am trying to make a GTA machinima, and I need to play as a ped. I have seen people do it in Videos, so how can I make it so I am playing as the Drug Dealer Ped? Yo do need SA Studios for this right?
  9. Yeah, Happy Birthday Guyz/Girls/Twinkledust-Thingys (delete optoins apropliatly)
  10. Cool. Nice to see new things are still on San Andreas. Are you sure its not a hack? I tried but couldnt get through the wall. If you did find it yourself, don't tell any GTAmyth or coincidence sites - I found a coincidence in Bluberry a few months back, I noticed that in BLUEberry, there are a lot of things that glow BLUE - Epsilon. I emailed myepsillon.org, and they took all the credit for it!
  11. Thanks!!!!! Thats some good advice. Strangly, I just posted a Thread on how to change car names a feww hours ago, so thanks a lot. i havnt tried GTA Makedonija, but I will now. ===EDIT=== When I try to replace the image in the Billboard, it comes out all wrong in TXD workshop - How do I fix that?
  12. Once in science we had to right an essay about how earth sustains life. I started writing how we where better than mars and then ended up doing 2 pages about Chewacca. I failed and had to re-write it. To bad it wasn't Star-Wars class
  13. How do you change te name of a Car:eg. When I get in a Euros, I have replaced it with an Audi TT mod, so how can I make it so that it says Audi TT when I get in it, instead of Euros
  14. I was trying to get the attacking ghost car mod for GTA SA, and I found it on The GTAForums. It is a .cs file, so it requires Cleo to play it. I tried to install Cleo to my GTA SA, but when I started the game, it said gta sa.exe has stopped working, and that was before the R* Symbols even showed up. How do I make it work? ===Notes=== I am using GTA SA V2, downgraded to V1 If you could tell me where I could find this mod in a non-cleo form, that would be fine aswell. ===EDIT=== Woo! I have got it working!!!!!!!
  15. I'd watch what you say. I'm sure Hitler wouldn't be a very good choice. Hey, At least Hitler gives you extra holidays off school. But seriously: Butters for President 2012! A Vote for Me is a vote for tomorrow.
  16. Sh*t. My mum said it was fine - up untill it asks for her credit card details to verify her age...
  17. I was signing up for an Xbox Live Gamertag Earlier, and I made the mistake of putting my age as 12, and now it wants a parent email (obviously my alternate email) but I wondered are there any restrictions if I sign up like that? eg. Will it block me from games like GTA IV? Also, what age is it that you dot need parent email for - I'm 13 in a month, so If thats the age I'll just wait, but if not I'll just use a defferent email.
  18. Just finished watching The Inauguration on TV. I'm sure he'll do a better job than Bush. Congratz Obama!
  19. In here, you have to post any funny ads you get on the internet. I'll start - ...Doubt anyone would answer though...
  20. What? How the hell did I get nomiated... Anyway, Llama - No question
  21. lol! I remember a test I did a while back. This kid called Sam kept throwing things at people. Then the teacher turns round and starts bitching "Why on earth do you think you casn throw things in the middle of an exam?". He got up and screamed "I REFUSE TO ANSWER THAT WITHOUT A LAWYER!" then he ran out. Here is somthing i made in MS paint:
  22. They're doing it because they are afraid of law suits. A few months back, Media Giant Viacom filed three law suits against them for having to much of their copyright material on Youtube. Disney also filed one, and I think that is just so stupid. Things like Pinochio, and Pochahontus where Public Domain for hundreds of years. Then Disney makes a movie of it, and the story sudenly became "Propety of Disney". WTF? Viacom won all of their law suits, and where granted access to EVERY USER FILE ON YOUTUBE! Thats right, they can see What you watch, what you've uploaded, your private vids, what you ever commented or rated - its just stupid. They also threatend to Sue anyone who watches a copyrighted video on youtube! Thats like clicking on a Video of South Park - They Sue you! If you havnt seen it, Please watch this Video: (Youtube VS You
  23. I noticed this aswell. I have been posting, ut my post couner in the side hasn't been changing. I bet I'm around 30 posts higher. <<<<
  24. Does light really exist? Does anything, at all, that we see and experience in our day to day life, exist? Yes, Things do exist?
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