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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I know but I think it was something to do with HDMI, Guys just need some feedback For £495 Im going to get a PS3 with 2 SIXAXIS controllers and 2 games (RFOM , COD3) I thinks its worth it but I just want to ask what you guys think. Get Full Auto 2 instead of Call of Duty 3. I'm going to be getting RFOM and FA2. I heard COD3 wasn't even really that good...but I just heard that from people that have played the 360 version. BTW, do you guys think I should make list of games that each PS3 owner on here has? This would be so that those of you with the same games would have someone you know to play against or with online...if the games were online capatible.
  2. Just roughly 21 hours and 16 minutes left...man...counting down with hours now instead of days...crazy!
  3. Well if you just throw the game at them and have them play it by themselves, then they'll make their own assumptions. I for one sit there with my cousins and explain that running over innocent civilians is a bad thing to do and they understand that now...
  4. Yeah, I don't want to play as someone that is part of a worthless street gang. I want the mafia/triad theme.
  5. By the time GTAIV comes out, I'll be 18. I've been letting my cousins play GTA games for a while now, they're ages 7 and 9 now. I just mute the TV or turn off the SFX for the game so my cousins don't hear any bad words.
  6. Ok, thanks for your contribution. I've added it to the main post.
  7. Well the MMO would be a side thing...wouldn't be what GTAIV is all about. It's a good idea, which is why I posted it. I understand that this could hurt Rockstar staff members, but it could have of also been some sort of a Stealth Marketing Plan.
  8. Great news, but would have been nice to get the news sooner.
  9. NOTE: I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, so don't harass me about this. I’m just simply quoting someone for some conversation.
  10. It would have been better if you were able to see the countdown. It's the last 10 seconds.
  11. Here's a look into our future...ENJOY! NOTE: Youtube f***ed up the quality...sorry.
  12. Little less than 2 days now...crazy how time flies. This trailer is gonna be epic. Make sure you guys keep your eye out for something similar to the Great Wall of China. If it is based in "Tokyo, China"...do you think Rockstar would make a spoof of the Great Wall? Wonder what they'd call it...Maybe something as simple as "The Great Wall of R*", "R*" instead of "Rockstar"....hmmmm. Maybe they'll flip it around and make it "The Tiny Wall of China"...you never know.
  13. Why does it matter if people are fanboys/fangirls? I'm a GTA fanboy and I'm sure as hell you are? I'm not trying to start something...just don't see why there is anything wrong with being a "fanboy". That joke from Microsoft was pathetic. They're really saying "Why didn't we think and wait longer."
  14. I went to a Career Fair during school that was at a neighboring school district, got some valuable information on my part.
  15. I don't know, I like it like that...it's like a tank. Anyways, yeah, I'm thinking about geting RFOM...I just need the money.
  16. After I had some time to think, I realized how stupid and pathetic I was being in certain parts of the forum and I would like to make a public apology to anyone and everyone I may have offended during my time here. I can't send a PM to everyone that I've offended...because I don't know all of whom I’ve offended and even if I knew...I probably would have lost track by now. However, I did manage to send a PM to the latest person that has highlighted me on their shit list to personally apologize for my rude behavior towards them and I hope that all, if not, most of you could accept my apology. I can’t say that I’ll be argument free from now on, but I will promise that I’ll try my hardest to keep my cool while commenting in topics and I’ll be sure to try and keep any type of disagreement as simple debates. Again, I apologize for my stupid, pathetic, rude behavior that I’ve had towards everyone that I’ve offended during my time here and I hope you guys/gals can accept my apology. Sincerely, Original GTA Master
  17. And I'm getting sick of you. You're really pissing me off and I don't even feel like coming here any more because this will eventually turn into a huge fight which will eventually cause me to get banned. So this is my final post on these forums.
  18. I think there are two ways you could add cash to your account. You could enter your credit card number and it'll just use your money from your bank account. I think you could also buy these card things. Try going to your nearest video game store and talking to them about it. You could probably also find out how to get cash in there by checking the Transactions Managment in your Account Management. EDIT: I just checked and you could put cash in via Credit Card or PLAYSTATION CARD. I'm gonna use the PLAYSTATION CARD.
  19. Yeah, even though I'd like to see Rockstar video games to be a PS exclusive...I'd rather it to stay the same...all equal.
  20. Well so far the additions don't cost anything unless they're pretty big upgrades. I need to get some money into my PS account.
  21. Better graphics...but the same GTA feel.
  22. GTAIV is gonna be the biggest game to come out onto the PS3. On the 360, Rockstar has some competition with Bungie and Halo 3. If they went exclusive to the PS3, they'd have no competition and make tons of money.
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