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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It's a weak computer. Sure it's a powerfull console, but still a weak computer. COD 3, Red Steel and Far Cry are for little kids? That little thing in your sig proves the Wii is winning. You're right in the OS on the PS3 though.
  2. I just got it for the first time. In the DS forum. No big deal actually, just have to refresh. Edit: Scratch that. Now I wanted to post and I got the same error.
  3. Well yeah, I've got to agree. @Sky: New cam? There's no purple line through the pic
  4. Plossible, yeah. I guess you'll have to go to a internet cafe some point in the game to get some missions, since you're always the underdog. And the PC/laptop still can be used after the storyline. Like checking up news to see if there is any event in the city. Brings me up with an idea, I'll make a topic about that later.
  5. Everytime it said file[1].jpg was infected. Forums had no problems. File couldn't be cleaned, quarentined or deleted meaning it's still on my pc. But doeing a system scan has a negative outcome. So it doesn't see the virus in the system.
  6. So who's the pretty girl in the first pic? Lol, looks quite fun, nice pics.
  7. No problems for me anymore. Strange though, why would it stop for me and continue for you guys. BTW, the prob only occurs on the main page (everything exept the forum actually).
  8. Effin hell. None of those consoles are going to be able to reach 2011. Once again, the ps3 is weak. How the hell should it last 7 years? All PC's now days are more powerfull then a ps3 and after 3 years the PC will be considered crap, same with the ps3. Get over your fanboy shit dude.
  9. 1 Year Member Here ! YEAH! I've been waiting ages for this. Everyone congrationlate me now
  10. Silberio doesn't make any mods :| I'd say no. You're not quilified for any of the categories.
  11. Get IE7 Or just FF 2.0 if you really don't want IE.
  12. Pandora


    I think this walkthrough is quite clear. You can leave everything at the begin out of it and it will need quite some editing to convert it to the site but I think it's ok.
  13. I think it's just a 'clip-on' thing for on your controller. So not the whole controller.
  14. Pandora


    So will we also have the San Andreas walkthrough?
  15. Jump style. It's popular here but I really hate it. And about classic. I actually quite like classical music once in a while.
  16. I was expecting more people to be interested in Halo.. I won't be able to play this beta though. 1 I don't have crackdown 2 I don't even have a 360
  17. No planes and only Liberty City :'( That is quite disapointing. I hope that this is going to be changed.. But maybe it's to late for that..
  18. You possibly could let a member post them, so it won't directly be you or TGTAP.
  19. Eternal life (in heaven or hell) sounds creapy. Don't like the thought of an unending file actually.
  20. Can you post a link to the original source, please?
  21. Your idea of heaven... Pathetic. I can disagree to that. Miracles happen every day. [off/on topic weird question] So what detemines your personality? Where is your personality and/or soul?
  22. On May the 15th the long awaited Halo 3 will have a beta tests. Before you get any erection or any other form of exitement please do note that the only people who can participate in these beta tests are the ones who have bought a special halo 3 version of the game: Crackdown and the people who participated in the 'Rule of 3'. Also you need a gold membership to Xbox live. There will be 3 different maps: Snowbound, High Ground and Valhalla. Screenshot of Valhalla: Decent graphics, but not all that special. Personally I think the graphics will be improved and adapted for DirectX 10 at the PC release what hopefully wont take as long as Halo2(also see Crysis for examples of what DX10 can do). Also, Halo 3 (PC) will become a Vista only. Obviously these screenshot's where from the MP mode (beta tests will be in MP for if you didn't realise that yet) Links: Bungie preview
  23. It isn't a big deal. Just had a problem with a download. How would you want to clean the memory anyway? Didn't know you could do that.
  24. MS has presented their new 'keyboard' for the 360. Looks rather unhandy to use, but nice anyway.
  25. Are you sure your PC can play Crysis (with decent frame rates: +40) Anyway: GTA IV Crysis Sonic thing (probably) Metroid (probably) Can you add Legen of Zelda TLP?
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