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Everything posted by C.O.D

  1. (Well I was hoping someone would post "Johnson", Ben Johnson... You know, that Olympic Runner who got banned for doing drugs...) Chat
  2. Okay, Moderators If you're there, please add more poll choices...
  3. It would be cool, should replace the jetpack!
  4. Need For Speed For Mee! Maybe, the cars in NFS has been outnumbered by Midnight Club. But The race modes and atmospheres in NFS just feel much more alive.
  5. Is the DVD from your friend original or not? Because if it is, I think it must be validated/registered, if your friend already did register it, you maybe can't play the game anymore.
  6. Look at CJ's lips, they're to big! Claude, is the coolest one for me, in fact, his hairstyle looks like mine!!!
  7. Choose! Mine is Rowan Atkinson, from the Mr. Bean series.
  8. Well I said, "CRAZY THINGS DONE IN-GAME" if you kill people using the Faggio (or even the Sweeper, some of you may not know this vehicle), listening to Rollin' will get your spirits on fire! Well think when you're using a Rhino Tank/Hydra Plane and drive the army crazy while listening to Rollin'... Act A Fool will surely make you feel more-spirit-filled when doing anything to do with great-modded cars... BTW, I like LP and FortMinor also Anybody who is thinking that Mike Shinoda is quitting LP just to join FM, they're wrong, Mike is only singing for FM because it's his side project...
  9. - I would like some Ragdoll physics. - More Tanks (rather than just one) with smoke grenades lauchers - Blood stains in people's shirt/clothes (on spots that were shot) - Blood on the walls, like in True Crime
  10. - Call of Duty 2 - My Family Being Together... - A new BB gun (I wanted the H&K MP5/10) - Call of Duty 2 - PS3
  11. Well, anyhoo, here's a picture of that H&K MP5KA4 I told you about. It could be fired from a specailly designed briefcase (it's for easy use for the CIA, but many terrorists and crazy CT special forces like the Spetsnaz use them to assasinate political enemies and their families). Anyway THERE IT IS RIGHT THERE Beautiful, ain't it?
  12. LOL! That picture you found IS VERY-VERY FUNNY!!!! And Yes, Jack-ass Thompson is stupid. I mean, the ESRB already did give ratings to violent/other games, and it's not the developer's fault if anybody below-age (below the age depicted in the ratings) buy the game, played it, and kill someone with the game as an excuse. For me, some people have GTAs/other games as their excuse to ESCAPE, but that's my opinion. Jack-Ass Thompson's gonn'a be assasinated someday... I dunno who, but he may be will...!
  13. C.O.D


    "When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going" (ME) I made it when I was told by my English teacher.
  14. My favorite is the one from Michael Jackson - Billy Jean
  15. C.O.D

    Audi TT

    I REALLY like it, really pleased . And you should be really proud of your own creations, I've tried to make models on ZModeler, but like Sabin said, it's hard . And I'm just not the guy when it comes to making models. But you are. BE PROUD OF IT!!! If I recall, the front kit is called the Sweeper or something. I'm waiting for the SA conversion of it... You better PM Chris or something!!! But make sure the model doesn't create errors (e.g. kick yourself back into the desktop with an "Unhandeled Exception or Freezing Gameplay), But I'm sure it won't have one!!! Anybody here heard the famous CS Skin modeller LAca? He was a n00b at making skins (at least that's waht the legend says), but now he is the best CS Skin modeller ever born. Good Luck!!!
  16. Maybe this is a private thing, but what did you do? It's okay if you don't want to answer that, I understand.
  17. Finally, I have posted 100 posts...!
  18. Hi, I'm C.O.D (stands for Call of Duty). Real name's Odhit...
  19. Great screens, Manoj and Nutter. My personal favorite is Manoj screen number 3 from the top (the one with the Stuntplane in sight) really look alive! I'll post some screens too... Wait for a moment!
  20. Maybe in the PS2 version, but in the PC version, it takes only 2 dead bodies to call the police (if I recall) Correct me if I'm wrong though...
  21. I just wish the system requirements are not too crazy, and that R* won't leave any mistakes on Porting the game from The Console to the PC.
  22. The Hammer... Smash people's balls with the baby.
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