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Everything posted by Avenger

  1. It's worse enough when you’re in a car in that area. They would blow your car up before you could even retaliate.
  2. Doe's anyone here love that band?I do!
  3. Thats what i thought at first also.
  4. ...Im not a big anime fan, i only heard of Dragonball and Naruto.
  5. My mom tells me i once busted my head open when i was like a baby.The stitches are still in my head.
  6. I killed 300 hundred people with my combat shotgun, and then did the "Spawn a Tank" cheat code and blew up a house.
  7. That would be nice, I personally think the pool on that game is too hard.
  8. Wow, great page That one other pic with bigfoot looks very fake to me.
  9. Hello, I just joined. My name is Avenger, I look forword to posting here.
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