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Everything posted by TUN3R

  1. It's one the same PC it doesn't matter if it has multiple partitions.
  2. Well they certainly don't look like 2012 games so...
  3. Yes it is. Just copy the files to another folder and happy modding. I recommend you mod the copied game and leave the original folder unmodded. PS: They will share save games by default, you can make them use separate saves by running one game in compatibility mode with Windows 98.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lxFf2o6oEE&list=FLqsbQCBgcmWukVXS3Uedzgg&index=36 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQAlRjBRILc&list=FLqsbQCBgcmWukVXS3Uedzgg&index=45 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ7LPAm7f4E And 80% of the Vice City soundtrack
  5. GTA IV doesn't need much to run but it needs a 22nd century PC to run perfectly... or even decently...
  6. Thumbs up if you read ''Fapping your mate'' first lul.
  7. True dat. I kinda wish NFS HP was more of a semi-sim / semi-arcade like the old NFS games. Instead it's just flat out arcade... Beats simulation though. Much like they did in Burnout Paradise Criterion also seems to have forgotten the basic features of a racing game. -A reset key. -Quick Race mode where you can select individual options (time, track, A.I., traffic, cops etc...) instead of just pre-made challenges. Kills the game's replay value. -Decent controls? And also added some shit that really wasn't needed: -Cinematic camera for crashes... god I hate it, and what's more, they did the dumbest thing possible with it: they added it on MULTIPLAYER. -SpeedBook / Autolog instead of working multiplayer, or a chat system...
  8. I don't even know where to start... Underground and Shift aren't Need For Speed, Underground was great don't get me wrong, but it wasn't a NFS game. Shift is a simulator (tries to be one anyway) so yeah it's boring. Hot Pursuit, with it's many flaws is still a NFS game, it's just that Criterion much like Rockstar are the ''we don't give a shit about what anybody says'' kind of developer.
  9. Everybody hates EA. But at least they pretend to be on our side, Rockstar are just flat out ignorant. And ''HP sux'' with no good reason just proves that you haven't even played it...
  10. For once I agree with MrLlama. @MrGTA IDK if Rockstar disappointed console gamers but they totally gave the finger to PC gamers. Deal with it B-)
  11. I hear you lol. HP for 20$ on Steam seems like a fair price but since it's EA the multiplayer probably doesn't work And if it does it's just a matter of time before they shut it down. And everybody here hates HP cause they are Rockstar fanboys Not like that's any surprise since I was one too. @MrGTA A PC from the 80's can't even run GTA III -.- And HP is good shit. Mostly. Some of it...
  12. I didn't mean for antique PC's -.- it was the only game that ran perfectly (max graphics and frame rate, no stutter) on my 9400GT. It's a great port, minus the controls.
  13. True. But it has great graphics and it's very well optimized. @Red_Squirrel_UK Maybe it's the TV? Maybe it doesn't like certain colors? I've seen it happen before.
  14. I finished SR1 as well. One of 3 games I finished on Xbox 360 lol (the other two being GTA IV and SR2, but that was in the past 2 years, I finished SR1 in 2007). Anyway I gave up on GTA, it would be absurd to say I won't play a new one but I sure as hell ain't gonna buy another one... I'm saving for SR3 tho.
  15. He shaves his head bald Why? Anyway looks a lot like LA Noire... but with even crappier graphics Well I hope it will be good gameplay wise EDIT: 1:12 Joe Barbaro? O.O
  17. Cause they are dumb. I'm not talking about hooking up with an asshole, everybody makes mistakes, I'm talking about staying with him when she knows he's an asshole.
  18. I don't know about Xbox or PS but on PC there's barely anybody playing IV without mods
  19. 19. Mostly gangster wannabes Not Chris, he looks like a cop.
  20. Hot Pursuit is a very well optimized game. (ironically it's engine was built from RenderWare, SA's engine) Anyway GTA SA has an anti-aliasing option too.
  21. I have Avira but I keep it closed 90% of the time. It's good, too good, that's the problem. Can't f*ckin' crack a game without Avira jumping in. And the ''always ignore'' option actually means ''ignore until I decide you've had enough fun and I'll stop your process again''.
  22. Emm... no idea. But I'm pretty sure SA wasn't made for this sort of thing, not the PC version at least. I doubt the GPU likes it any better ether
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