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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I don't think a avarage Athlon will be enough for GTA IV though. Unless you have a high-end Athlon. BTW, does anyone think GTAIV is NOT going to support Duo core? I don't know any games that actually do.
  2. GTAIV will never be DX10 only. R* would be stupid if they did that. I didn't mean future games won't be DX10. And Athlon has been taken out of AMDs products just yesterday. So Athlon doesn't exist in the AMD range anymore.
  3. Then say Computer. Not everyone has a desktop you know.. *gets camera*
  4. Rather late reply, anyway: All life form needs oxygen. Without that you can't 'burn' energy. Or the stuff giving energie to the body. Even if there would be other life form, they still need that 'energy' thus also needing oxygen. And he meant Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas
  5. 10 GB is quite reasonable. Command and Conquer takes 8.
  6. Why would you buy a mac for gaming
  7. 1)Minimum requirements will never be DX10. Perhaps recommended, but not minimum. 2) Xpress is just on-board, right? No. I'd say nVidia 7600 or ATI equivalent Pentium D, Athlon 64? You nuts? Athlon doesn't even exist anymore and Pentium D is even worse then P4. 3)A game like GTA takes lots of RAM. And the PC version functions differently. If you have Vista you'll at least need 2 gig. 4)Do you know any computer with 600 MB RAM? 5) You will not need 5.1 or a sound card at all. Recommended: Windows XP. Vista to benefit from DX 10 RAM: 1.5 on systems running XP. 2 gig for Vista CPU: Core 2 Duo E6400 or AMD equivalent Free Space: 9 gig free space on HDD Graphic Card: nVidia 7600 (for DX 10 8600 GTS) or ATI equivalent. VRAM: 256 MB, 320 recommended.
  8. Exept for budget PC's every PC of the last 6 months should be able to get any game running. What CPU does it have? You can't get PC's with less then 1 gig of memory here (with exeption of the under 400 EUR ones and a few laptops). Usually they do lack a good graphic card (so just a on-board one from intel or nVidia.)
  9. Every PC bought withing the last 6 months should do. And of course the good pc's before that time.
  10. That's interesting. They are making a game but actually don't even know how they are going to get the game able to be played. Also it needs more space so it will be bigger then any other game for the 360 untill now. They possibly could give 2 DVD's for the 360 but that wouldn't support the no loading stuff.
  11. I'm positive that's the new one. The RAI had that one and I live just next to some Honda shop.
  12. I saw that real life vid thing some time ago. *tries to find another* Here's one.
  13. With ghosts you mean those white spooky things, right? Well I think that's just some stuff made up to scare kids. Simple. Ghosts in the sence of things/beings you can't see... Well don't really know. I guess my opinion about that would be fairly similar to Draftermatt's one.
  14. I wouldn't want to see 2 guys have sex with each other, and lot's of others wouldn't. What's homophobia got to do with that? I also don't want to see bondage, big deal.. Transblabla
  15. There are lot's of Christians in Asia too. It's not all Islam. Only the middle east is. Then you still have Boedism, Hinduism, Christianity and more. But you're right. Culture is the main thing. I don't get what you mean with "tradition" though..
  16. I PWN your penis! Think it's getting to big now Now it will hurt.. Yep, I stored the original
  17. That's the old Civic. This is the new one: Type R: I've been to the 'Auto RAI' not that long ago. I'll post some pictures of the cars as soon as I uploaded them. Auto RAI is a car show btw.
  18. Just downgrade one PC. You use FF most anyway, so downgrade the one you usually don't use for these websites.
  19. I hate German. Partly cause I suck in German, but the language doesn't sound that nice too. We don't have any German members huh..?
  20. Yeah, my name is second rofl. I've never really had a prob with Silberio so yeah, no prob Silb And 'nasty stuff'. Then you're talking about bondage and stuff you'd see on 4chan, right?
  21. Just Honda. BTW, I saw a 'wild' Vanquish today That's the first Aston Martin that I ever saw on the road.
  22. You mean the Trading Stalls, right? Only could find the Rules.
  23. Rofl, now Chis is going to post the Dutch words he knows
  24. Cebit had a similar thing. You had to wear a band around your head (above your eyes) and then you could control a PC game made for that thing. It actually worked, so I guess this could actually be used for consoles or PC's by 2009.
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