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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Yeah. Me too Dont remember the siggy.But i remember his Avatar about some chinese girl something. Saying "Fuck Yeah" Same. I remember Geno ,Slavik ,Slayer and Bear quite active and posting frequently. Hmm.. Old Days.... Geno, what a role model, he just pwned anyone that stood in his way! What happend to him?
  2. I remember : Frank_Tenpenny Mike_Subuzi (LOLZ!) Chris82 still having the same avatar When Chris was still called Pyr0xide Subuzi Family Mafia Pretty much everyone hating me apart frm the SFM Haha Crimson Dragon (Dave) Akuma before he was inactive MGILB81 The old orange greyish skin! me typing lyk dis lyk a wanka n00b =P When I spent like all day on here. First ever gang war (I think) Lots of memories
  3. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Not a pedo btw, I really am 15 lolz
  4. Today in England taking place is a teachers strike from the NUT union for teachers. Most of the children and teenagers where I live have the day off. If you got a day off post here. Also, do you think it is right to strike so close to GCSE exams?? Dicuss.
  5. Gunna be a long time before I get to play it, but the first thing I will do is go for a drive round to get to know the area. Then attempt to complete the missions...Maybe stop for a pizza and a ho
  6. Crim =] been online and haven't messaged me :( disappointed! ha!

    PM me sometime :)


  7. Took mine last May. What a joke these exams are. They're easy as fuck and everyone flukes them anyway because apparently they don't mean nothing. Although, it is a good way to set yourself up for the GCSE courses and too see what subjects you are good at which makes it easier to decide what subjects to take.
  8. Hey man I havent been very active... Been out a lot more. I'll try to be more active :)


  9. The first site I joined and regulary went on. The forum which I have posted more on. Great GTA news and a friendly place to make decent friends.
  10. ;)

    hehehehehehe :P


  11. I HATE my cunt teacher for maths! WANKER!! Bastard gave me 30 min detention and a letter home. Wanker! all of this just because I'm not neat enough!!! WANKER!
  12. Cheers dude, I really appreciate it
  13. Loving the sigs TFY. You use Fireworks dont you?? I just got it... Could you impart wisdom and show me a few things dude? Please?
  14. I don't, but maybe that is just my school make it boring, I don't know, but learning is pretty wank at my school. Explains why I'm predicted straight C's...
  15. Have a good time TFY. Don't party too much though Enjoy your holiday and make up for your 3 weeks inactiveness when you get back. The forum will miss you
  16. I voted TFY, just because of the activeness and the amount of posts.

  18. I would like to meet : TFY Dazza Arv aznn Silb TG TM & everyone in the SFM.
  19. Same with me, I'm in year 10.. and I got real GCSE exams next week <_< Science sucks.. Went back to school today, pretty boring, but straight forward work.
  20. Pfff dude, you're lucky. I say go for it, better to have sex at 14 than having a gf at 18 who won't let you (there are some ). Just use a condom and you'll be fine. Haha, I want to.. soooo bad :P. We nearly did at her party LOL. But my mate pulled the covers off bastard. Ah well, some other time haha Cheers for the advice guys :)
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