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Everything posted by blnk182fan18

  1. this is a pretty cool idea i jsut thought of...what if you can actualy use the cell phone the main character usually has! call for backup or friends that are made in the progress of the game for dangerous situations or just to have with u, call a taxi to try and get somwhere, maybe even the littel pizza faggio to get health!! i think that is a really SICK idea! and idk if the cellphone would be in the weapon inventory or on the start screen idk but it is somthing they should put in. does anyone else agree or are they going to say...this isnt sims..{dumb}
  2. it adds to the realism, and its jsut a game , its not real its all just fun...if you cant kill a dog how can you kill a person?? j/w lol
  3. first off in bully they have a lifebar and you can kick them to death and second in GTA "not real life" if i was beibng chased by a dog i would shoot it with a smile on my face ALSO you can kill mice and throw fireworks at them and blow them up!! so hey, why not .. there is no difference between shooting an animal and throwuping a firework at htem...
  4. Okay in the Game "Bully" made by rockstar, there are alot of things that resemble GTA like the MAP, the fighting, the gameplay, and so on.....so maybe some things in this game are gonna be in GTA, like DOGS, and you can even kick them in and beat them up and knock them out, and they didnt get introuble for animal abuse.... also there are seasons and holidays like halloween and christmas and it snows and stuff....so this must be possable to put in the next GTA as well!!!! there are even skateboards in it, and i think that is possable as well. the question is, do you think it possable that GTA will have these features as well like in BULLY.
  5. uhg uhg uhg only faggots call them ricers.. i hate you.. it really gets on my nerves....poser freak
  6. we all know they should sportscars, shit cars, everyday cars, commercial vehicles and recreational vehicles. this is a SICk list that i have made b/c i was bored and i put cars that would fit in the game nicly:) Sports: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Chevy Corvette Suberu Imprezza WRX STI Honda Civic 2008 Dodge Challenger Lamborghini Murcielago Shelby GT500 Jaguar Xj220 Ford Mustang Ferrari 550 Marenello Nissan Skyline Porsche Cayman S Ferrari Enzo Porsche Carrera GT McLaren F1 Mitsubishi Eclipse 1969 Camaro Dodge Viper RT/10 Ford GT Nissan 350 Z Toyota Supra VW Golf R32 Nissan 300zx Dodge Charger Srt8 Shit Cars/everyday cars: 92 Honda Accord Buick Rainer 96 Ford Escort Lincoln Town Car Ford Continental Chrysler Town and Country beat up Monte Carlo Ford Freestar VW Beatle Jeep Wrangler VW hippy Van Dodge Caravan any Satern Ford Thunderbird Mitsubishi Galant Honda Civic Hatchback Pontiac Grand am Hyundia Accent Ford Focus Chevy Beretta Suzuki Sidekick Ford Pinto Chevy Nova Toyota Sienna Chrysler Voyager Nissan Pathfinder Nissan 240 sx nissan Altima Commercial/Jobs.Police Vehicles: City Bus Boxtrucks Steam Roller Dump Trucks Bulldozer Cement Truck Snow Plow Firetruck Police Car Undercover Police Cars Dodge Charder Srt8 Policecar Rhino Tank Army Transport Vehicle Swat Truck Oil/Gas Truck UPS/FEDEX plumbing vans Icecream Trucks Hot Dog TRucks flat beds{fully Functional} 18 wheeler trucks Fork Lift Street Cleaner Fun/Rereational Vehicles: Go Karts Snow Mobile Mopeds Mountain Bike BMX bike with pegs Personal Transport Platform Dune Buggys ATV's Remote Controle Cars/Planes/Boats Monster Trucks Air: Apachi Helicopter Sesnas Police Helicopter Army Helicopter US fighter Jet Transporting Vehicle Helipcopter Commercial Planes Commerial Helicopter News Copter Sea Planes Crop Dusters Private Jet Stunt Plane other US fighter Jet WW2 Plane Black Hawk Boats/Sea: Aircraft Carrier Hovercraft Cruise Ships JetSki Cargoships infaltable raft speedboat yaht Police Boats Car transporting boat Ferries Submarine standard boats AND alot more i just cant think of anything that would be good for the game:)
  7. HUGE MAP, many many man time the size of san andreas. this time they should try somthing different, possably have like four or more cities, and a huge ocean in the middle with small islands, cargo ships, aircraft carriers, cruis ships and possably an oil rig way out in the ocean. and then the cities can be HUGE, graphgics were always good enough, add some touchups and it will be perfect!
  8. your a 28 year old white male that is a cop, he is good with computers and cars and guns. as a cop you are assigned to check out a robbery at a Bank. when you go you are immediatly fire at from all directions. you have your little 9mm handgun and they have riffles. you get hit and then somone comes and takes you in their car and drives off to a house deep in a forest. from there you are a cop that has been framed to be in on the action. Smart badguys , they got away with a bank robbery at your expence. so now you are pissed, your life is getting all screwed up, cops are after you and you lost your job, your in a house thats in the middle of knowhere with some weird man and girl that treated your wounds. from their you must get these people back but it is going to be very hard to find out who did it. the peoples house you stay at are very into cars and own a shop in the city. they offer to house you their and offer you help. they are heavy street racers and there are alot of people in the street racing business that need money for their cars, so maybe it has to do with them, but we dont know, along the way we will meet new people, all kinds of people!. They will give usnew jobs to do and start a new living in this city, and occasionaly there will be cops who are looking for you. its going to be a tough one but im sure we will live through it and findout who these scums are that took everything away from you. Along the ay we will meet street racers, business men, bums, other hitmen, and even some dirty cops that ge in on the action that make you do some crazy missions like find a cruise ship way out in the ocean and aboard it from plane to parachutte at night in all black tacticle outfit. where you will then locate a man on the cruise ship sleeping and kill him with your silenced pistol and steal the laptp he has and some cash. but you can be spotted or cops will be called and you will have a bunch of helipcopters and police boats to avoid. its going to be intence but its also going to be a great adventure.
  9. i love you, i have been trying to say this forever but i never knew how to really say it. you are the best one in this entire forum. i agree with you 75893458907345%!!! i love reaism its somthing that makes the game never get boring. the traffic should be improved. the traffic system in san andreas i rate a 0 out of 100 it sucked dick for coke. the traffic is stupid.. its impossable to not get sideswiped, stop shorted on, rammed from behind or blown up by another car flipping over you. in realife i dont think there would be 100's of 30 car pileups a day naturally.. i mean i didnt even start them i just say them happen. lol thats my dream, fix traffic and the PEDS shouldnt be cloned like you said that was weird lol and they should chat and play sports and stuff on the side of the road.@!! good post
  10. i have posted my idea a million times, but its so cool, i love writing it just b/c it is so awsome. the main idea should be a nice complex one.. im talking like EX-Cop, now streetracer. your main character can be a nice young white male, built nicly. heshould be good with computers,cars and technology, kind of like the world today. the game should start off by you being a cop and there is a bank robbery but it happens to be your friend robbing the bank, he gets in a car but drops the money and drives off and you chase hime! Then you eventualy catch him and talk for a little and then instead of arresting him you let him go , to only find you later after you have been fired b/c of whitnesses. when he does ind you , your character is upset and needs money so your friend finds some street races, and cops are looking for you and then at the race you meet some other people and i havent really thought about what happens after that.. but they should make the PLOT more intence like that. that is SICK. the other games plots were rather weak, san andreas had a decent plot and so did vice city, but it didnt feel to crazy {thats a good thing}
  11. i want a HUGe map, one were we can all get lost:) i love it.
  12. all the genres ...maybe eliminate rap b/c i hate it and was used to much in san andreas.. also i think they should have a custom radio where you put your own music that would just be the best ever!
  13. i totaly agree with buying all the weapons in the game... i mean when you go in ammunation you see like all these SICK guns and then you cant use them... they should have it so you do use them.. and i think you should have to buy weapon upgrades everytime... how often do you lose a gun... only when you die or run out of ammo but maybe they will hange that like i said earlier who knows but flashlight would be so SICK i love it i want them to have it so bad!!!!!!!!!! good ideas everyone:)
  14. the laser can jsut show a red dot where you aim and give better accuracy like its supposed to idk lol and hmmm if the gun runs out of ammo idk lol i guess you can have the gun but there is no point of taking it out.. they should ahve somthing that says "press L1 and triangle or somthing to throw the gun on the floor if you run out of ammo or you can just keep it lol idk
  15. i like the idea of the game being syncronized to the clock on the ps2, somone had mentiond this in another chat.. this can be really bad, but it can also be really good... i have some reaosns:) 1- the game will last ALOT LONGER 2- taking realism not to a new level, not to a new world, but to a new universe!! 3- makes the game exta interactive, for example if you wanna do a heist mission it will say , comeback when its dark...then you gotta litaraly comeback at like 8 at night.. it might be anoying but damn, that is f***ing sick!!! 4- if food is incorperated in the game, it can have realistic times to eat instead of just rnadomly getting hungry... breakfast,lunch,snack,dinner,snack.. (snacks arent necasary) 5- daylight savings can even be incorperated!!!! 6- if they had a time system who knows, they might even have holidays... mabe you can drive threw a parade or somthing:) 7- this would also gaurentee seasons and weather situations! 8- also this will decide weather you will see people will bikinis and speedos or big fluffy coats and or umbrellas 9- this CAN possably even affect the cars on the road... in the morning luxury cars and other work cars will be on the road because people need to get to work, in the afternoon business vehicles can be out delivering w/e and you can see some trashmasters and bulldozers or w/e idk and at night maybe the import cars are driving around and muscle and exotics like the elegy and the turismo. i think that might be REALLY cool!!!! 10- the only negative thing would be to play at night you must wait till like 7 or 8 o clock pm and vice versa but otherwise i LOVE the id to bad im robably the only one who likes the idea lol But who knows im prolby just looking to into this and talking about somthing dumb, just a cool idea though.
  16. weather would be really cool... the winter should bring snow that actualy accumulates right before your very own eyes, of course it will take a little while but that would be awsome. then they can have a snow shovel as a weapon, possably snowballs as a joke but it would be kind of cool to throw them at cars and people. oter weather should be cool also like possably hurricanes and high winds. and in the fall the roads caan be filled with leaves!
  17. there should be a huge cruis ship that circles the city 24/7 and you can go on it whenever you want by paracheuting on it fgrom a plane and there is cool minigames and stuff to do on it and you can save one it. also they should include one of the deep sea underwater vehicles, they are cool jet skis padle boats sail boats fishing boats yats aircraft carrier submarine speedbots o and police boats.
  18. i say USA because it has the everything, the best place for driving, crime, girls, and much more. its just to exciting here in USA to go anywhere else and take a chance.
  19. i seem to like the mafia idea but i think i got a sicker idea.... they sould start a new plot not use previous idea.. im talking like EX-cop..i think tha would be sick or even just some random 28 year old guy starting his saterday morning when SOMTHING happens. the game can open with him on a couch in his house and a beer in his hand scratching his balls when somthing happens what.. idk... and from that point on you get involved in all this CRAZYshit i think it would be internesting to see how the life of the main character hcnages in the snap of a finger and to see what he is doing as he progresses..
  20. spaz the great just owned everyone against the VIRTUAL killing of animals... you can no longer argue now:)
  21. and by the way in vice city if you shoot a seagul they die... and no complaints were there.... so.... it should be fine.. if you dont like killing then dont play gta:) but us gta fans.. we love killing and shooting peoples heads off and we dont mind shooting dogs in the eyes and cats.. i would love to run over cats.. i cant do it in reallife but in the game it would be the greatest:) i always gotta stop for them in reallife b/c they sit in the road
  22. this is the dumbest thing i had ever read in my entire life of being alive and im sure itsthe dumbest thing ever to be typed on a computer... if your against killing dogs... then be against it but its FAAKE!!!! if you kill a dog in gta you didnt really kill it it is just simply fake.. end of story.. it has nothing to do with animal right.. the animal never had rights it was made up.... but lets kill cops and swat teams and soilders and thats ok we can kill our own army but if you Kill a dog your going to hell... WHO CARES ITS A VIDEO GAME.... im sure you would go to jail for killing a human over killing a dog... and dogs can be really good in GTA gangs can have pitbulls and other kinds of dogs that can chace you and unless you want to get bit you shoot them in the face... but remember its JUST A GAME so you didnt really kill a dog... so think before you type.. for the idiots that say you will never play again if you kill a "fake" dog.. then you should never played before b/c this is a game about killing... so i have one word for the people that hate killing virtual dogs..... and that word is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<DUMB>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  23. i think the theme should be street racing, robbery, hitman, assasins. it should start out with you in some really awsome car in a street race and cops come and you gotta escape to a warhouse and you meet an old friend and she helps you get out of the heat and gives you a safehouse to lay low while the cops are out there looking for you.. you should be a 28 year old white male that is sexy and strong and attracts woman and is good with cars, computers and guns, and ofcourse stealing cars!. you should be able to open up a car shop and sell custom cars and be abvle to see them driving around the streets and steel them, and stuff. also in the missions there should be some intence shootouts in construction yards, on cruis ships, on the 40th floor of a building, in a subway and hundreds of more places. their should be stealth mission where you sneek around a warhouse to kill a druglord or other streetracer or somthing. i say street racing because its a good plot that involves CARS, the point of the game. IF not street racing then it should be about an ex-cop or even streetracing adn ex-cops put together!! i love my idea:)
  24. Just not rap.. im sick of that.. and im sick of old music .. we need like alternative rock... for a change
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