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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. At least there is some country in the world trying to rid us of terrorists. Can't expect everything to always go according to plan you know. And Bush doesn't have the might to place bombs in the WTC. Other then that. How would he keep hundreds of people quiet who would work on that operation. Who who is sane would commit suicide by crashing such plane into the building so Bush could invade some country and make the attack look like a terrorist attack. Come on.. Just think for a second. Don't listen to some drop-out kid who thinks he knows it all (there is a reason why he's a drop-out you know. Probably not exactly the brightest guy you'll come across in your life)
  2. Nothing really.. Just if you like driving with hydraulics and want those paintjobs, spoilers ect. Just for fun if you like it. Nothing more then that.
  3. Conroes kick ass, Sky. Also, why the hell did you take a 8800 GTX? That's about the most stupid choice you could make. 2x 8800 GT, buddy. Cheaper, faster. @Ciaran: To be honest.. I don't think you actually can run all the latest games with that. Perhaps upgrade the Graphic Card (and maybe even the CPU if you don't mind spending a bit of extra cash).
  4. Odd? I'm amazed that they stood for such a long time. It's not just an explession. It's a full aircraft damaging the support collums and after that a big fire that weakens the rest of the supporting collums so they can't stand the huge strain of weight. Eventually, it would collapse. Make a structure with little sticks. A stable one. And then set it on fire some where 3/4 of the structure. The top will collapse giving to much strain the the bottom part of the structure thus making a whole structure collapse. It's only makes sense..
  5. RMB the desktop > arrange icons by > show desktop icons.
  6. Car stats go in the handling.cfg file. Just search it. Open it with wordpad or something and find the car you want to edit. Then just replace all those numbers after the car name with the one you got with the mod. Car files go in the gta3.img file. Open it with the IMG tool. *a few minutes later* Bleh, I can't find it in the database. *looks again* Oh, it was in the tool section (I was looking at SA tools. Not just tools). So here. IMG tool Find car file. Delete it (perhaps you'll first want to make a back-up) and then add the file you got with the mod. Extract doesn't work for some weird reason. So just find and replace [carhere].dff and [carhere].txd. That's all. And then edit handling.cfg No idea for that wheel mod. Give a link and I might be able to help. Also, for cars and handling and all the other stuff: SAMI Great little tool. Needs installing though. All this time I was thinking you needed help for SA..
  7. Great. Very accurate too. Never thought you'd pull it of for this one TBH, but you did it. Well done
  8. Yeah, I watched it. I hate all these people who try convincing others it was some conspiracy (nothing personal). Why the hell must everything be a conspiracy? Yeah right.
  9. You mean, you can't disable the heavy tracking of what you've done? Cause then I would be in shit when I get it.
  10. Happy birthday you two. Rofl, what a day to have your birthday on. @UrbanOutlaw: Still kick'n ass, eh?
  11. Just got up 30 minutes ago. So I'm in 2008 for 13:21 minutes now *cheers*. I've got such digital calender next to my bed. So just before I turned of the lights to go sleep I noticed that it was the first of Jan. Confused for a second Had Totally forgotten about all of that. Had some vague idea that it was Dec 31st 2008. So at 2 O'clock you couldn't even look down our street (and it's a short one. Maybe 30, 40 meters. 115 feet). Couldn't really see the fireworks. Just hear them and now and then the sky would light up in some color but you couldn't see the source of it. Plans for 2008: Get a bit more social Pay some more attention to school Get a second job to get more money Get Zack and Wiki, Super Smash Bros Brawl and a few other games Get a new PC (finally) And choose a 'profile'. That's something of school. It determines what subjects you're going to study.
  12. Twenty ******* nine eight minutes left I'm of to light some fireworks and flee from 007. Super Smash Bros Brawl
  13. Oh, ok. I get it. I'll try helping. Probably will get people tell me to mind my own business though (*recalls something..*). That award idea is great. I thought about it, but the next day just forgot it. But yeah, those awards are always fun. Edit: So those awards are for this year, or will we have to wait a year?
  14. 2008 better be the year that I get some what social. And hot girls. 2008 should house some girls for me, finally. Edit: And a new PC. This is WILL be the year that I get a new PC.
  15. Might sound dumb, but what does "Hobbas or X's lol" mean?
  16. Sky is an exeption Oh, and rofl at your userbars. Especially the Bad Vista one. And, crap. You've got an 8800 GTX? Got Crysis?
  17. It's not knowing how to do something, typing in retard mode and not taking the advice given to you when asking for it. That's what's annoying. It's only good to ask for help.
  18. Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC): Most Knowledgeable (GTASA): Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS): Best Stunter (San Andreas): Best Stunter (Vice City): Most Respected Member: Most Respected Mod/Super Mod: Gerard Most Helpful Member: Most Improved Member: TM Best New Member: Most Intelligent Member: Gerard Funniest Member: Most Original Username: MrLlamaLlama Biggest geek: Most Random Member: Most unique member: Best Avatar: Best Signature: Best Graphics maker: MrLlamaLlama Best Writing (creativity forum): Bear Best Topic Starter: Medal of Honor: Spaz/Tec9 Userbar Whore: Gycu Brun/Hunter Weirdest Looks: Spaz I'll try filling up the blanks later
  19. Fuck you Sky, quit changing! lolrofllmao
  20. Nobody and everybody. Many seem to think that the results aren't true. But just asume they are. We don't have a basis. Off topic: Gyroscopes FTW Nobody and everybody. Many seem to think that the results aren't true. But just asume they are. We don't have a basis. Off topic: Gyroscopes FTW
  21. ___#####______####_________##########___________________####__________####___ ____######_____####_______##############_________________####__________####___ ____#######____####______####________####________________####__________####___ ____########___####_____####__________####_______________####__________####___ ____####_####__####_____####__________####_______________####__________####___ ____####__####_####_____####__________####_______________####__________####___ ____####___########_____####__________####_______________####__________####___ ____####____#######______####________####_________________####________####____ ____####_____######_______##############___________________##############_____ ____####______#####_________##########_______________________##########_______ Great
  22. Uhm, these are just nominations, right? This isn't the actual voting. So then people don't have to edit is since Hunter and Gycu will be in the voting/final round anyway.
  23. Haven't followed the whole topic.. but still. @Ice: I don't think there really are enough different glitches for a whole forum devoted to it. Just general [GTA here] chat is good enough I think.
  24. Uh, get something straight. It isn't bullshit. It's true. But we have no other activities to compare it with. He should have also tested it for things like, as I said before, reading a book. Until that gets done this whole report is pretty much useless.
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