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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Hes Advertising via PM I suggest Chris that you ban him.
  2. Yo mommas so ugly she makes blind kids cry.
  3. Mine are the staff plus: C.O.D Steven xenon everyone in the sindaccos Genocide the pwner.
  4. Good find Chris. It better not be an April Fools Joke
  5. I have got 2 username changes in my inventory I tried to use them but they arent working.
  6. Well done for getting it up Chris. I dont have any money either. EDIT: Also the quizzes arent playable.
  7. Avatar: Looks quite good 7/10 Sig: I think the text needs working on 6/10 (good videos though) Personality: Seems good active member.
  8. Sig: 5/10 good but needs more detail it looks dull Personality: Seems an alright dude.
  9. Mine right now are: I'm happy to hear the shop is coming back.
  10. Very glad to hear it coming back. My life is almost worth living.
  11. A Blonde and a Brunette jump off a cliff which one lands 1st? The Brunette. The Blonde stopped and asked for directions.
  12. Man that Stunt vid is awsome! I feel like starting Vice City again.
  13. Little Britain is extreamly funny. Martin88 please drop down dead. Of course I got both series on DVD and the scripts of series 2. Series 3 was great I really liked the last Christmas episode it rocked. I loved it how Anne decorated her chrstmas tree with fishfingers.
  14. PS2: Fifa 06 Burnout Revenge Killzone A load of chocolate some t-shirts Star Wars Dvd Little britain book.
  15. Damn I'm having problems again!
  16. Now I can't get on e-messenger either. EDIT: Steve editted his post.
  17. Hmm. I just tried e-messenger That seems to work fine.
  18. Have any of you got this problem? I can't get on my MSN it says the service isn't avalible. Did any of you get this?
  19. Nah I don't think so. I lost the box and I forgot what type it is Its got Inex in it.
  20. I'm embarrased. So all I'm saying is that I've got a tiny.
  21. Awesome I hope it goes well for you.
  22. Have any of you seen this before. I think its really funny and everyone should see it.
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