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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Know what you mean... Luckily I'm not the type of person who really gets disturbed by pictures.. If you're one of those who do. Then DO NOT enter "the secret website".
  2. Yeah, I'm really laughing my ass off.... Fine, so continue where we left. Why is the ps3's online features in your opinion better then the one the the 360? What of the 360's features does it top?
  3. How ironic Posted like a 100 pages back.. I think I'll skip this round
  4. @ps3player: You've got no idea about /b/ or 4ch *cough* the secret website.
  5. So by saying "what is the point of me saying this" you haven't said it? Just admit your faults, is that so hard? Ok, ps3 had a few exclusive titles. But almost all games for the Wii are exclusive. Like The Zelda serie, Brawl, Galaxy, Metroid ect. Games that mark Win.
  6. Can people please stop posting old cars that in those days actually really were great.. LOOK! It's a moving box
  7. What's so exiting about ford? I think America has different moddels, but here (Europe) they look quit boring.. With exeption of the Ford GT of course. <3 GT
  8. Wa? You do know he's a dictator, right? And pro-communism person.
  9. And again you come with your good guy bullshit. WTF is wrong with you? You know something for sure? Then why do you say someone under 10 can't get an erection? Just cause you didn't doesn't mean everyone else can't. Is that that difficult to grasp?
  10. Again, a typical ps3sucker answer. And for fucks sake. You are the moron who constantly comes with the "you don't even know me" (thank god) bullshit. You didn't counter or anything as the like. Cause those stupid (useless) features come to a price of 600 EUR, so who cares. I doubt you even played the Wii once..
  11. Me only has 1 this year Last year much more.. Like 1 every 2, 3 weeks. And dude, you're the one who always tries to be tough, smart and impressive.. That's why I think you're so damn annoying.
  12. Now post one thing you countered. And your usual "you don't even know me" bullshit and the like is NOT countering something..
  13. Now you're just trying to avoid really replying to my post and bring up something totally irrelevant. Yes of course I know what a wet-dream is. Had it like 3 years ago so stop your stupid know it all attitude. You aren't impressing anyone.
  14. Uhm, yeah. Legally I do. And a driving lisence of course.
  15. You haven't countered even one until now. And yes. IMO you are a moron. It's not in anyway meant to hurt your feelings, it's just stating what I think of you. And PC's are for gaming. Infact mostly it's better then consoles. Crysis, anyone? Nice. But not a reason to buy a console. At least, not for me.
  16. Good, finally someone to back me up And you don't HAVE to have sperm to be able to get an erection. I remember just waking up with it (for some strange reason..) and sometimes when I would change and play with.. uh.. my penis ('y know. Just 7..)
  17. They were the first for mass-production. Just to get that out of the way.
  18. Hentai pwns at times Uh, and yeah. I'm sick of this moron. You type fast? My shoe. Typing fast would make one make typos and on no way could that be a typo. And are you crazy? A link to something stating one can get an erection under 10? What the hell?! Name one reason why one CAN NOT have an erection under 10.
  19. Can you buy a console with those features for 250 EUR? It's highly NOT NEEDED. Why for fucks sake would I want some stupid background on my Wii if I just want to play games? Nintendo keeps it simple, the way I (and I'm sure many others) want it. They understand that we don't want all those not needed bullshit on a console and that all of us just have a PC for that. If I want to view some pictures I'll go to my PC. Much better then doing it on some big TV. To your god damn Home --> second life on PC. Done. I'm trying to argue with a moron here...
  20. My point is that one CAN get an erection at a younger age. Maybe it wasn't 7, maybe it was 8. But you CAN get it under 10. Chris asked if one can get it, you straight away state stuff as facts. One more thing to show how limited your thinking is. Just cause one thing is mentioned doesn't mean it is always the case. Porn is also "entertaining" thus amusing. Let's give a ps3sucker answer here: You don't even know me. Other then that, I'm positive I'm at a (much) higher level then you are and ever will be. Need I say more? You live in England. I'm just born there and have been there for 2.5 years. Yet you can't even spell unfortunately correctly. So aren't in the position at all to comment about others being stupid. And don't tell me that's a typo. The e is done by your middle-finger, the a by your pinkie.
  21. Actually Mercedes-Benz was there first For me it'd be Mercedes and Aston-Martin.
  22. God damn it. IMO the Wii isn't even 'cool'. It just offers the best gameplay. I have my N64 like 8 years now and it hasn't failed me once. I got the GC at it's release, never failed once. As for my Wii, it's to short to fail but I doubt it will ever. Oh, and please give me a screeny of the ps3 viewing the world weather (not on internet). And for fucks sake. MS is computer related and also builds full OS's for servers. It's only logical that they'll have the advantage when it comes to online related stuff. Stop getting so defensive dude..
  23. Oh, it doesn't actually mean "be" random. Though in a sense it does. It's actually just copied from 4chan's /b/.
  24. 2 days ago, for the first time in my life I drove a car. Went up to 100 KM/h (60MPH) but then thought it'd be better to slow down. Didn't do anything fancy though, just a straight track to get the hang of driving. Bare in mind that I'm just 14, so still 4 years of of legal age.
  25. Shooters are for amusement as well. Does that mean you laugh while making a head-shot? What's your fucking problem dude? Are you so stupid and limited that you think that something that's amusing always means funny? Damn, get educated. FYI you can get an erection starting 7 or something. Not cause you're thinking of sex at that age, but just.. you just get it.. somehow. Yeah.. But I always still can use imagination, how stupid it may even be.. Oh, and I am religious BTW.
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