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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Now that we're going on about the MTA anyway. Maybe everyone could mod their game with the clothing of the gangs. So every gang makes a few mods for their clothes and 'publishes' it so others can put that in their game. Also, can you get MTA to show up names with a color depending on the gang you're in? So like the LCF everyone's name would be in blue (just an example).
  2. Raymond: 1- You're wrong, Rockstarrem is right. 2- You 'insult' someones sig and I just give my views on yours. It's rather stupid saying 'only userbars' when your own signature is pretty much the same. 3- You're insulting a supermod. You're lucky if you didn't get a warning 4- Stop giving these insave ratings. For you it's either 1000/1000 or -1000/1000. And sometimes you'll add about 10 extra zero's. You're really starting to piss me off. Rockstarrem: Avatar: 9 Sig: 7.5 Personality: 9. Great mod and member. Apparently good with PAWN and LUA too . The too does not mean I am. More in the sense of a bonus
  3. Believe me dude. $3500 is more then enough. Only retarded corporations like Alienware charge so much for PC's. 1800 for the cards 250 CPU 150 RAM 150 case 40 cooler 80 HDD 300 Mobo 120 PSU 75 Soundcard That makes $2965. Tell me if I forgot a component.
  4. I seriously doubt she can laugh She's scary. Got to make my maths homework now. I've not made my homework 3 times and she's going to check tomorrow. I'll have a serious problem if I don't have it (again).
  5. It'd suck if they'd like all the geeky stuff. Imagine them being beter, I'd feel pretty ashamed then. It is annoying when they behave like retards though..
  6. The best game ever? Uhm, no. The GTA serie is very good, but I wouldn't say it is the best thing to ever hit the gaming industry. Edit: typo.. placed a 'y' after 'ever'.
  7. Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
  8. If I'm right that says: What pisses me off is my mother who is a fucker and does not know about programming. Dude, don't you have any sense at all. You hate your mom cause she just doesn't know much about computers. Almost EVERY girl doesn't know much about programming and computers. If you're going to slap your wife cause she doesn't know what you're doing I don't think your marriage will last so long. And until you pay the electricity bills she has the full right to. That just doesn't make sense.. And neither does that. I didn't laught. I'm just amased at your stupidity. I would love if the only 'bad' thing my mom would do is not understand computers and turn off the PC now and then, rather then not allowing to enter the house for no apparent reason. My mom can be VERY annoying at times. But I'm not going to hate her for that. It's your own mom dude, come on.
  9. Something like 3100 USD. If I'd buy all my parts in the USA by computer budget would actually be big enough to get it. But in Europe our money gets raped, so we pay 40% more for the components.
  10. 24 is actually pretty normal you know. 24-28. That's when most people marry.
  11. 17 million? That's more then the amount of 360 and ps3 consoles out there. Every single owner of such system would have to buy the game to meet the 17 million. I doubt it. Probably closer to 12 million.
  12. ITT: Sensible individuals behave like morons
  13. "Lets go into LCF territory" That'd be pretty cool. But you'll need some place where gangs have their supplies.
  14. Damn it. I was talking about a ship What pisses me off is that I forgot to make my full chapter of maths for tomorrow.. There's no way I can get that finished now.
  15. Only just read that. Bin Laden is a calm spoken intelligent man (according to official FBI sources. That's how he was described until 9/11). He may be a bitch, but he's far from retarded and smart enough to get a relatively small 'gang' together that terrorises the entire western world.
  16. Does the name contain the words 'MX' and 'Revolution'?
  17. Maybe I'm crazy, but actually I liked the idea of just clicking a little. Or I'm just lazy.. But how'd you want to buy cars in-game. All to [forgot the name. Opposite Doherty] to buy the imported cars?
  18. Oh, I was talking to Connor. Not TFY
  19. Nothing better then a water balloon fight. But then replace the balloons with condoms. Call it childish, cause it is. We did it something like 3 years ago. When I was 11. It was loads of fun though. Life.. Well I got my German exam back. I got a 2 on a scale of 10.. For some stupid weird reason I wrote English and Dutch lots of times instead German. I always have de, der, die, den as 'the'.. I should seriously pay more attention to it. My marks are dropping for stupid things like that. On a brighter note. Got my physics 'report' (I've got no idea how to call it. Just had to measure stuff and draw conclusion and some other stuff. Directly translated it would be 'measuring-report' I was the only sane person who got a 10 (A+ if you use that system). There's this other girl who had a 10 too, but she only makes homework. And when that's done she studies. Really nothing else then that. Just wake up, eat, go to school, come home, make homework, study, dinner, study, shower, study, bed. It must really suck to be her. If she'd ever apply for a job and I was in charge I wouldn't take her. She's the most unsocial person I've ever come across. I've heard her talk just 3 times in a full year.. and that was cause the teacher asked her something.
  20. You accidentally posted a link to something you actually wanted to post on a hentai forum? Or 4chan, of course. Or just had a typo in the word 'shit'.
  21. You Will Be a Cool Parent You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need. You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law. While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top. You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant! Would You Be a Cool Parent? http://www.blogthings.com/wouldyoubeacoolparentquiz/ Now my own opinion. I'll be a horrible parent. Or at least they'll think I am, but they'll thank me later when they realise why I did certain things. I don't want to have my kid grow up getting his own way. He (assuming it's a boy) should learn that not everything in life is going to be just like he wants it. He should be though, physically and mentally. I think everyone should be able to get to university. Some just have to spend more effort to get there (and pass of course). I really hope my child(ren) will all get there too and I'll do my best to get them there. They'll hate me at first, but as I said, thank me later. And if they don't, big deal. It's for the better good.
  22. Right, right. Then I agree. Bitches (that does not refer to females but the the lazy ones amongst us) should try to get some sort of income (getting a job can't be THAT hard. Just be reasonable in your demands. You'll slowly build up a career) pretty much deserve their possistion. Unless the person is question has a serious handicap or something else that blocks him of getting a job.
  23. For the first time ever I somewhat agree with you. But then I'll never be able to wait until I'm married. And I know no girl who'd want to wait either. And it's pointless to wait for marriage to get a girl who hasn't. Actually waiting is pretty pointless. It's just the morals you set for yourself. Relationships are fine starting 13 IMO. Just the sex thing.. But at the minimum 16.
  24. Proof has been out there for over a month. They came up with shitty connectors though. And I can see a potential heat problem too. You can turn the heating off if you've got that in your house.
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