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Everything posted by Righty

  1. I'm a windows guy. Sure Microsoft has its problems, but most everything uses windows and mac, well, isn't used by almost everyone. One person in my computer networking class hates windows. I ask him why and he doens't have a reason. Wants to be like the teacher who worked with windows the last 10 years and really doesn't like it.
  2. I like what xenon said. Things could be worse for me, but I'm actually happy with everything right now.
  3. Happy birthday Spaz. I don't have any extra money though.
  4. Intentional but unintentional. I always wondered why they did that. I always have planes fly into Mt. Chiliad.
  5. Heat exaustion is bad. My dad had that one time while in New York City. He said he's had better things happen.
  6. I'm not sure if overlocking is the best idea. If you get it too hot it will fail and when that happens, you have to buy a new one. But you can overclock if you want to.
  7. If I want to close a browser window I just click close. Many times with the tabbed browsing, I'll loose 5 or 6 pages at a time by mistake.
  8. Am I the only one that HATES tabbed browsing?
  9. I'd have a leather chair but no one has thrown one out lately. Oh I forgot to mention how the yearly trash day we have in alot of towns in the us (the one where people put out like t.v.'s, couches, chairs, fans and all other stuff, not real garbage) is like a second christmas to rednecks. I remember I used to go with my friends and we'd fill up their van.
  10. My name is Mke, Currently 16, 17 in 2 months Anyway, I am the result of a waitress (mom) and a quarry runner person (dad, he oversaw the whole quarry). Both of them are rednecks and come from a long line of rednecks. I grew up as the fat kid. I was very overweight as a kid and suffered alot of self esteem issues and other problems, but I was smart, very smart. I was just too lazy apply myself. I slipped through elementary school with A's mostly ( the whole time doing no work). I almost failed the 7th grade beucase I was not prepared to work. It was not until the 9th grade that I got my act in gear. Last september I decided that I needed to look into weight loss and I have lost 87 pounds since then, my goal is to have a six pack by June. I have actually only had 2 real friends m whole life and we're more like brothers than friends. Other than that, most people wouldn't talk to me becuase I was fat <_< My parents are still together after 21 years together and actually get along. My dad gets mad when my mom buys him stuff for his birthday and father's day; he'd rather she spend the money on herself or me ... so selfless. I've never been in any kind of relation with anyone my whole life
  11. I probably will have enough money for only one. I'll probaly end up waiting atleast a year before I get one, if I get one. Money will be short for me when they come out with college right around the bend.
  12. [random noob answer]More Gigahurtz Man!!!!!1111[/random noob answer] He's right though, more ram ins't going to hurt and it will speed you up faster.
  13. A 10k rpm hdd is probably more than I can afford
  14. My skynyrd shirt. You can see I'm building muscle
  15. Anyone here have a myspace profile? Mine is myspace.com/wallman88
  16. And Norton Anti Virus does nothing to get rid of it? Sounds like a great program
  17. So what does having a virus attack have to do with that being your desktop? Its not that hard to set it back.
  18. The thing with the mad vulcan powah is ... Vulcan is the base taurus engine and it doesn't really have enough power for alot of people, has plenty for me. When you drive it hard, it makes alot of noise, sounds very imitating, but the power isn't just there. It's a joke on the taurus club becuase its bark is alot worse than its bite.
  19. I guarantee that no one will understand this one
  20. I'll see what I can do when I get back from work
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