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Everything posted by Righty

  1. Favorite food: Turkey, gravy, biscuits, salt, fresh mixed vegetables, and taters Favorite bad food: Can't beat pizza
  2. Nope. I never really like the idea of a ghetto gang. I'd rather it be italian mafia based.
  3. I'll be MIA quite a bit. I'm taking a CMP class (civlian marksmanship program) and weather class so I'll be quite busy.
  4. I'm gonna have to try this if I can ever find my bersion of GTA3 for PC. GTA3 was the best one of them all.
  5. I put it out with the fire extinguiser from the last mission.
  6. I was just screwing around with the game and I went to red county with a flame thrower. I started a forest fire. I didn't know about this. Its cool
  7. Righty

    The PSP

    What games do you have for it
  8. I have no clue what you are talking about and the site dosn't work.
  9. I didn't see the part about him saying that his host wouldn't allow him or else I wouldn't have said that. I figured there would be something like that involved.
  10. So like zooming in all the way on paint and using the pen tool to do a picture?
  11. If you tell me what pixelart is and how to do it i'll tr.
  12. I still say put a porn picture in there
  13. Nope. They're always about little ricer cars.
  14. That would be a cool idea. That would add alot to the game. I could see that come into a few missions.
  15. You should do what anti-rice.com did to esperanto boy at gtaforums. He was doing that with a picture and they put a porn picture
  16. If the person keeps hacking why not report his IP address to his ISP. That's what I would do.
  17. Thats kinda strange. Seems like he would be able to post his own goodbye message. Oh Well, goodbue
  18. I don't do much in my spare time. Go on the computer Play video games Take stuff apart
  19. I think that they should stop doing storylimes on FPS Games My Example: Instead of having mission after mission, you should be given objectives at the begining of the game and you have to complete all of them. A storyline but a non linear storyline.
  20. If you have GT3, you can transfer your data to GT4 to give you your A& B lisence AND 100 credits. So, the Taurus might not even be needed... unless it's your favorite car or something like that... I have a newer less powerful taurus. Does anyone know if there is a litmit on the garage.
  21. I got 25 all I got to do is work on another 25 and the game will be mine. I want to buy a ford taurus SHO when I get the game.q
  22. I think that Michael Shumaker (not spelled right) should have quit last year while he was still doing good. He won't be able to ruin his reputation by doing bad. I like watching open wheel racing, especially F1 but they dont' have it on normal statons in the us.
  23. Righty

    Hate Mail

    Some people are just dumb. I remember doing the porn thing with one of my friends as a joke excpet I didnt' do gay porn though.
  24. The game comapanies are not to blame. It's just not rational thinking to blame something on a video game. If a kid runs out and does something like this, he either had mental problems or suffers from bad parenting. And any one else that does this has mental problems. But it's easier to blame something on a big company than say that you screwed up.
  25. I got the san andreas bandana
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