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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. www.rapidshare.com Fast, but it takes some time until the download starts. Also if the person you want to send it to has just downloaded from rapidshare they'll have to wait. www.megaupload.com is good too.
  2. Hmm.. They should have more then one position for every gun. Or at least a different expression. Depending on the sistuation for instance (by wanted level or something like that). Otherwise it would get rather repetetive. Like the way CJ would fall from a motor bike in San Andreas.. always the exact same way (made it funny at times too, though).
  3. Is it just me or does the ground in the fourth picture look very blurry? Great expression in the first picture and they've surely done a good job on Niko's climbing (second picture).
  4. 8600.. You should be able to game good with that. And the pink kicks ass anyway, haha For a laptop of 750 those are awesome specs. Wouldn't be able to get more then a 7400 here. Ran any benchmarks yet?
  5. Different control...? Personally I prefer the 360 controller. Anyway, it's easy. If you are interested in having a Blu-Ray player and you wouldn't buy XBL if you had a 360 (though it's worth it) then get a ps3. If you don't care about the Blu-ray player and don't mind a the price of a game extra a year for XBL, then get the 360 And if you like these games like FF then a ps3 is best to take. Like the American like games more then you'll be better of with a 360. At the moment the ps3 doesn't have such a great game library, but they're going to get a few really good ones. I'm looking forward to seeing the next trailer of LA noire. If the ps3 gets more of those classy games I'll might even get one now that it's availible for less then a Wii on Ebay.
  6. I'd define it by what you feel you truely are. And your passport of course. I've got 2. One saying that I'm Dutch, the other that I'm English. I'm born in England so I see myself as one of English nationality (legally I am too), yet I don't have any English blood. My dad is Dutch and I'm living in Holland, but never have I actually felt Dutch so I'll never say I am either, though I do have Dutch blood.
  7. Tampon in Conflict No one lives for Tampon 2 The Legend of Tampon :: The Tampon Princess Tampon Air (Con Air)
  8. Uhm.. actually it can just hold something like 1.25 times more then HD-DVD can. Except for the people who have a ps3 I know nobody who own a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player and though I own a 1080p TV but have never actually had HD content to see. There are barely any movies one can buy here in High Definition. Most people, including me, want to wait with buying any HD player until there is a decent selection of movies and the prices have dropped.
  9. It can't be found. You'll need a trainer/spawner which can be found here Hope that helped.
  10. System.. make that format. So then it's totally irrelevant of the best console, cause we are discussing the best format. What he meant is that fan boys might just support a format cause their console supports it so then you'll get a console argument. But in essence this is just about a format, not console. Though posting this in the warzone actually invites fan boys.. Uh, well you probably get what I mean.
  11. I sense a person who is thinking: "I need to get laid, damn it".
  12. Technically Blu-Ray is superior, but in this fase of it's life it's to expensive compared to HD-DVD. Blu-Ray will probably win on the long term. But if I'd buy a player now (not counting a ps3) I'd probably get a HD-DVD player. Though if the PS3 gets some decent game library I might get a ps3. I mean, 400 EUR is very cheap for a Blu-Ray player. On the other hand, I'm in no need of any actually.. I never buy any DVD video's, only games and then I only need a drive for my computer, not a full player.. Edit: Uhm, what does this have to do with the console war? Just cause Sony and MS support other formats doesn't mean it's the same thing.
  13. That's... weird. I think it only can use one core, not 2. It doesn't support multi threading.. And it uses the same game engine, so it should be about equally efficient meaning that SA should last shorter. At least, I think so..
  14. Zmodeler I don't know how to use it, but lots of people use Zmodeler to make mods for GTA.
  15. My Chrismas present.. My mom had promised me to get give me Super Smash Bros Brawl in Februari as late Chrismas present, but now she's both clothes.. Or at least I think she both clothes. Could also be some cushion. Either way I don't really like it.. But hey, worse things can happen. I shouldn't complain.
  16. Welcome Jamie, enjoy the forums And I'm back after 2 months of hating my boring life. Well nah. Just didn't have any interest for GTA anymore, but the third trailer forced me to come back. IGN doesn't cover GTA that much, so I came back to the good ol' GTA place. And I've just been busy with other things.. Past 2 months have been awesome.
  17. I can't believe this topic is actually still active. But anyway, deal is still on. First for the 10 000. So, what's up?
  18. Thought I'd just check TGTAP again and noticed that I've got 5500. So a humble 'yeah' for that.
  19. Personally, I don't really like the looks of iMacs. But that just my opinion. What with iMac's is that you never can fit any powerful Graphic-Card into them, so even if it had DX10/9 support, you just can get a good card into it (8800 GT/GTX/Ultra). And other then that, they're overpriced. They've got good CPU's though. Intel is doing great lately and switching from AMD has been a great step from apple. If you like the looks, don't mind (or like) Mac OS and aren't planing to use it for gaming and don't think you're going to be using those app's that only work on Windows, have had it with MS and don't mind paying a bit more for for having the apple logo and the 'Mac look' then you could consider getting a iMac. Though in my opinion XP is better then Mac OS.. but then, that's an opinion.
  20. Holy, I just am log in for 3 minutes and you already notice. I only visited to see some screenshot of my desktop I posted here cause my desktop has kinda been messed up (somehow all the icons have changed place).

    Then I decided to just mention how awesome Galaxy is. That's all actually..

  21. I got Galaxy one day before it's official release. I asked some guy of the shop if they have Galaxy yet and pretended that I didn't know that it wasn't actually released yet. So he said that he'll look and within a minute he came back with Galaxy in his hand. I even got it with 30% off, no idea why though. It takes some getting used to, but after you've got the first 3 stars the game really is awesome. I love it. The story is nothing interesting (like almost every Mario), but the gameplay is great.
  22. Cause it isn't a virus. Duh. Just block youtube in your browser. Jacenote: I misunderstood. Forgive my arrogance..
  23. I'd be happy with 350 000 EUR a year. It'll be enough for my needs. TBH I'd actually hate earning those abnormal somes of money like 40 million a year. I'd probably give most to charity then. Also football people.. What the hell have they done to deserve so much money. The world isn't going to be a better place or anything just cause they can kick a ball. And people like Paris Hilton. Those are the rich people who are highly annoying. The ones who don't a damn for it. People in Africa deserve the money much more then Paris Hilton does. Edit: Also note that 52% of the 350 000 EUR would have to go to tax in Holland.
  24. Certain dogs like pitbulls don't.
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