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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Only $100, points, whatever you wanna call them. It might have to be 320X150(170) though...unless you don't mind the GIF image to be a little destorted...don't think it'd be much though. Let me know what font, color and effect you'd like the text to have.
  2. Well would if the missions down in VC and SA were the downloadable content, or would if VC and SA were the downloadable content? Anyways, I'd like to see something like this in the trailer, but I personally don't see it happening.
  3. I was laughing my ass off watching that. thanks for sharing.
  4. He has posted again saying the following after another member (Scottygta4), who joined on the 31st, said that it was an April Fools joke. NINE: TEN:
  5. The last link you gave to page 7 worked. This was a great read, I can't wait to see the next issue. Keep up the great work. 10/10
  6. Well before the trailer, everyone thought that they'd use a new location...but did they? No. I feel that if an old location is being used, that it's more than likely we'll be seeing some returning characters.
  7. Well he's trying to run away from his past and maybe he could work his way up and "retire" down in Vice City, but you (the player) could go any where else whether it be Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas or any other location that could be in GTAIV.
  8. Ok, I'll get right on it. Would you like it to be a GIF image as such? If so, let me know if you would like a fade in/fade out effect. If you would like a particular Smurf, please let me know. I could always use the one you have for your avatar. NOTE: The above GIF Image may be choppy at first, but they all are when you first look at them. ------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT: Here are two to your specifications (Cost $25). If you want a GIF Image (Cost $100 or what ever currency you'd like to call it on here) or you would like something changed, feel free to let me know. If you want something changed it wont cost anything. NOTE: The Smurf is a little large, but if you want it realistic, I'll be happy to reduce the size of the Smurf.
  9. Page 7 isn't showing...just to let you know.
  10. Could you please just upload them as pictures? It would be a lot easier.
  11. Unable to locate file. How hard is it to save them as pictures and upload them to image shack or something? EDIT: NVM, there was something that went wrong with the one mirror or something. RE-EDIT: Ok, now I'm getting this weird thing when I go to open it. It's sending me to internet explorer. Can you please just get pictures and upload them to a site.
  12. Yeah, I'm just simply running a custom GTAIV sig shop. Dmac_91 is running a matching sig/avatar GTAIV shop. So depending on your taste, you could go to either him or me. Just like Dmac_91 said, I asked him first...I didn't want to piss him off or anything.
  13. Nope. You hit the nail on the head - "straight" is a poll choice so that people can just vote. Repeating your vote by saying "I'm straight" is pointless. If you have nothing to say, just vote in the poll. That answer is okay - because you've exemplified your point. Just saying "I'm straight" isn't useful to anyone. That's exactly right - we like our members to discuss their points of view. Like in arguments, if people just go "I'm right" or "f*ck off I'm right" that helps nobody. Saying "I think ___ because ___" allows discussions to be formulated and provides enough information for people to say their point of view. Just making a statement with nothing to back it up or any reason why makes it pointless.Even if he'd said "I'm straight and I hate the idea of homosexuality" that would have been better, because then it could have been discussed and we'd know a lot more about him. That would be nice, wouldn't it? Well thanks for clearing that up. I think it could have been easier to say, "Elaborate on that.", but hey...whatever. Everyone handles things in different ways.
  14. Looks pretty interesting, I'll have to take a look at it.
  15. Yeah, this guy is a supposed Rockstar employee that was put on that forum to give hints, to give hype. I think half of the stuff was some what featured in the trailer and the rest is supposed to be hints for either future trailers or just extra stuff that may be in GTAIV.
  16. Could have picked someone that looked a little more like the supposed main character instead of Tommy, but it was still good.
  17. I guess I finally got through to you with the whole "Upstate Liberty" idea. Upstate Liberty has to be what Rockstar has been holding up their sleve for so long. Take a look at these maps. Make of them what you will.
  18. The members at this forum(can't advertise) were picking out a number of things such as being able to access tons of interiors, some weapons were suggested to be in GTAIV, being able to steal pedestrian identities, being able to mug people and even picked out that there may be some returning characters such as Phil Cassidy.
  19. I was just roaming around Youtube and found that Hillary Clinton has her own channel. So if you want her to know how you feel about her pissing all over Rockstar, comment on her channel.
  20. Well according to this site, Rockstar planned this to give us hints or give out more hype.
  21. I found this on another forum and found it pretty interesting. This person "deepthroatgta4" claims to of seen some inside stuff which was proven correct after viewing the GTAIV Trailer. Every post below was posted before the reveal of the GTAIV Debut Trailer. The last one was posted just 2 hours before the reveal. I think this guy is trying to give us hints as to what could be expected in the up and coming GTAIV game. So if you don't mind a long read and are interested in finding out possible exclusive details for GTAIV, than read away! NOTE: I take absolutely no credit for this. ONE: TWO: THREE: FOUR: FIVE: SIX: SECRET MESSAGE IN BOLD: BEINGCOERCEDNYCITIS Translation: Being coerced (being forced to write this), New York City it is (the setting of GTA IV) SEVEN: EIGHT: Possible Subliminal Message given by "deepthroatgta4" He has posted again saying the following after another member (Scottygta4), who joined on the 31st, said that it was an April Fools joke. NINE: TEN:
  22. I thought he took partial control in GTAIII... BTW: fix your sig, put the one underneath the other.
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