My name is Mke, Currently 16, 17 in 2 months
Anyway, I am the result of a waitress (mom) and a quarry runner person (dad, he oversaw the whole quarry). Both of them are rednecks and come from a long line of rednecks.
I grew up as the fat kid. I was very overweight as a kid and suffered alot of self esteem issues and other problems, but I was smart, very smart. I was just too lazy apply myself. I slipped through elementary school with A's mostly ( the whole time doing no work). I almost failed the 7th grade beucase I was not prepared to work. It was not until the 9th grade that I got my act in gear. Last september I decided that I needed to look into weight loss and I have lost 87 pounds since then, my goal is to have a six pack by June.
I have actually only had 2 real friends m whole life and we're more like brothers than friends. Other than that, most people wouldn't talk to me becuase I was fat <_<
My parents are still together after 21 years together and actually get along. My dad gets mad when my mom buys him stuff for his birthday and father's day; he'd rather she spend the money on herself or me ... so selfless.
I've never been in any kind of relation with anyone my whole life