Anybody know where I can find a vehicle handling mod (for cars and bikes, helicopters and boats IDC) that matches the following (some or all) characteristics? I already tried Realistic Driving and Flying and it didn't work out. Cars were too fast and difficult to handle. In order of importance:
-I want it to feel realistic only for the casual gamer, not a car enthusiast, preferably something that lets you pull off some movie-like scenes that the default handling does but at the same time makes for some realistic looking crashes.
-Hard suspension, the default one is just ridiculous.
-Slightly faster cars, only enough to feel the speed. In RD&F I would get from Alderney to Broker in less than 2 minutes -.- But at the same time, default cars feel way too slow.
-(I don't know if this is possible but...) Only slightly higher damage on low speed crashes and realistic damage on high speed crashes?
Anybody know a good Handling Editor?
Anybody mind giving me the basics on how to manually edit the handling?
Kthxbye in advance.