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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. In my opinion it should be a male. You wouldnt normally see a women running around with a shotgun popping every person she sees, and you wouldnt really think that a women would do drug deals etc.
  2. I dont like GTA3 or LCS at all. LCS is most probably the worst GTA game in my opinion. The gangs are really annoying, you have crap health it sucks.
  3. I think the street clothes. Tommy looks really good in them. I want that T-shirt Grrrr.
  4. Good find Chris thanks for the info. I hope we get to see Diaz get really stressed. Any info of them doing missions for Cortez?
  5. I got about 3 Million kills. I completed it and then got bored.... Plus I was stressed . I love taking my stress out on GTA Pedestrians.
  6. The Job is one funny mission. Thats gotta be my favourite.
  7. It has to be the biker gangs angels. I loved that bike so much!
  8. Rick is Mgilb's mate. They invited me into a msn Chat the other day and were planning this.
  9. I think all of Flash FM remind me of Vice City. I want to go back to the time I got Vice City times were much funner then.
  10. I got that trying to post this topic earlier. I posted then it said page cannot be displayed then I refreshed then it came up without my post.
  11. Man.... I thought TGP was the straightest forum ever. Well apart from Zino
  12. Yeah i think it may have done. I found it was awfully slow loading yesterday.
  13. He was on MSN the other day and he had Steven as his MSN name. SO it could be Steven I dunno.
  14. I admit I did add you to the convo. And I did know about the Dosing but I had nothing to do with actually doing it. Yeah I was a prick adding you in and I'm sorry about that. Mike cant do shit when it comes to Dosing. I dont even know if Rick is any good but he said he was Dosing it. Why would I wanna hack TGP? It was my first forum I ever joined and enjoy. I still enjoy it and dont wanna destroy it. So dont shif the blame to me. Skullraider has nothing to do with it. Its Mikes mate called Rick who was in on it. PS - I can give you Ricks real ip if you need it.
  15. What the f*** is this about? Just post in the new members thread man.....
  16. I bow down to the wisdom of Bryce Welcome back again Bryce.
  17. Chris the site is getting DoSed! The servers have been down numerous times this morning. Just wanted to inform you.
  18. ^ N00b < Wants to bring back CFM v Eats pie
  19. KP do you know who this is??? Bryzed is like a gta place legend! He does what he wants
  20. For all the football fans. Yes Yes Norwich did beat Man United 2-0 in the Prem 3 Seasons ago.
  21. ^ Hasnt seen blackout < Is gunna be active v Is gunna be active too
  22. Meh I was a n00b when I first turned 13...... but I think I have Matured now.
  23. Me too. I am a great Vice City fan and I would love to play the newer version but sadly, I dont have a PSP.
  24. Pffft. Chelsea. Way to expensive and I dont support them. Its Norwich for me
  25. Happy birthday! Enjoy being a teenager
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