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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Haha, we're so fucking useless in that.
  2. Indie Heavy metal 80's Rap Mixture or what
  3. Lol. Man, just watching the cricket, England are doing crap we're only 186-9!!!
  4. Although he may look good in a suit or whatever, it aint where he comes from, he comes form the ghetto, therefore he should be dressed as a gangster
  5. Good thing aint it? I hate rain and being cold lol. I absolutley love the sun though.
  6. I thought it had something to do with her being a pornstar... but maybe I'm wrong..
  7. lol. I don't really think the song is that good, it has humour and thats about it, but as did Electric Six's other song - Danger High Voltage which involved the bloke in Gay bar video on a horse with this other middle aged woman snogging and light blubs coming out of different parts of their body lol.
  8. ^^ Haha! Who would make a song like that though, I bet that bloke gets so much stick in real life for making that song
  9. Lulz Fucking rain, supposed to be having a BBQ round my uncles today, ah well. lol
  10. Pretty sucky. I'm on a 2.2 mbps but I do have msn and TGTAP open.
  11. Motherfuckin' P.I.M.P Lucky, it's pissing down here
  12. I like too many so I won't name them all: Blues Brothers Grease (Don't lol) Austin Powers Simpsons Movie American Pie
  13. LOL! Who came up with the idea for that song?
  14. Lol, totally owned again!! That Greek woman is hot as... should've won :P I just heard that Wogan might quit Eurovision because of the fixing involved!'
  15. I believe that downloading free movies, tv programs etc is okay, because people do pay to see them in the cinema as well in better quality. I download movies now and again when I see a decent one come up. Also, applications can be downloaded via internet. I've heard now that even Windows Vista can be downloaded for free (hope saying that isn't a bannable offence lol). Downloading songs can seriously boost the artists reputation which is great.
  16. Lulz, Winland. I saw ours and it as just awful haha
  17. My social life is quite good tbh, I got a lot of good mates who are always up for a laugh whenever, but as well as that they will always be there to cheer you up. I've had my fair share of girls which is always good, but the relationships didnt really quite work lol.
  18. I've only just heard our new one and I think it maybe worse than Scooch. I mean anyone who liked the Scooch song must be gay.. its soo camp, they remind me of Steps lol
  19. To enter the league I created for TGTAP members only
  20. For all you Euro 2008 viewers out there, I am going to be making a league purely for TGTAP. All you have to do is make your dream team at http://en.fantasy.euro2008.uefa.com/ Once you've done that click Join A League and enter this pin : 86706-13225 <--- Very important so don't lose it! Hope to be playing against you guys
  21. Welcome Nato! I personally love Vice City, imo best GTA game. Then again, I haven't played IV yet
  22. Ahhhh Eurovision! Its so awful its funny, some of the songs on there are just simply terrible I mean the Scooch one last year flying the flag? Flying embarassment more like! It is funny though. I also like how no one votes for Britain like ever!
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