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rockstarrem last won the day on March 10 2019

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About rockstarrem

  • Birthday 06/23/1993

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
  • Flag
    United States

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Community Answers

  1. We cannot help with pirated software. Locking this.
  2. Is the save game from a newer or older version of the game? Could it be corrupted? Can you try another save file?
  3. Still alive. How's everyone doing? What is everyone up to these days?
  4. Why do you keep bumping your own topic when no one has even posted anything new in this section?
  5. Let's stop all the negative GTAF talk from here on out.
  6. Our sister site http://www.reddeadplace.com/ but the forums are shut down due to inactivity/spamming. It never took off the way we wanted it to.
  7. See if any of these look like they could include the secret island. I'm guessing it would be in the same interior as the Ganton Gym (ID 5) so I'll see if I can have a look around there. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Interior_IDs
  8. I know this thread is old but did you ever find the audio files or is the video back up on YouTube? I've been really interested in hearing it since you posted this.
  9. I just played it for a bit and have no idea where the main missions are. The controls are all different compared to GTA V controls.
  10. That's cool, Sprint. Do you know of any game files that were uncovered from that?
  11. In the Wikipedia link draftermatt posted it shows his name as Darkel, as well as in various other places on the web. Here's an image of his model, apparently:
  12. I have watched a longplay of the first Saints Row game on YouTube. It looks like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on Prozac. I love this definition. I liked SR3, but I can't get into SR4. Way too different. I'll keep trying though, I mean why not. We don't have much comparable at the moment that hasn't been overplayed.
  13. God, there were so many bad things you could have said about social media, but you chose to say something amazingly stupid and false.
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