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The Bossman

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Everything posted by The Bossman

  1. There's 5 hours 26 minutes left here in the UK, still a while away yet. But I'll say it now anyway, because I'll be at a party. Happy New Year everyone, enjoy, get drunk, laid and high.
  2. Another decade topic, but it's the right time to do so. What's your album of the decade? Mine would be Funeral by Arcade Fire, it's a timeless album and has so many fantastic songs. They're quite an overlooked band, surprisingly, but their music has been used quite a bit by adverts, film trailers, etc. Their 2nd album, Neon Bible, wasn't so good but was still great to listen to, and they have a 3rd album out next year.
  3. I'm DLing your Duke Theft Auto now, looks good. I'm also a DN fan.

  4. Also, where's the topic for posting the games you own? I don't see that anywhere now. I searched for it too. Went out and got GH Metallica with my vouchers today, good fun. War Ensemble is one hard song, wish there was more Slayer.
  5. The P90 is better, has a much larger clip and deals more damage, the Vector is eh, not bad but probably better suited for the Hardcore modes. I'd say use the P90 for a little while, possibly with Cold Blooded because it fires fast and has a large clip. Lots of people use the UMP so that's another choice. The MP5 jumps around too much, the small levels do that gun justice but not the larger ones. You should use Marathon, Cold Blooded and whatever 3rd perk you want, Sitrep, Commando and Ninja are the ones I use. If you use Ninja, and have a silencer, you'll be completely invisible. I got a nice title yesterday, 'The Silent', and it looks awesome, along with a new skull emblem. You need to prestige and then get 1000 kills with a silenced weapon for the title, don't know about the emblem. I might also use the Infected title and start infecting other people.
  6. Would the original Game Boy count as a console, or not? That was the first type of console I had, probably back in about '93 or '94. The PSX followed in '97. I stil have the GB in working condition in my beds drawer, and my PSX is on a shelf in the room I'm in now, still working but not plugged in. I played the SNES or NES around my cousins when I was young, so that was the first console I played on, probably in the early to mid '90s, maybe '94 or '95. Mainly Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, the Sonic games, all good stuff.
  7. It's a great achievement sure, but for me not the game of the decade. A nice honour for the development team, one to tell the grandkids about. And I was 13 and a bit, 7 years ago, but then all my friends had the GTA games and they were the same age too. I remember going on tank rampages around the whole city, they really ought to bring that back. Never did get to grips with the Dodo, couldn't fly it at all so didn't get to see the hidden sections in the game.
  8. My current phone is a few years old, and it costs a lot to go on the net, but I still took the survey. If I had a newer phone, like the iPhone, then that wouldn't be a problem. It would definitely be a good idea to do, but might not generate that much interest because it's still fairly niche, using the net on the move.
  9. I got the Pit Boss trophy a while back for the 1st level, so I did it in under 30 seconds. I got the trophy the 2nd time, 1st time just to unlock the other weapons, then I used the MP5 and M9. The best thing was to do 2 targets at once when they lined up, did that about 2 or 3 times. I haven't got many other stars, I haven't unlocked the last section of levels, all other 4 I have. Haven't played the 2 player levels at all, either. I do like the mode though, just annoying that you can't team up with someone randomly online, otherwise I'd have loads more stars by now. My multiplayer K/Ds about 2.06, and is going up to 2.08 and down to 2.04, all the time. It'll level out eventually. I'm over halfway through the 1st prestige, which isn't bad. I'm not going all prestiges, these cheating nobs at 10th prestige have destroyed the epicness of the badge. It's been a few days since I went online on MW2, because of playing AC2, Batman AA, GH5 and Infamous instead. Maybe at some point I can rise high in the leaderboards, in COD4 I'm ranked about 23,000 odd for kills, but not so for MW2. Favourite weapons would have to be the ACR, M4, M16, Famas, and UMP. The ACR is deadly deadly accurate, using that with an ACOG and silencer in long range maps is hard to stop. M4 is good all round, I use it a lot. M16, like the Famas, stops teams in their tracks. 2 presses of the button can take 3 or more people down, and UMP is the best for small maps, especially Scrapyard, because it's got a large magazine and is highly damaging. I only need 5 trophies in Spec Ops for the platinum, it's quite an easy platinum to get I think.
  10. The explosion looks great, but for me - so-so because of no HDTV. >:I It's in slow-mo for about 30 seconds or more, you just keep pressing the shoot button on the ship until their ship explodes. You get to go back on the spacecraft any time you want afterwards, with no aliens to worry about, leaving you free to find all the alien recordings. :) Hope you sort out your PS3 soon, been a lo...

  11. In the end, regarding the Fallout 3 spacesuit, I loaded an earlier save and just did the whole Mothership Zeta thing again. It must have glitched into a corner or something, literally could not find it anywhere. That was a while back as well, finished the DLC about 3 weeks ago.

  12. I never played it, but I like the look of the Shenmue games. They paved the way for most of the adventure games around these days, especially Yakuza. My friend at secondary school used to have 1, every time he put a disc in it wouldn't read, or would say disc read error. Makes me laugh because he got angry quickly at things like that.
  13. Ah, so that's how the UAVs keep getting destroyed by the enemy, they use Stingers and those types of weapons. I never really use a Javelin or anything like that, just machine pistols and shotguns. Maybe I should use one. When you get caught short and have to reload, switching to your sidearm is crucial. I guess I'll have to use either a silencer, or Sleight of Hand then.
  14. They have balls and do things most politicians wouldn't think of doing, that's why they're popular in some areas. I don't like them, I remember one of their advertising campaigns, and there was a big argument over one of their leaflets. It's supposed to feature BNP voters, but it DIDN'T. The 2 old people are Italian and are horrified to be on the leaflet, the 3 builders are American models - as a sidenote, there was another image with a black worker but they chose to ignore him, there's supposedly a british Spitfire plane which is actually a Polish plane, which ironically the BNP opposed, the doctor's an American actor, the Scottish Guard on the image was also horrified, and said the following - "fuck off, they are scumbags and I would never vote for them in a million years," and the mother and child are also American. See a funny fake version here - http://conservativehome.blogs.com/.a/6a00d83451b31c69e2011570a52834970b-500wi, the real version here - http://images.mirror.co.uk/upl/m4/jun2009/3/4/bnp-leaflet-360531151.jpg and an article - http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/hope-not-hate/2009/06/02/fake-bnp-leaflet-shows-there-is-no-lie-too-big-for-the-bnp-115875-21408640/ They're twats, basically.
  15. lol, these mods are suspicious of anyone and everyone in the Restricted group. They're a threat to your human safety, run while you can. I use my Tiscali address for MSN, but the last time I used MSN was about 4 months ago. I did have an MSN address, but I messed it up somehow.
  16. In terms of other topics for other sections, maybe other people can make 'album of the decade', 'software of the decade', maybe even 'topic of the decade'? Anyway, 10 years is an absolute eternity in videogames. Think of the consoles that have come and gone, the Game Boy Advance, the N-Gage *cough*, the PS2, the Xbox, the PS3, the Xbox 360, the Wii, and now try and pick just one game that defines the decade. It seems an impossible task, and it probably is. Think also of the graphics engines in that time, of how superb they seemed back in the day, and how dull and underwhelming they look today. I don't even have a choice at the moment, I really can't decide. To help, these links might persuade you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_in_video_gaming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_in_video_gaming Just look at the names down the years: The Sims. Deus Ex. Pokemon Gold/Silver. Escape From Monkey Island. Black & White. Max Payne. Silent Hill 2. Ico. Grand Theft Auto 3. Timesplitters 2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Hitman 2; Silent Assassin. Tom Clancys Splinter Cell. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Maker (). Freedom Fighters. Call of Duty. World Of Warcraft. Resident Evil 4. God of War. Guitar Hero. Bully. The Orange Box. Call of Duty 4. Rock Band. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots. Fallout 3. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (probably not, but most hyped of the decade for sure). Assassins Creed 2. That's a tiny selection of great games. At a push, I'd probably say COD4, if only because of the multiplayer that has surely changed FPS gaming forever, and the XP system that's now customary in many games in different genres. There's many other games greater than that though. Feel free to post what you want.
  17. Been playing these 4 recently for PS3 - Assassins Creed 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Guitar Hero 5 and InFamous, all of them are great, particularly Batman. I had no idea how much you could do in AC2, it's staggeringly vast. Could take me until the end of 2010 at this rate before I get bored of it. Batman is very impressive, best superhero game yet, and the level design is immaculate. It's incredibly moreish, can't wait for AA2. GH5 is what it is, another GH, but surprisingly fun. It's my 1st current gen GH, it's great playing wirelessly. And DLing new songs, making your characters, set lists, completing challenges, playing online etc, it's a great package. InFamous is OK, the cities look a bit dull and it's repetitive, but it's not bad to play. About a 70% game really. To add to that, COD4 and MW2 online.
  18. I suck on Rust, but I'm great on Wasteland. Usually do good on that. I suppose I should start taking pics of my highest kill scores, I remember I had 46 kills and 5 deaths on COD WAW once, would be great to do that again. It's varying a lot recently, I really want my K/D to be above 2 but it keeps increasing and decreasing. Sort of 2 steps forward, 3 back, 4 forward, 3 back, etc. All over the place. It's resting at about 2.06 currently. @ Bulletproofboy, I think the MW2 AK and M16 are better, they're more in your face than MW1. The Red Dot and Silencer with M16 and Stopping Power absolutely kills everything. The COD4 M4 is perfect. And just to say again, I think 5 prestiges is the absolute limit for me. My work schedule is now very dense, going to be workworkwork all the way until the end of January for me.
  19. Why were these topics unpinned (PS3, 360, Wii)? They're surely more important than the other stand-alone topics, although with the inactivity around here they'll hardly be buried underneath other topics anyway. I bought InFamous 2 days ago, the Platinum version. It's quite fun so far, I just like running around the whole city. Looking for the Blast Shards is also easy because one click of L3 will show any in the nearby area on your map. Another game I bought, albeit accidently, was COD1 via the PSN. How did I buy it? I didn't know I still had my debit card details entered in, usually I clear them off after every purchase but for some reason didn't, and ended up buying the game XD. It's alright, but not worth £7.99, let alone £11.99. On the same day I bought InFamous, 4 films, and an accessory kit which included a mic, 2 new clip-on triggers and a HDMI cable, so I now have a voice online.
  20. Condolences to all. Thankfully no-one I know has died recently, the most important person was Uncle Frank, who usually is at an Xmas party I go to every year. He died a few months back, and was in his mid to late 80s. Brittany Murphy died the other day, she was 32. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brittany_Murphy She was in 8 Mile, Sin City, and lots of other films.
  21. Slipknot songs. ATM, it's Surfacing. Basically, a massive 'FUCK YOU' record, love it. v=GDcwBWWKGIs wat. Why isn't the embedding working? Anyway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDcwBWWKGIs
  22. ^ Super Mod? Really? That's pretty neat. I used to post BS in a few topics, and still annoy people from time to time but hey, you can't please everyone.
  23. There is an infinite ammo thing going around, but it's not a hack, it's just a glitch. It's like I said, people were joining prvate matches when they're searching for public matches, going into games with infinite ammo, etc. They're all really bad glitches. Hasn't happened to me though. I've never been on the end of a nuke, I've seen it once and one guy got it on Scrapyard, which won the game for us. And the challenge Chris mentioned, yeah I think that's a hidden challenge. You unlock a new title or emblem with each one you complete. I suppose there's a list of them somewhere.
  24. I'm doing the hack on a different account, not my main one. I did manage it but couldn't join any games, couldn't prestige, and it kept freezing. I saw all the titles and emblems though, some really nice ones in there. Even one of Mario, wtf? See all of them here, and how to get them - http://emotionalninja.net/2009/11/15/modern-warfare-2-how-to-get-titles-and-emblems/ I'll probably carry on playing the game, but ATM I've lost interest. Maybe when the patches are released it'll get better. I've gone back to COD4 for a while, had some great games on there the last few weeks.
  25. ^ Well, he did do the prestige hack, and I have a feeling I might too. For the first time, I'm bored to death of the game. I used to like it, but with all these reports of glitches, errors, hacking, etc, I'm just bored of it all. I'll look for tutorials for it, then do it myself. Fuck it. I'll be sticking to COD4 from now on, as well as the new games I get at Xmas.
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