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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. I've only ever watched Dragon ball Z so...
  2. Welcome to the forums Kutthroat.
  3. Nice Steve. I'm sure this could be a great success if people dontate and join.
  4. Why have you got skullraiders msn and google XD.
  5. Mine are Peter Kay and Johnny Vegas. I don't recall Will Smith being a comedian I think he was a rapper.
  6. Cool great site Remy I joined up.
  7. For christmas I want.... PSP Loads on money candy Loads of PC and PS2 games.
  8. I love this upgrade! Lots more features makes it very shagadelic baby yeah!
  9. Theres loads to choose from I dunno which my favourite is. Maybe Only fools and Horses?
  10. Illegal characters? I got that on one of mine.
  11. Imagelodge is so easy to use even someone as dumb as Frank_Tenpenny could use it. By the way Frank even says Imageshack is too complicated lol.
  12. Me= : It all started on saturday afternoon when Norwch city football club lost 3-0 against QPR. Then I saw this really fit girl. Then I came home to find someone saying on MSN that proxys are hacking tools.
  13. Yeah but school computers are shit they're always slow.
  14. Cool this pwns Imageshack! No bugs yet Chris.
  15. I think it was a good game overall. I was a bit angry when you found out 2 of your best friends stab you in the back though. But hey at least you get to kill druggys and fat fucks like Smoke!
  16. I'm haveing probelms with my firefox. It won't open now. I thinks its because I downloaded some extensions.
  17. I hate rap I'm more into that hardcore gansta shit lol.
  18. Man that firefox kicks mines ass. Mines just the normal beta version. the dudes Firfox!
  19. Well I enjoyed it well done GTAbomber.
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