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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Ultimate of course printscreen
  2. Dad? NO! IT'S SUPER MAN! Lawl. What are my dad's pics doing on teh internets
  3. Looks pretty cool. Meh, I should become a little sporty aswell..
  4. Well since you have to be impress all elites, it could be hard for me since some of the elites have had arguments with me. Somehow I think that's refering to me.. Just because I disagree about the ps3 doesn't mean I hate you or anything.
  5. So can you also lock your topics, or only delete?
  6. Just noticed that.

    Never thought I'd be here to achive that. I don't stay that long at forums in general you know.

  7. At first I was wondering who where going to be the new elites, never thought it be me Thanks guys
  8. Well this is actually just a quote post, but who cares. "Columbus (OH) - We're soon approaching the one year anniversary of each format, and despite the extrapolated outlook for Blu-ray based on where it stands now, there is no end in sight. A climb in Blu-ray movie sales may lead consumers to believe Sony has already beaten HD DVD, but nothing could be further from the truth." "When I first heard about Blu-ray and HD DVD at the tail end of 2005, my gut reaction was that both formats would flop within a couple years. I imagined that no one would be so easily persuaded to start passing the torch from DVD. Instead, the two formats have gained name recognition and healthy amounts of shelf space from every big box retailer. I guess I underestimated the explosion of the popularity in and obsession with high definition. Anyway, it has turned into a full-on, fists-out guerilla war, and it's enough to make even the strongest tech heads a little dizzy. Earlier this week, the HD DVD promotional group announced the mark of the 100,000th player to be sold, a number it took DVD players over two years to reach. However, Blu-ray is magnitudes above that, led chiefly by the PS3. It also continues to take huge leads over HD DVD in terms of movie sales. In fact, today, a Nielsen group that tracks the sales released March figures, putting Blu-ray movies at a 2-to-1 advantage over HD DVD for the third consecutive month. Because of this, some have begun to declare Blu-ray the winner. Format wars are always ugly sights. Consumers are tricked into thinking the latest and greatest rotating media will revolutionize everything, only to look back three years later and find it in the anique section of eBay. If it's not obvious this is experience talking, maybe I should post a picture of my substantial laserdisc collection. We saw the exact same thing with Sony's proprietary PSP disc known as UMD. Practically every top studio leaped onto that bandwagon, following a short-lived surge in the portable format. Sony sent press release after press release boasting about sales figures. Today, the company is seemingly under a voluntary gag order to not even mention UMD movies because sales flattened practically overnight. Blu-ray has an eerily similar feel to it. There are, without a doubt, a number of people who bought a PS3 and are testing out the Blu-ray movie player as a novelty. The PS3 counts for more than 75% of all BD players that have been sold, and when this novelty wears off for the non-enthusiasts, it may not be on such an elevated playing ground anymore. Sony's history with new formats is well documented. Betamax, Super Audio CD, Write-Once optical discs, Super Density discs, Magneto-optical discs, and a handful of others, have all come out of Sony's offices. You can count the number of these that turned out to be big successes by, well, doing absolutely nothing. The answer is zero. Sony's record in format wars is bad, real bad. I don't think that just because over 100,000 people are watching James Bond in high definition on Casino Royale Blu-ray, Sony can declare itself the winner. Sure, HD DVD has a long way to go to re-establish itself, but it is still out there in a big way. Looking back at history, movie studios have jumped ship from formats, fads have died off with the snap of a finger, and there's always the chance for a unpredictable surprise that changes the game entirely. It's all happened before, and the fact that this format war is so highly publicized just makes every shift so crucial. It'll be at least another year before we know for sure who has the permanent upper hand." Link: TG Daily I support HD-DVD so this is quite good news for me.
  9. Lol, no idea..

    People probably just don't like me :P

  10. It doesn't work? Then you're just doeing something wrong. Here's it step by step. -rmb the file you want to change and go to "open with". -open file [file-name here].bmp with Windows picture and fax viewer. -a little bit from the right you see the save icon (diskette/floppy). -now a windows pops up that's almost identical to what you'd get if you used paint and would go to "save as" -Under the place where you can insert the file name is a box stating "save as type". Now open that choose what ever format you what to save in. Simple.
  11. I didn't mention that actually being in my PC. I am getting a 8800 GTX by the summer vacation. Probably from XFX or EVGA. They both overclock the cards pretty good from the standard. edit: lol
  12. A good one as it is one of the most popular cars in the UK, you might think its shape stupidly but inside it has some pretty nice gagets. Mercedes has nice gadgets to.. I support Maclaren btw. Renaults cars look.. crap. But yeah, spacy and save. So a good familly car. But then I'd prefer a Volvo actually.
  13. £200 is a damn lot of money for a PC case and cooling. I just have 2 little case fans About watercooling. It are copper pieces stuck to the stuff that nees cooling. Water moves over it to take the heat of it. Easy concept but it works great. That's the most powerfull card ATM. The asus 8800 GTX Aquatank. It does take 2 PCI slots though, making SLI a bit difficult [/off-topic]
  14. I thought Bugatti is Italian, not French..
  15. Power Buff Boys I think that was the name of those little other kids.
  16. You know Silberio, you actually look smarter there then you actually are, lol.
  17. @ Alistair: Infact, Discovery said it most lightly is bull shit. They ended it with some talk about how big the universe is and that maybe, far away there is other life form and " we are not alone". It has been proven that in our Galaxy there probably isn't any other life form. Other galaxy's then. Traveling from an other galaxy to earth will take a life time, even at the incredible high speeds the Alien UFO's can (or is asumed) go. Ditto on that one.
  18. I'm to yough.. I haven't even lost my virginity. Water cooling is rather expensive (about 200 USD) but it does cool your entire system. If I was you I'd just de- and re-assemble your whole computer. If you have a second PC try putting the CPU on that one. See if it has the same effect.
  19. I thought in a overclock tut for the E6600 they had a voltage like that, and I don't expect it to be different for the 6700. I'm just guessing that the temprature in the PC case itself is to high. Try using Orthos to see if your PC's hardware is runing stable. Edit: You are using a CPU cooler, right?
  20. If you don't have 90$ you're.. piss poor. I have $10 k on my own. Doesn't mean I actually use that. It's meant as back-up for if I ever really need something (like a car). Rar is used because it compresses better. Simple
  21. Avi: 8 Sig: the graphics aren't that good actually 4/10 But I like that Hans Ulrich Rudel guy anyway. Perso: funny (sometimes stupid) member. Meant as compliment btw
  22. Pandora

    80 GB PS3?

    You need a Laptop HDD for the PS3. And the one who said 500 gig is cheap, 200 EUR is not really cheap in my eyes you know..
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