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Everything posted by C.O.D

  1. Anybody seen the new Pepsi-Cola commercial? One of them attacked Coca-Cola. See, at some part of the commercial, a guy wants to get a Pepsi, but it's too high on a shelf, so he took a box (or something) with a censored text which a trained eye would read "COCA-COLA".
  2. I agree on that bolded sentence. Stunting really helps on increasing the game's replayability. I want the city with urban themed spots to be increased. Vice City sucked at this point, and Liberty City was the best. But San Andreas won because it is literally balanced.
  3. I play Basketball at my spare time. I play it almost half of the time I am at school (which is 7 hours, and I play b-ball at my school for 3 hours - break, lunch, 40 minutes before school starts). Go to this forums or any forums that have LAca in them By the way, anybody have heard of LAca? He is a great Counter-Strike Skin creator. Work out. To have my six-pack back, and look even MORE buff.
  4. This is why I like Grand Theft Auto III, it's full of Skyscrapers, and looks very beautiful at night. But I aslo like to have Ghetto-Themed areas around the new cities/islands
  5. Mine is the Police Squad Car. It's very fast, faster than the Banshee/Infernus. And it looks kind of cool too.
  6. They are? Well, in that case: Avatar: 10/10 Signature: 9/10 Personality: Helpful Fellow. And Once Again, A very fine man. Never seem hostile to me.
  7. Yeah but, what I meant is taht you uninstall the car models FROM the game... NOT from your computer.
  8. I would like to see New York like in GTAIII, but with larger and more details in it.
  9. Chris82, Chris/Pyr0xide, Spaz, Sabin, Taime, and Tyler (Tyler is a poor little n00b at times).
  10. I know how... Press the number 8 in the Num-Pad to turn it into plane-mod. Press the number 2 in the Num-Pad to turn it back into heli-mod.
  11. Yeah, in GTA:VC, you can also experience this problem if you park in more than 2 vehicles inside the largest garage in Hyman Condo, Hyman Memorial Stadium...
  12. I would love to have Limb Bizkit's Track "Rollin'": matches any crazy things done in-game. And any Xzibit/G-Unit's tracks. OR even better, Ludacris' song "Act A Fool" from 2Fast2Furious: really match the game's racing missions.
  13. Avatar: 10/10 (I love Doom Series) Signature: 5/10 (Doom... Again?) Personality: Fine man I would add.
  14. Maybe you installed a mod car into the game, which is not done right or maybe the Car Model was not done right. If you did, uninstall the Car Models. I had this kind of Sh*t too, but in the PC version of GTA:SA though...
  15. In the PC Version of GTAIII, I was on top of an ambulance and had an idea. I put on the "bangbangbang" (which means the blow up cars code) cheat when I was in the pause menu for about a 100 times. And then I put on the armor cheat for 50 times and the health cheat for 100 times. I press the ESC button to unpause, then all of a sudden, the cars blew up VERY-VERY high in the sky, tossing me on to a building that looked like the Empire State Building. Even though I have put on so many Health & Armor Cheats, I was still Wasted on top of that building. You should try this too, you know! It's so fun! Seing Claude being tossed Miles and miles from sea level.
  16. We're talking about someone who yelled at a member for ASKING FOR HELP. He doesn't need to be here. At all. Who? ME? Or Chenco? I'm pretty sure it's Chenco, though. Peace Chenco, Peace....
  17. Yeah, I know it's out-dated. But If you're not allowed to play a game that you loved (like me), you will look around for your old-games but still have great qualities. COD:UO is one of those games. I live in Indonesia, so I will have to wait for the game to be released in my country... Since Indonesia is not a rich country, it's late for having new games in out CD Shops' shelves.
  18. C.O.D

    Shut CJ up

    Did it work? I bet it should.
  19. Choose your game! I think GTA:3 is better, because I don't like the atmosphere in LCS as I do in GTAIII.
  20. I was selling Ice-Cream (in VC, with the Cherry Popper Mission) to a girl. Then When she was running towards my truck, a blue (or cyan) Comet car rammed the girl.
  21. Since, all of my GTA has been banned from my house (dammit), I can only sneak the game of GTAIII. So I am going to be playing it for a long time... And Yes, I would like... No, no, no, I mean I would love to have mods and things new for the GTAIII.
  22. Judging by your posts and how you are CONSTANTLY attacking us for NOTHING to try to make yourself feel better, I'd bet you haven't even SEEN pussy. You seem to enjoy going into topics and COMPLAINING about people posting ABOUT THE TOPIC. That's what this topic is about, posting about your life. OBVIOUSLY, you don't have one. Dude, shut the gently caress up your calling me lifeless?? your the one that has 5,111 frolicking posts and in all of them your frolicking fighting with your senseless SARCASTIC frolicking replys your very frolicking sarcastic so dont be frolicking talking shit before i kick your frolicking monkey ass lifeless bastard piece of shit and I have seen pussy it was your moms Chenco, I think your like 13-15, but you studied only until year 1. LEARN HOW TO BE POLITE. Should you Mods do the job? Maybe... Maybe not... It's up to the Moderators, and WE should respect them...
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