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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Nah, it's just your eye's . Hehe, not a bad job however.
  2. Hehe, wouldn't have got your idea from anywhere would you? Nice job anyway .
  3. Well actually CS3 is the newest as of last Wednesday . I can't wait myself to get Photoshop CS3 and Dreamweaver CS3. Not also, ImageReady's development was cut off after CS2, it's now no longer made, rather the same functions of it were coded into Photoshop CS3. Not as good I don't think, but you be the judge.
  4. Wrong place to post it mate, requesting a move.
  5. Depends, if they are messing with your computer you would easily notice it, there many different types of hacking.
  6. April Fools? Thanks, but we'll wait for the real ones.
  7. If someone was doing it there would be more then one person getting attacked, I'd say they are getting you through your web browser and/or it's on your computer already.
  8. Oh, hehe, no I like the custom one, I just noticed the default IPB one was there and wanted to see what it looked like on the board .
  9. Thats true, I will have to update it this afternoon, thanks for the reminder.
  10. I simply made it to his specifications. You must tell me exactly what you want. Oh certainly, I was just giving some tips thats all.
  11. Just noticed this when checking out the different skins before: I'd say there missing their language files for them that skin. So yeah, just wanted to point that out.
  12. Would be cool, but myself I would like them to stick by the rumor of "New GTA trilogy, all new characters". Although with Liberty City bveing the city, it's only obvious old characters will come in to play too.
  13. Put me down to help, for sure .
  14. If you can't get an answer in the official thread, how could a new thread help?
  15. What he gonna do, suit the author? Oh wait, he does that most of the time anyway. Plus, he is so tied up with his other law suit (both against him and him against others) he doesn't have the time.
  16. Thanks. Oh, and the plan was to have some (yes you've seen them) but ones you could use for images or what ever you wish. Of course we have all seen them, we all watched the trailer :P/. thanks .
  17. Taken 1 second apart and exported from the 640x360.mov. Larger ones on the way very soon. Download (1.4MB) Enjoy...
  18. Thats what I got from the trailer, yes, I would imagine you would, however he seems to want to get out of it, so who knows. Apparently already a topic containing the same question, locked while I find it.
  19. I agree, look at splinter cell, that guy has to be in his fifties and hes still going around killing people And silently too mind you. Age doesn't matter when it comes to games, only the story lines matters.
  20. I'm gonna lock this for the moment since we know all these things now basically, I'll consult the rest of the team on what we wanna do. But for the moment, locked.
  21. Hehe, your doing just fine, welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay .
  22. Is this along the lines of what your looking for? Let me know and I will fix it is needed. http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/698/gta4proggl1.jpg
  23. Nice idea, however I would suggest several things, boarders, effects and creativity, bland signatures can get boring, I know you can do way better .
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