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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Manowar - Holy War @JayD - they probably like silence
  2. I believe you can do that in TXD workshop...
  3. I don't even have to watch it to know what's this up to. Simple flips are not that fun, modding isn't fun at all. X2 with TVG.
  4. Yes I know it's risky, and I don't actually like that, because just as Gerard said, it stops being a public site. On the other hand, it did work for GTAS. And no, I don't want that kind of people as Gerard mentioned. However, I believe it's obvious that staff isn't excately pleased with current situation, and it's not an option whether something has to be done if you want to get more active members on the forum. So, anyone else has a suggestion?
  5. You know, yesterday I was browsing GTAS forum and seen that "online" bar. So, it said 6 guests and 40 members online atm. And you know wassup with GTAS? You can't view a forum at all if you don't register. So basically, if you'd link lot of the content to forums and make it unavaliable to read unless you register, that would instantly make more members. And some of them would stay active for sure.
  6. Slayer

    How many time

    You know, funny thing is that that bot has said the truth when he said that forums are his life. But I don't get the point of this bot. He didn't advertise anything, just made one post, so what's the actual goal of his creator?
  7. This might be a chance for me to earn a few additional bucks. So yeah, I might do something if I find some time over the weekends. If that's ok with you, you can contact me via MSN so we get those things settled.
  8. Yeah, hopefully. I won't get VCS since I don't have a PSP, and I'm not planning to get one, but having a Metallica in the soundtrack would mean much for me. Btw I was always hoping to see some of Bruce Springsteen's songs in GTA. Since the year is 1984, I hope to see "Born In The USA" which got out that year and was a big hit.
  9. Well I'm pretty sure those buildings would get repaired as soon as they get out of your draw distance.
  10. Kk, than it'd be best to put some of Manowar or Children of Bodom songs. Full of violence . And they sound pretty good too.
  11. That was just sarcasm. Nothing's wrong, I'm a huge fan, but some dickheads might want to ban it because of the violence theme they use for songs.
  12. Delete the .set file from user files and restart VC. That usually works.
  13. Yup, that knows to happen to me sometimes. So basically, in SA they've added the ability to rotate the view while driving. If you don't change it within a second or two, it'll reset to the classic one. I believe that you have a optic/laser mouse. They sometimes just "shake". I know my does . So it's nothing serious, but enough to prevent camera view from reseting. So I'd suggest you to change the surface your mouse is on (if you have a laser/optical one) and check that the blend is clean.
  14. Okay dude, chill. Back on topic: I believe we need to see one real hardcore metal radio station. We've seen VROCK and RADIOX, but those were mosty hard rock stations, although with very good songs. So, I just want to see something new. Keep the hard rock stations, but also add something for us who want a bit more hardcore.
  15. This will never walk imo. Some things are just too popular to ban. Oh my, they might ban Manowar music as well, since it might make some people to kill.
  16. Well if they obey the rules, why would they get grounded in the first place!?
  17. Theory Of A Deadman - Better Off This time it's "Storm" soundtrack.
  18. I don't have anything against that language, I have it against people who use it when they're not supposed to. Especially on forums, where anyone can read your post and is supposed to understand it. However, I sometimes use it in chat. Since it's done in "real time", it's usually helpful to write as fast as possible. Still, I don't prefer it over the classical way of typing, people need to understand what I'm saying.
  19. Yup, I like that saying. I had a similar mod, a mod that turns Leviathn into Chinook. Yup, same problem, but I managed to transport one Quad onto a building.
  20. So what? When I got grounded for computer I used it when my parents weren't home or at night, while they were sleeping. It's not like it's mission impossible.
  21. I like that last choice...
  22. Saliva - Click Click Boom Oh yes, Reign of Terror has rthe full song.
  23. Will ya remember it's called video? Lordi - Diva
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