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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Get better soon Back on topic. I believe the Twin Towers were actually 'plane-proof'. The flaw being, however, that they did merely thought about the impact, not about the fire that would rage afterwards. The heavely damaged structure in combination with the fire that was weakening the support collums brought the tower down. Slowly, until it was heated to the point that they had lost most of it's strength and couldn't hold up the massive wait that it was supporting any longer. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Just stating the way I see it and believe it happend. Again, I'm not stating what the media said. I'm stating my own reasoning after summing up lots of fact, footage ect. When the same person who once stated that he is a terrorist is found with data for plans of crashing planes into a building (they didn't have the WTC in mind yet) on his lap-top that got confiscated and who's friend that got arrested after they had a little accident when they were experimenting with their home-made bombs (his house was full of the stuff the make it) and after being tortured (sometimes.. brute force just is needed.) cracks, and gives up the information he got and knows, including the plan to use planes for an attack. I think it's pretty safe to say it was a terrorist attack. Yeah, maybe Bush did react slow. But what else should he have done? Give the hijackers a call and asking them to please land the plane safely on a nearby airstrip and after that have a cup of thee while negotiating about Bush's regime and what Al-Qaeda would want him to do differenty? It's not that easy. Nothing would have been different if Bush had left the school straight away. He's a president, not the head of the crisis management team. He hasn't been trained for any situation like that one and thus isn't in charge (well, he is if he wants. But there is someone else who leads these type of situations). There is not need for the presidents permission to just get some F16's in the air so they can get the plane (what wouldn't really be possible anyway. See one of my previous posts). So that's that. I think that except for the hole in the Pentagon, pretty much everything has a solid counter argument that is very lickely to be true and not based on speculations, but facts, footage and eyewitnesses.
  2. That'd make people hate this place. The first impression is what makes a person come back. If they get a negative feeling as soon as they've registered then they'll probably just think 'f*** you', leave and go to another forum. Longer waiting time for the next post you make if you don't have more then 50 posts in any of the GTA sections (including the news forums). No acces to the store, gangs and arcade without at least 20 posts in any of the GTA sections. Again, that includes the GTA news forums. Just some random thoughts.. you'all might find them crap though..
  3. I got forced to make some hyves account. So I've got the most sucky one ever made now. All my pictures are cats and V.
  4. Uhm, my PC is 4 years and 2 months and is much better. Maybe you've got to consider buying a full new computer, not just a new graphic card. Cause it does really look very outdated.. Really. Was it bought second hand? Cause that could explain it.. Just to be sure: Go to start -> run -> dxdiag.
  5. Ok... That guy came up with the plane idea. "Yes, I am a terrorist, and proud of it as long as it is against the U.S. government." That's pretty hard evidence on it's own in my opinion.
  6. Google "Ramzi Yousef". That's the guy who came up with the plane idea. Transmitors were turned off. So then you'll have to go by radar, which will only show blips. Dozens of blips. They can't know which is the plane they won't, so blowing the plane up (there are still people inside.. so even if that happend, people will still hate Bush) isn't such an easy task as you seem to think. Bin Laden inherited something like 35 million from his dad. Speculations. We don't know for certain. Basic laws of physics, video footage and the ability to reason stuff. And lots of background knowledge.. Facts. Things that we know really are so.
  7. Well, I never knew it. Thanks for posting it Pretty cool too, IMO.
  8. Uhm, Chrismas has already passed... And why in gods name did you get a 8800 GTX for Christmas. Are you crazy? Y'know. If you've got that nVidia chipset then you could have gotten 2 8800 GT's which will be cheaper then one GTX and quite a bit faster too.
  9. Everyone who uses Vista is stupid? So pretty much everyone who buys a ready made PC these days is stupid according to you. And other people have got enough money to spend and just want that damned DX10. Vista loads in 10 seconds? My ass dude. Even high-end computers take at least a minute to get Vista ready. Faster then XP? You're crazy. Vista is slow.. Well so was XP when it was released. Perhaps not as slow as Vista, but slow (for most computers). We've done something like 5 years with XP, and MS had foreseen the hardware changes and we ended up with a great OS that people hated at its release. So.. Lets say we've got a XP computer with a 1,8 GHz P4 and a Vista computer with a Q6850 running at 3,5 GHz (OC). That makes Vista fast? No, your hardware. You can't compare apples to pears. When benchmarking you'll use the same hardware.
  10. Now where did that come from? Beta's don't cause Windows Blue screen in generals. Alpha's do. Also, it won't be released as Beta (of course it won't). The pre-release will, for BETA-TESTERS. @Chris82: Will Windows Blinds Trial version do?
  11. Might be wrong, but I think he's talking about those transfender aka pimp my ride garages.
  12. Avi: 8 Sig: 9.6 Perso: Great, cool. And has quite some insanely long posts
  13. So finally I come to this topic. Ok, as good as I am just with guys, I suck with girls. I've tried treating them like guys and that does NOT help. Well, slightly actually. But still. Somehow the girls see me as some very harsh person.. Mainly because I'm not a socialist, but a conservative/liberal and don't hide it. Other then that, I never know what the hell to talk about when I finally do talk with some girl (that I don't hate). Talking about games/computers/politics ect. didn't really work. So yeah, as you can see I pretty much suck.. So.. uh.. advise?
  14. Russians have loads of gas. They've got nothing to worry about for now. The Iranians.. they aren't really standing up to the US cause of the oil. They sort of just want every single person in the US and Israel dead. Perhaps as state they don't, but the people who are 'standing up' do. They'd be really, really stupid to attack SA. They didn't bomb/kill/execute Osama when they had the chance because one of the Saudi prince's where with him (so he'd die too) making their relationship with SA as good as mine with the majority of my classmates. SA means quite a lot to the US, and vice-versa. Now it's rather hard to explain it in words, but I think most you know what I mean. I for one always try to find fault with what the media says. Trying to find their mistakes and lies. I'd rather have sources, the actual findings and reason it out myself. I've seen 9/11 live on TV (no idea how yough I was. Something like 8.) and I've never questioned it being 'real'. Real is the sense of it actually being an attack. Then this conspiracy thing came along. Every single point of that Dylan guy has a flaw and a counter-argument. Counter-arguments that are scientific and based on simple physic laws. And just by using comon-sense I think it's highly-unlickely that Bush could get hundreds of people to do such a job without anyone betraying him, get people to commit suicide and hijack planes, get the Navy to fire of a misile aimed at the Pentagon and get aircraft debris spread on the field in front of the Pentagon as soon as the missle strikes and also hidding that other missing aircraft that supposedly struck the Pentagon somewhere without anyone knowing and getting all the passengers killed or locked up. Not to forget, fake security tapes of the 'terrorists' entering the airport and them transmitting some messages when they would have hijacked the plane. Having those same people to follow flying school a few months before 9/11. Coincidence? All of them coming to the US and suddenly wanting to learn how to fly, all board the planes involved and with that get involved into Bush's plan? Possible, but highly unlikely. There's a bigger chance of 4 girls tomorrow coming to my door, begging me to mary them then that everything was a big plot set up by George W. Bush. @UO: Thanks For some strange reason I felt like getting after everything 9/11 related (mainly from Al Qaeda's side) somewhere in September, so I went through everything I could find (and what's understandible for my age). It's somewhat facinating. Just knowing how it happend. I think, if more people (who are sane) would actually just try the research some stuff themselves they'd be able to put 2 and 2 together and understanding that it is possible for a jet to bring down a tower. After all, it's still some man-made object. It wasn't god who created the towers or something. It's just a tower, and the laws of physics still apply to it, even for the WTC. Oh, and this is nothing personal. Just in-case someone thinks I'm trying to be some old twat. I'm just showing and explaining my view-point.
  15. Any new normal computer (In Europe you'll have to pay something like 1600 EUR for that) should be able to play GTA IV if it gets a PC release. That GTS should. CPU might need slightly more power to get the settings right though. Just a prediction.
  16. Bin Laden had 52 brothers (and sisters?) and his dad ran a big company. Bush senior did business with Osama's dad. After his death Osama of course got a part of his money, which he used to form Al Qaeda. George Bush senior could have never known this. Same like when they supported Iraq in the war against Iran. Pick a side. In that case they thought the Russians were a bigger threat. Other then that, this oil thing really is very exaggerated. Not saying that they didn't. But it really didn't help them as much as people claim.
  17. ... There were dozens of eye witnesses. All saw a plane. Plane has gone missing. People on board have never come back. Missiles go boom, they don't spread lots of fire. Missiles do not leave fuel traces and airplane pieces behind. I think I made my point.
  18. Finally. I'm downloading already. Can't wait to kick ass.
  19. I don't think any vehicle, except for the busses, can take more then 4 passengers.
  20. All problems have been fixed. But they had some trouble with it a few days and the XBL network was even down 1 day if I'm not mistaken.
  21. 4gb is over the top. Fast 2 gig is enough. And yeah, graphic cards come at a costs. You can get a really good one for 'just' 250 though, which can sort of match the GTX.
  22. Not always. Last time they got me one (read: 4 years ago) they gave me one of $2300 USD. Good one, in those days. Parents do tend to believe all those advertisement crap. Like when they advertise a P4 2.4 GHz as Ultra fast (yeah, even these days).
  23. When the color bit thing messes up al you've got to do is just change the resolution back and the color quality will restore back to 32 bit. Nothing more then that.
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