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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Yo TFY, Could u do me a sig please? Could I have a pic of Downtown (Vice City) During night time please, and could I have Woozie written in the bottom right hand corner please How much you want?
  2. GTA I - n/a GTA II - n/a GTA III - Yakuzza Stinger GTA VC - Cheater GTA SA - NRG 900 <-- Might not be the correct name GTA LCS - Banshee GTA VCS - Sanchez <-- Owns on that.
  3. Vice City, It just owns everything. Los Santos comes in a close second though.
  4. Walking on water... Yes I have a shit computer..
  5. V Rock went down hill IMO. Mine is either VCFL or Emotion
  6. BUMP I dont really have a fav conversation... I'm loving Umberto though. "Show me you've got big cajones." Classic
  7. Mines gotta be Downtown or Ocean Beach, driving down along the beach, listening to some Emotion 98.3... Love it.
  8. I like all of them, but my least favourite has to be Wildstyle or Fever 105. V-Rock, Emotion 98.3 or Flash Fm being the best Best GTA game for songs
  9. Has to be the rocket launcher or the minigun.. Riots FTW.
  10. Good idea Chris, espcially the SAMP servers. I havent got SA for PC, so I think it would be a good idea, if we could get servers on each of the Multiplayer software. So then, everyone can play against their friends.
  11. Good times buddy We really n00bed it up back then =P
  12. Hey :) You added my msn?


    Whats up dudee?

  13. Congrats to everyone who's gotten promoted... Do your jobs well.. or get pwned . Joking, congrats super mods and admins. I think getting rid of the war zone is a good idea, people, well me, I like to see the forum being a happy place, not people flaming each other as soon as they get angry. Good decisions Chris
  14. Mine is to get stronger. Not to weedy, I can put up in fights, but just not that strong enough. Also my other one is to treat my girlfriend right .
  15. Did some of the posts get deleted :S
  16. Sorry, bit late, at girlfriends new years party. Happy 2008 everyone, hpe you all get laid, drunk, etc etc. Be good everyone
  17. HA!

    I remember Frank making this..

  18. However, it is still harsh, and has happend too too many young football players.
  19. Search google for ogrish... you'l love it. But anyway, this has happend to so many players.. it's sad.
  20. Dude, it ain't something to laugh about, how would you feel if he was your dad or something? Would you laugh then?
  21. Why laugh?? Who laughs if someone dies? You are offcially a grade A cunt. RIP O'Donnell.
  22. The Motherwell FC captain tragically died today after collapsing on the pitch just before he was being subsituted. Dunno if this should be moved but I think its pretty serious RIP.
  23. You got a good point there. I think I'm gunna wait a bit. She keeps telling me she wants it... but shes 14! I agree strongly with the kid bit, I will be pretty fucked if that happend..but just for the record.. I <3 johnnys.. If she comes on to me.. I may actually refuse.. I may feel like a dumbass later, but it will be worth it.. I suppose . Sure, We both want it.. but its a case of shall we do it? I've considerd all these things you have just said. Thanks MrLlama
  24. I love The Girlfriend GTA Computers Football Norwich City Football Club Foruming Self Pleasure..... My Friends Family Love you alll!! XxxxX
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