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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. The best one was VCS's Phil, major character, but second up would be VC, then III, and lastly LCS
  2. I was thinking that we should have the awards twice a year or in June, i really didnt like the fact that the awards were after christmas, thats when most people go away. So having twice a year would help those people out, and we can always have different winners each 6 months. I like the idea, do you guys?
  3. Im getting on before school, i'll be like all hyper tomorrow at school, i'll look weirder then normal lol
  4. OMG 10 hours, 12 minutes and 40 seconds left
  5. 14, Under 18, will be getting it (BTW these are my results)
  6. No i wont be here at 6pm EST, i'll be here 7.30am AST
  7. Less then 12 hours, anyone excited?
  8. Wow, OGTAM, great find, yet it might be someone that wants to be big and fake it all, oh well i like the idea
  9. I might do that, get some screen shot, stuff like that, change the name. It could be good
  10. Direct X 10 Offical Topic Talk about it here, i'll get info up when i get some
  11. That sucks, nuh i'll make it work on here, im gonna make a DX 10 topic, lets talk there
  12. Damn, my Video Card can use it. That sucks, i want a download
  13. Im on a shitty keyboard, ok Bahan is based off Bahgdad, so use that somehow.
  14. Whats the train spose to be about, this is weird, and i dont like it sorry BTW Bahan is spelt wrong
  15. Does this have anything to do with 100% finishing it
  16. No lets hope not, a female would be alright though. BTW welcome to TGTAP
  17. Ok i want a userbar, that has a link to Bahan in it and Says, GTA Bahan creater, thanks
  18. Same, its weird, i've been here longer then most of my own gang memebrs yet i have less posts.....weird
  19. 900th post wo0p wo0p, 100 less of 1000
  20. It should be, if its alright with XP then it should be good with Vista
  21. Yeah you dont even have time to talk to me on MSN........
  22. I'll play games forever, by the time im 20 i'll have money to buy my own games and consloes, i'll make my kids like video games, i wouldnt care if its manhunt, i'll still lay it in front of them...
  23. Nothing MSN thats it, i had a shower too, so thats something i guess
  24. Well, im still gonna get the PC versoin (if there is one) and a console versoin (if i get the cash) and i will PWN you all on online play, PS and PC
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