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Everything posted by TUN3R

  1. Fuck off with the rick roll shit I hate the nonse I'm not even gonna bother looking for a shit to give...
  2. TUN3R

    Modern warfare 3

    Ehem: http://www.metacriti...odern-warfare-3 I'm not alone On a side note: http://www.metacriti...s-row-the-third Hehe.
  3. Played a MotoGP once, don't know which it was though. Yeah it's pretty cool.
  4. That's why I said ''using hax or mods'' X_X True. Since my previous question wasn't answered I'll leave that one: What happens if (using hax or mods) you flip a helicopter?
  5. Been playing SR3 like crazy. Installed Batman Arkham City but haven't played it yet. I can't get LA Noire to work (got rid of GFWL and now R* Social Club is being a bitch). I've hit a ''point of no return'' in NFS The Run (game crashes at the same point, every time). Someone gifted me Borderlands and it's pretty cool but haven't really played it that much. Finished GTA IV for the 8th time, and got Key To The City for the 1st time. Yay! Only got the Ranked multiplayer achievements left, I can't get those cause nobody plays Ranked, the 3 strike in bowling achievement (I was close to getting this one), and the multiple fighting combo achievement which is humanly impossible on PC (much like champagne drink off). Oh yeah I also broke my high-score at QUB3D! Besides that, still playing The Sims Medieval, Minecraft and The Sims 3... yay.
  6. I can't point you to the source of the problem but from what I can understand you only replaced the Sultan RS's model so obviously it doesn't work correctly... Ether the parts are in a separate file (doubt it) or the game doesn't recognize the parts cause the Sultan RS normally doesn't have any, except for the hood blower which seems to be on every Sultan RS...
  7. Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...
  8. Didn't think about it but yeah it kinda looks like it.
  9. Rockstar wasn't dumb enough to even leak the fact that GTA V took place in LS, doubt they would let some pictures slip... So yeah, most likely fake.
  10. You got 'em all wrong except the Tank Canon... although I wasn't referring to vehicle weapons as well. (it was the Parachute, the Detonator and The Camera, all the others CAN be used by the A.I. although some might need scripts) A: Camper. Q: What happens if (using hax or mods) you flip a helicopter?
  11. I'm just gonna ignore that... Anyway I fixed the problem although GTA IV still runs like crap. Had to enter this in command line: -memrestrict 629145600 For 1GB GPU only.
  12. No. Like I said, the deal ended shortly after the Ferrari DLC for Shift was released.
  13. @Samil Yeah it's false. Two vehicles, Bus and Coach. Q: What weapons besides the goggles can't be used by the A.I.?
  14. @amazingdude Relating to yer LA Noire post, maybe they will use the map from LA Noire as base for Los Santos? Would save a lot of time...
  15. lol but I mean it hasn't been yet even discussed on this forum where all details of trailer where elaborated! Oh yeah. IDK could be a car carrier trailer...
  16. Ferrari rights were sold out a long time ago. Microsoft owns most of them (particularly Turn 10, the developer of Forza) for Xbox 360 and PC (and yet they still won't bring Forza to PC *sigh*). Besides them Sony owns most of the rights for PS3. TDU2 also has Ferrari's but that's probably because of an agreement between Atari, Sony and Microsoft. You probably know that the 458 Italia only appears on the PC version of TDU2, because Microsoft and Sony kept it for their own games on their consoles. Any other post 2002 game that has Ferrari's probably uses them with permission from Microsoft. EA on the other hand owns exclusive rights for Porsches, unlimited, and for every platform. That's why you will never see them in any other game except NFS and Shift (unless EA decides to make another racing franchise that uses licensed sports cars). Microsoft tried striking a deal with EA. If you remember Forza 3 had Porsches, quite a lot of them, and about the same time Forza 3 came out EA released a Ferrari DLC for NFS Shift, exclusive to Xbox 360. EA exchanged Porsche rights for Ferrari rights with Microsoft. They decided not to allow Turn 10 to use Porsches in Forza 4 however (pwned faggots), probably because EA loves us while EA along with Porsche let Turn 10 use their cars without restrictions, Microsoft or Ferrari (my money is on the Italians) gave limited use of their cars to EA. Ferrari's in NFS Shift can't be customized (only pick a factory color), they have limited damage (and no dismemberment if I remember it right), exclusive to Ferrari-only events, etc... I think EA made the right decision, I just wish they would use more Porsches since they own exclusive rights to them... Pretty much every non-NFS racing game uses ether RUF's or Gemballas to compensate for Porsches, though Gemballa closed down so RUF's remain the best choice...
  17. My bad, was meant to be a question... can't edit posts anymore. False. T/F: If you sink with a train, you won't die.
  18. I just tried The Run... well contrary to my expectations the game actually runs with the graphics set to Ultra (highest) almost as well as Hot Pursuit, but it looks worse than NFS Undercover on low if you run it in 1024 x 768... and since that's my maximum monitor resolution... yeah. The acting and the story are... well if I'd say it's the worst I've ever seen it would be an understatement. The story is nonexistent, Jack is a douche that somehow has enough skills to kill every cop he comes in contact with (makes CJ, Niko, Tommy etc look like puppy dogs) and he sounds like Adam Jensen chocking on a dick, and the rest of the characters don't even get as much screen time as the blacklist idiots did in Most Wanted... The cars handle well but the controls tend to fail and the car view camera is waaaay too zoomed in. They look pretty well but only in high-res. Crashes are awesome and the cars have a lot of damage on 'em but the scrapes look like they were drawn with crayon. In terms of car showcase, it has about 120 cars but most of them are just versions of existing cars... to give a number, there are about 50 actual cars in the game. The best of 'em are PS3 exclusive... The tracks look meh-ish regardless of resolution, Vegas and NY look a little better but still nothing special. There are no more invisible barriers but you'll get reset (or rewind, whatever) as soon as you get 2 meters away from the track, so if you expect to see some awesome ''roll down the hill'' crashes, bummer! Cops are back, and they put up a good enough fight (they don't use spike strips or EMP's anymore but they do have some new tactics) but the races are so short and there's so much action going on I barely have time to wreck any cops... The soundtrack is identical to other NFS games in the sense that 25% of the songs are awesome, 25% are action / dramatic chase tunes and 50% suck. Basically NFS The Run doesn't even feel like a 6 month game let alone a 3 year game...
  19. True: If you're willing to get your ass shot in Las Venturas, other than that IDK. By the way that's 2 to 5 seconds depending on your frame rate. [T/F] Boats can sink.
  20. False. Cops carry and use shotguns. T/F: How long does it take an Infernus to do a back flip (assuming it's free falling).
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