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Everything posted by blnk182fan18

  1. LOLOLOL 15 foot arms lol that is funny that happend in other gta's or is that just another random thing you dont want to see lol:)???
  2. its not my fault a day later i had somthing else to say an no one posted anything.. what am i gonna wait till somone posts somthing just to say another idea... dumb
  3. they also need to get rid of fake cars and start getting some real stuff with the full trademarks and license by owner like instead of "Turismo" put ferrari F40...its cooler and better and im sure it can help the business out also.
  4. That would be SICk especialy if the mission is like to sneak into a warhouse and kill somone or steal somthing you have to watch for gaurd dogs because they can alert others somone is near or just attack you. so you have to shoot it in the face or else you will be bit over and over until you DIE! i LOVE THAT IDEA!! SICK SICK SICK
  5. i think their should be Weapon Upgrades.. maybe like... - Silencers - Laser pointers - grenade Launcher - Flashlight - scope - red dot sight Then their should be skills like - Quicker reloading - Better AIM - less shaking when aiming - faster semi auto shooting i think it would be sick and add realism and more fun into the game as well as new features:)
  6. i would like the first mission to be ... you are a street racer and you start with some nice car and you are about to race and all these cops come and you have to escape and thehn you start driving through towns and citiesand you end up in a warehouse by some docks with contruction sites all aaround and you get out of the car and lose the cops for good but they are looking all over for you and you meet up with a friend and she/he gives you a silenced pistol and you have to get back to his/her safehousw which then becomes you place.
  7. well then your dumb if u cant KILL somthing that is virtual and you are a pussy who needs to not cry or not play GTA.. killing a human is worse then killing an animal.. BUT ITS FAKE... so who cares... i dont...
  8. i would like a completly new character, in a completly new city or state with completly new stuff.. im sick of using the sam guns and/or CARS.. they need new ones and they need new ones FAST!!! this pistol needs to be improved.. i can hurt somone by shooting jiz in their eye then shooting them with the pistol. they neeeeed new weapons..
  9. I think Grand theft auto needs better and more sounds. they improved in san andreas for example when their was riots you heard hundreds of people screaming and chaos in the background. i loved that it made the game feel so much more real. but im talking about adding more. lets say you went in the forest or countryside or whatever, you would expect to hear crickets, birds, animal sounds, trees blowing from wind, water streaming down a river and a tracktor cutting his crops. in san andreas when you went in the countryside and have your sound all hte way up it will be pretty much quite. in the city you should hear horns honking, musclecars roaring a few blocks away...{Just play need for speed and turn off the music and go to free roam, youl hear all the sounds}. Even cars brakes squeaking in the city and people sneezing. a Modded Civic with their unique engine sounds in the background. when you are walking through the suburbs you should hear dogs barking, birds chirping, and a light breeze blowing the trees. The guns should also have better sounds...most guns had a solid unnatural sound but if they add an ECHO to the gun it would be crazy and sound really good. if you shoot in the countryside the gun should echo for a longer time then if you shot in a suburb and if you shot a gun in a city ally then it should be EXTRA loud and have a long echo after the shot that might attract alot of attention which would bring the need to buy a silncer. and finaly the cars! they need some work done o them. most of the vehicles sound the same. they need to be more unique and have better sounds like if a sportscar passes by then have a loud smooth sound but if a muscle car passes then it should be LOUD crackling engine sounds. also they should have music playing in some cars when they stop at a red light maybe they have SUBS and you can hear it through the car, in GTA3 they had this and it was cool. Well most people are gonna say im probly dumb for making this topic but i think it is a good idea to improve the sound quality of the game and add ALOT more sounds to add to the relism.
  10. hey need to get rid of the gang theme.... they need to to have somthing better like ex-cop, street racer, business man, hitman and just not have GANG stuff. im sick of gangs.
  11. i hope it takes place in 2007, and maybe there will be really awsome up to date cars, weapons and trends. that would be really really cool.
  12. i want more missions based on rabberies, stealing cars, going in buildings with a group of people rabbing somthing and killing tons of people. tacticle missions like going on a boat with a silenced weapon at midnight wearing a skimask and black outfit nd sneaking around... stuff like that is always the most fun... also more sniper missions where people need to be taken out from a building accross the street or you have to go on a watertower and shoot a person passing through, but u have to shoot them through the front window and get a headshot.. ThAT SOUNDS SO FUN!!!!! also they need to add "ladder climbing" so you can get on rooftops and billboards easier
  13. I hink there should be animals, other video games have animals that you kill and they dont get introuble... so i think its only fair to allow GTA to have them.. also if you can kill a person im sure you can kill a dog or a cat! look at games like deer hunter and there are more i just cant think of them right now... animals would add a great amount of relism, in the city pigeons can fly around and racons in the allys and in the forests there can be wolves and stuff. they can even add bees nests and in the suburbs people can walk their dogs and also there can be a lose dog and stray cats roaming the streets. with animals also comes sounds and ambience.... in the forest you would hear crickets and a wolf howling in the distance.. i think its a great idea!!!!
  14. i Think you should be a Single White Male with the age of 28. Cool, smart, and sexy. He should be really good with guns, cars and picking up girls. and make a perfect hitman, streetracer, assasin, and whatever else there is. That would be f***ing Sick.
  15. i think the next GTA should focus on and fix "AMMUNATION". If you look in GTA VC and GTA SA there are like TONS of weapons on the wall, like 70 or somthing. well they should make every gun useable....why put them if you cant use them. also you should be able to buy just AMMO and other stuff like camo outfits and stuff. It would also be cool to buy scopes, lasers, and flashlights for your riffls, smg's or pistols. Some guns they should defently add are... Mp5-A5, Steyre AUG, M4A1, Sg 552, FN P90, Ak-47, Mac-10, isreali Uzi, Steyr TMP, Mp7, G36c, M16, Ak-74, Spas 12 Shotgun, Sawed-off shotgun, M3 shotgun, Desert Eagle, Colt 45., colt 45. silenced, USP, USP silenced, and alot more but those are sick ones.... Now most importantly sniper rifles, i love sniper riffles and i was VERY upset they only had one in GTA SA.. THEY NEED P-Sg1, M40, Svd Dragonuv, L-96, M-14 Barett M82 and G3-Sg1. For explosive stuff they need Satchel Charges, Grenades, Cocktailes, RPG, Stinger Missle Launcher, possable a grenade launcher to go the bottom of guns if you buy it, pipe bombs, C4. i know people are syaing , what is this counter strike or GTA but weapons are a big part of the game. Cars and guns are the most important things i think. now if they have all these guns and all the cars that are hoped for this game will be so kickass. !!!! i have billions of more ideas but i wont type them ALL
  16. i seriously have to many wishes lol but first off i LOVE the radio idea...its amazing. - i think it should have like ALOT of guns i mean hundreds...and when you go in AMMUNATION you should be able to buy every gun that is in the store...in every other GTA you can only get some and the other hundred u can not buy...if your gonna put them in the game lets actualy use them. - sick action missions where you raid a warehouse or whatever with a group of teamates {gangs, friends,} and the enemys got snipers and stuff and like they throw grenades. and you can use laser sights and all cool tacticle stuff. im pretty much wishing for a more realistic one player or w/e - be able to climb ladders - have a cruise and/or aircraft carrier WAY out in see that takes like 10 minutes to fly to with a JET because tis so far out. and they can cirlce the city so it is sort of hard to find. and there can be a REALLY sick mission in the aircraft carrier where you have to like do some really cool objective. then steal like a black hawk or somthing. - sick vehicles like steamrollers and jetskis and {FOR WHEN IT SNOWS} snowmobiles and stuff:) - well since i mentioned it..why not...have snow storms, hail, drouts, a very realistc nature. - on of my favortie ideas...sounds... city sounds, birds chirping, guns in backround, dogs barking, people haveing sex in housses, and sports cars in the distance with some sirens:) i love that stuff. and also realistic GUN sounds with echoes when in an alley way or in an open country land field. _i have millinos more but i have to go
  17. idk if it should be like this or not but the game should react to the time on the PS3. so if its 5:30 at night in the winter it will be getting to be nighttime and people will be coming home from work and if its 5:30 in the summer people will be outside BBq'ing and biking and the sun will be shining. i dont know if thats good or not. it would be interesting to play with real time duration. maybe even a selection in the beggining.......GTA time or realistc time. There should be a cool underwater road that is made of glass so its cool when you drive through it you see all fish and stuff under the water. an underwater vehicle...submarine possably. possably a 1 person submarine like the vortex. a huuuuuuuuge country area with a giatn forest and animals and insects and lightning bugs and fog in it. possably some ranches in the middle of it and its very dark in it unless you have some sort of lighting. more sniper riffles. alot more...PSG-1, SVD Dragonuv, Barett M82, Lr 96, M24, M40 and be able to put lasers, scopes, silencers and bipods on them. i love snipers and sniping should be a big part of the game. infact, you should have to be a sniper for one of the bosses and take out certain people as a hitman for some missions
  18. I got more ideas and i think they are really sick. - you should be able to have people drive you around so you can do the drive-bys and stuff. instead of you doing all the driving. and all you have to do is put somthing on the map in the start menu and they drive to that location. Also if you can do driv-bys with more guns, maybe all of the guns. other friends or gang members driving you places can be very helpful and fun. You should - you should also be able to stick out of a moon-roof and get a 360 degree view were u can then get more freedom on were to shoot when you drive-by. - snow has to be in the game. when you drive by houses there are snowmen and snow plows are around plowing the streets , creating ramps on the corners. just as a joke idk if im even seriouse or not but you can make snowballs lol. and when it snows the traffic can be less populated and alot of people have shovels. Also there should be a windy sound to make it sound cold out and you need to wear a jacket or you will caugh and/or sneeze. and this can cause you to lose stealth in some missions. weather should be important in thew game. And snow can be really fun and make the game so realistic. cars can fishtail on the main roads. some cars are unstealable because they are snowed in. - i think i commented about this before but it is just so important and alot of people will think its "bad" and stupid but a real gamer would know this is amazing. There needs to be backround sounds that are always being played. Ambeince is a key factor. nothing makes a city without police sirens, horns, wind, helicopters and loud car engines in the distance. on the beach you might hear waves, seaguls and other insects by tall grass. When it snows you hear that unique wind in your ear that makes it feel cold outside. Weapons should echo through the streets. when you fire a gun it shouldnt snound like a little "crackle" it should sound really awsome and powerful. when your in the country, gun sounds echo more because the sound bounces off mountains. In the desert there is more flat land so it echos less. In city alley ways the echo of the gun should be insanly loud and attract more attention. -
  19. what you just said, is one of the most insanly stupid things i have ever heard, you made no sence and should actualy never play GTA ever again b/c u dont deserve to. You can steal your entire life. you can get a job to make the "GAME" more "FUN" so it never gets "BORING". think a little and think before you speak, its a good saying you should really listen to. maybe working for another criminal can be considered a career you F**k.
  20. i got some more small ideas!!! man i dream of this game so much during school, i love gta its the best...me and my friend got some free periods so we go to his house and just play GTA somtimes, its great! - i wish you can make convertable cars roofs go up and down. - some more cars and trucks like moving trucks(big for putting cars inside, if you wanna steal 2 or 3 cars at once for import export of somthing). or an RV that you can go in the back of like the Journey but more interactive. Also some more sport cars. - they should makea way to make cars not apear so much when your in one. if i get in a cheetah, then i wanna be the only one with that sexy car. but somreason when i get in one i feel like im one out of 2 billion. since at the red light there was 5 more cheetahs. my point is, whatever car your in, you are lickly to see that car more often as your in it. they should make different cars have different rarness. like if you see 5 ferraries at a red light, somthing is wrong there. that car must not be expensive enough. to make a long ass story short, FIX IT - call people on your cell phone to help with some missions. that means you can make friends, idk how you can make friends but im sure there can be a way lol. its basicaly a more reliable gang {friends} - more missions ideas. Missions where you have to break into a large office building and go to a computer with a group of people and hack into it and there is a little bar that goes down as your character hacks away and when the bar completes it means he is done. Also other missions would be protect your team/gang/friends as they are robbing a small bank. you should have to sit up on a rooftop and pick off cops as they come. then you should get 5 stars and go in the back of a hummer(patriot) and get a machine gun and shoot cops as they try and arrest you or kill you. - more poeple should fit in vans and pick up trucks should be able to hold people in the back of them.
  21. no with the speed limit idea i mean the traffic has to go that limit , you can go however fast you want! but the "law"(laughs) says to go a certain limit. keep traffic flowing. i was biking faster than cars on the highway. CJ should be in a world record for fastest biker. lol i got more ideas while i was pooping small ideas... - in the pay n spray have people able to pick the color they want instead of only doing that at transfender. - Steam Roller would just be so SICK - you should get your own car , sweet gets his own car, why cant we have one that Always spawns, even if you blow it up. - if you hold a gun to a pedestrians head they pee there pants somtimes - smarter AI, somtiems in san andreas when you shoot randomly all the cars would start speeding up and like ram into buildings and other cars. Weird.
  22. Skin: White/tan Age:27 Hair: Black short hair Facial hair: mid size side burns Eyes: Dark brown Gangs: renegade that meets new people Body: Semi Muscular Favorite outfit: Black shirt/Camo pants Shoes: Skateboarding shoes Weapons: Tacticle Sniper Riffle (M24) Secondary: Walther P99 Nationality: Italian Car: 2006 Mustang Personality: a Sexy man that attracts ladies and loves cars and is a professional hitman
  23. woah relx guys its not a bad idea it all, look at it this way. - the game can never end because of your job you can do cool careers. like stealing cars for somone (gone in 60 seconds style) like import/export just more detailed. - they can make burglary missions into a job also - even the food delivery They can make anything into a job as long as you got a boss. you can even be a policeman if you want (possably a dirty cop) im sure they can expand on the idea of careers. like in san andreas what ever did happen to the garage that you got. CJ's sister is a lying skank that said she would get the place up and running and never did. that can easily be a career in the game, sell cars.
  24. i thought of some more really good ideas - first off i like the animal idea i think that is a really really good idea to have a pet that is there for you. and you can see people walking there dogs in the morning and stuff (SICK) - i thought it would be really helpful to climb ladders, there are sooo many ladders in the other games that i wanted to climb but i couldnt. - there should be a place like "Zero's" where there is car, plane, helicopter, and boat remote controle vehicles. and you can either buy them for your own fun or have to go there for missions like getting a remote controle car with a video camra on it and spying on somone and following them without it getting seen. Stuff like that is so fun its crazy. - you should be able to buy nightvision, infered goggles instead of fidning them. - a new weapon can be those tear gas launchers the Riot gaurds have and you should also be able to get a gasmask. - i cant stress it enough but the traffic, they need regulated speed limits like some streets they can go slow and highway they should FLY! and they should stop on a dime when you walk infront of 1 on the highway. Also traffic shouldnt change lanes every 4 seconds because this ensures 100% that your car will be hit if you go on the highways. This also means there should me speed-o-meters since that cars should obey speed limits. - somtiems in san andreas cops went for other random people, in this they should get stars also so you might see a S.W.A.T. team at the local bank one day or a high speed helicopter chase pass by the intersection when you are parked at a pizza place. it would be cool. Also they need to bring back the undercover cop cars and instead of making them come when you stars you should also see them even when you have no stars and they should pull you over. - i dont know if its a good idea but if you get 1 star they should just pull you over and give u a ticket and if you drive away or pull out a weapon or kill somone you should get 2 stars. maybe there should be more than 6 stars or have 6 stars but make them raise by halfs. - more interactive pedestrians for example they can be playing basketball , or they can make a go-kart track where people are driving around. people should have more of a life then driving and walking around all day. when you drive up the street you should see telephone companies repairing wires in the telephone poles. (i dont know if i am making this sound to much like the ps3 can handel it or not lol) if you ever played need for speed most wanted the cops in that are really really really really smart. they tell you to pull over on the intercom, they actualy avoid traffic and turn when you do. cops should be smarter and better. Also you should be able to purchase a cop radio/radar detector. then you can hear what the cops are talking about and see if they find any suspects and also with the rader you can just tell if one is close by or not. they can put the rader detector next to the map or somthing. this is all the ideas i have, im a huge GTA fan and i always play and think of new ideas so im sure ill have about 894750293845345 more by the time the game comes out! That would by SIck if rockstar actualy went into this forum and took ideas from peoples wishlists. people have such good ideas i think with everyone working together on ideas this game can be an orgasmic experience.
  25. this is a sick topic! lol ok here are some good buildings that i would like to see - buildings that are in the actual city the game takes place in. - Alot of warehouses and industrial areas where you can go on ledges and balconys and snipe people and be all tacticle and stuff( i also wish you can climb ladders!!) - alot of sub urban areas with just little neighborhoods and houses with little mom+pop shops - more interiors in the hotels and local stores - gas stations that are more explosive and make huge mushroom clouds lol i cant think of any more right now:(
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