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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Jared


    Haven't got a reply for that yet, and it's been several weeks, so I think I'll find another supplier.
  2. Haha, Google thing of everything, very funny.
  3. Jared


    Seeing as our Liberty City Stories Walkthough was removed, because we only have half of it, I tracked down another one. The author of this walkthough on GameFAQ's has given us permission to use it, I'll have it up within the week.
  4. Theres a mars one too I believe, I forget where it is though. EDIT: Found it --> http://www.google.com/mars/
  5. Typo: Should be: ? Anyway, very interesting indeed.
  6. Nice find, and it is certainly possible, it means lot and lots of people have back ordered it. Awesome.
  7. It must be your graphics card or something, it runs just fine on my Vista install.
  8. Heh, C3PO would have worked if your middle name started with a P and your last name started with an O(just a little joke). One of my friends actually called me R2D2 once. C3PO was the first thing that came in my head when I was thinking up on also .
  9. Mine is also rather limit, it all came with the install, I haven't bought anything except the game:
  10. Oh, righty-o then, thats fine, I can do that.
  11. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=1832
  12. Steam is probably the best, most secure game engine ever made, well done to them I reckon, keeping everything legal. Pisses me off when people cheat the system.
  13. No warez - Discussion about illegally obtaining copyrighted material is strictly forbidden. Buy it thanks .
  14. On PC? My Documents/GTA San Andreas user Files my friend.
  15. Problem there is reply (.rep) files are only data, a script or information, not an animation I'm afraid mate. I'm also waiting on some resources I can use for it from you .
  16. I'm not even gonna follow that GayGamer link. Interesting find however, although there are many other sources you could have used rather .
  17. Yeah I guess that is pretty good for now. I'll as for something new later when there are more pics released but this looks good. How much? 70 bucks will do. Thanks. Very very soon.
  18. First off it was $25 bucks, not $600 , and secondly, there not that easy to make, unlike smiley writing them, they have to be done with blocky brushes. It would be like painting, but with a crappy brush on a small area. Plus the software required isn't to cheap either. But I do see your point.
  19. Especially compared to IE7, god was that a flop, runs slower then any other browser I have ever used. Not to mention fussy too, it wants it's own time to load, do anything during that time and your bomb barded with errors and/or a termination.
  20. Problem there lies is how would you get to those cities, why are they there, and is it gonna be unrealistic having them right next to New York?
  21. Christy/Chrissy? Opps, I mean how bout something like CPS, taking your initials plus the last letter of Phillips? Or you could through in the over whored 69 and 42 for CPS42 or CPS69? Or the random underliners, CPS_42/CPS_69? To be honest, I think just plain old Chris does the job. Unless theres a nickname everyone calls you, or a nickname from childhood?
  22. The day is over for me, 1am the day after Easter, so no church. I've never been much for religion myself, I'm more in-between. I believe, but not to the point where I feel I need to have it work my life. Same as everything else in life, I believe school is a good source for learning new things, but that doesn't mean if I am sick I will force myself to go, or if they have some extension work that counts towards nothing and is just for fun that I will do it. Plus the way the world is these days, you have to ask yourself if God is really real. The God everyone talks about wouldn't let the world get like this, then again, are we meant to be making the world the way we want it? He's just there for support, not prevention? So many question, so little answers.
  23. I think just Liberty City would do fine, I mean look at other remakes of New York, it's quiet large, if not VERY large. So you could expect it to be more then enough I believe.
  24. Gerard is right, the server is running slow due to the overload, new members and a lot more hits. Although I have heard rumored of the server getting some new RAM on Wednesday, so keep an eye our for that.
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