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Everything posted by Artur

  1. My driver's license Jokes not even old to drive XD Umm, a Powerade from a vending machine when I was really thirsty.
  2. That's what I was thinking. People just pick on GTA too much, just cause it's more famous then everything else Ok good to hear it tilly, do you actually have proof or just thinking that. Anyway I doubt it.
  3. Yeah it would cause a fuss with animal protesters and shit. Although I have played a game where you can fight dogs and actually kill them which is really weird IMO. But we'll have to see.
  4. Like everyone San Fierro for the hot sexy ladies! Jokes The only peaceful place in SA (gangs everywhere in LS and too much gambling and casinos in LV).
  5. Yeah same 1+ later when everyone goes to sleep
  6. ROFLMAO at first I thought we were talking about mice as in animal mice XD. Still fucking gross man, learn to use the "force"
  7. Yeah it's alright. Watching Cradle 2 The Grave, just on TV not really watching either
  8. Wrong section buddy. Entertainment is where you have to put this. Come on you've been here for a while you should know that. But yeah I don't watch So You Think You Can Dance
  9. Well it matters if you talked to her in this past month. Cause if you haven't she probably stopped liking you.
  10. Well that 1 month ago did she tell you in private? Cause it depends if the girl is shy about her feelings, wouldn't it be ackward for you to tell her in truth or dare not knowing if she likes your or not with a couple people watching. To tell if she likes you, talk to her on msn or the phone. Maybe talk to one of her best friends, if she might tell you. It always depends on the girl and how she like expresses her feelings. Edit: Oh wow didn't know you were 10 Then yeah just listen to what Sky said.
  11. ROFLMAO u serious? well a couple people did at my school but i never did :P

  12. Wow, nice story Urban. Man 2nd grade in the 70s. You could be like my dad I was gonna do that Nate, but then I made the poll into a multiple choice one so you could choose both of them.
  13. Heh, Sky always has dirty little secrets But yeah Nate the beach sounds great, good place to talk to. Like everyone has said, just apologize for saying no and explain the situation. I'm sure she'll understand and you can tell her that you like her. And just go with it from there. Good luck.
  14. Agree with Sky, first one looks kinda weird IMO.
  15. WTF that is like the stupidest way to get suspended. But what can I say, good job! How'd he know you filmed it? Your YouTube account has your name in it or did you like show yourself in the vid?
  16. Rofl, I bet it was man. Eating garlic bread. A bit of coke on the side. Oh and ocassionally stealing my bro's slurpee
  17. Lawl nice 7.62mm, wish I coulda been there to say: You just got KTFO (Knocked The Fuck Out) BTW just added a poll to the thread
  18. Yup, I wanna play the Wii version too though. Actually slingshotting and pegging someone in the head would be pretty sweet IMO I'll probably get this when I get a 360.
  19. hey man, i'm pretty good. what's up with u?

  20. Don't worry you'll get home on time I'll probably go steal get a bike soon. Too lazy to walk to school everyday now.
  21. So you're gonna be gone later? LOL at your stories though. Man 7 times suspended and STILL not expelled? WTF I'd probably get expelled after the third time
  22. Hah Happy Early Birthday Nate! Yeah like the others I've had pretty crappy bikes in the past. I should get one, I always have to walk everywhere... Unless you wanna give me rides on the pegs Nate?
  23. Heh don't ya just hate those Sky? I see Nate is back. Yeah a consistant story is good, but sometimes people screw up. :rollseyes: @Nate: After 33 times still not suspended? Or maybe even expelled? I'm guessing they were all just stupid reasons although I think you've told me a lot of them.
  24. Haha what a moron! This one is actually really stupid but whatever: One time over lunch I went to my friends house. We came like two minutes late (for the same English teacher that spazzed at me for climbing the roof) and she thought we were smoking O.O and asked to smell my friend Jordan's hands. I dunno why the fuck she would send us to the office for being late but whatever all we got was a warning for in school suspension and miss a bit of class
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