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Everything posted by Butters!

  1. ^ Has changed their sig scince last time i looked < Is quite tired now, and has been up for about 48 hours now.Good Night v Can spell Suprcalofrajolisticexbialadotious without looking at how I've just spell it
  2. Its true acctuly. I used never wanted cheat as soon as I started a new game abd there were no baracades --- How many cars can have a racing stripe added to them?
  3. Possibly Carnevalee Freakshow, find it here Hope this helps man
  4. The bible isnt always right, its stories and metaphores that help people better themselves, and the world
  5. False, the ballas controll the west side True or false, the baracades are not there if you use the never wanted cheat
  6. Anyway... The Big Bang? How can it be confirmed. Humans werent around for ages after they said the big bang happened. So how can they know it even happened. Whos to say the planets where not always there
  7. i will enslave all of humanity
  8. Dont worry, I bet that just one company will do it, while everyone else watches to see what happens. Then all other service providers can just sit back and watch it burn
  9. avi - 9/10 sig - 5/10 Person - The doodle with no name
  10. 31. Your Mommas so stupid she studied for a drug test!... And failed
  11. Thats pretty obviously been edited, the numbers are all sqaured off, not round
  12. 28. You dropped your gay card (Point at the ground and they look)
  13. Avatar: 7/10 Signature: 8/10-lol Person: Nate XIV, ruler of the 14th dinesty
  14. 2 Months ago I got the sims 2 for £4 and rainbow 6: Vegas 2 for £6!!!!!!!1
  15. I dont think thier is soory. I thought Catalina was quite easy to pass. U can download save games for each mission at the The Oficial GTA Forums i think though
  16. Sorry, its if you are armed with a gun No question again? In the mission woozie mission where the building has been blown up (By the nang gang i think), how many peds are running away when CJ says why are they all running away like that?
  17. Av - 7 Sig - 1 Person - Dont know you to well,but ur not a toal dick. You are quite funny 2
  18. I don't think you can export unless you have the fully paid for version
  19. No Question? --- The Police in the Police Stations automaticly attack you if:
  20. ^ Just a second, I'll check < Just got off school an Hour and a half early because of School Open Evning. YEAH!!!!!!!!! v Has a Sony Erricson K850i
  21. 14. Dam! Your mums more expensive than most
  22. ^ You Know it < Is eating a buiscit v Envys Me
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