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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Now this might be going over the top, but would if it's Liberty City(including Upstate Liberty), Vice City, San Andreas, London and Moscow? How kick ass would that be. The map would be so f***ing big.
  2. Holy shit! Watch the damn videos guys. You guys are going completely around it. If you watch it than you guys have something more to go by. I keep giving you guys stuff and you do nothing with it. WATCH THE DAMN VIDEOS.
  3. Well since it was put onto Machinima.com at 6 PM on the release day, that shows it was given to them by Rockstar Games. If they go by the same rules as everyone else, they also submitted it days before to get it on at the time they wanted. If someone else submitted it, it wouldn't even be up yet.
  4. I found this the day after the trailer was released. I posted it on my site, but forgot to post it here. This is the description Rockstar Games gave Machinima.com when they submitted the trailer there."Grand theft Auto IV, the latest round in Rockstars GTA series has finally been revealed to the world. It looks like we are heading back to where it all started, Liberty City ... or are we? GTA is no stranger to surprises and you can be sure this one still has plenty of aces up it's sleeve. GTA IV is set for release this October only on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3" This is what really got me thinking that it may not only be Liberty City...or maybe not even Liberty, but it's hard to think it isn't Liberty City after watching the trailer.
  5. We already went through this; the topic starter used "UFO" in the topic title, which is semi-inaccurate. That's why we've been using alien space craft, Extra Terrestrials, EBE and other names of that such to clear up what we're talking about in here. So if you want to talk about what the topic starter intestinally wanted it to be about, than jump right in. If not, please don’t continue to talk about how the topic title is inaccurate. I’m not just saying this to you, but everyone else that may end up posting in here. NOTE: Yes, the topic title is asking a question, "Do you thing(k) that UFO's are real?", but now we're posting proof of our thoughts about alien space craft, which is what the topic starter intentionally wanted to talk about.
  6. well, why dont WE go to annother galaxy? because we havnt the needed amount of fuel, the same with them, but if thoes ufo pics are true, they meaby just dont like this planet, they meaby think we are boring OR they'r sad because many people dont belive on them Watch the videos I posted. You just sort of went around what those videos are about. Did you watch all the videos? I got through 2 and half a video, i'm going to finish watching them now. Of course I watched the videos. I wouldn't of posted them here if I hadn't. I've got many more as well.
  7. well, why dont WE go to annother galaxy? because we havnt the needed amount of fuel, the same with them, but if thoes ufo pics are true, they meaby just dont like this planet, they meaby think we are boring OR they'r sad because many people dont belive on them Watch the videos I posted. You just sort of went around what those videos are about.
  8. Well here's a good video on this sort of subject...shows why we wont colonize the moon, not saying it isn't possible...just not really worth it. The main thing they're saying in this video is that we're going to have to eventually leave the earth in the distant future.
  9. LOL, I guess he ran home to play some more Grand Theft Auto.
  10. Who said they just come to earth? If extra terrestrials are real, they may need some of our natural resources because they may have ran out where they're from. They could have also come to study life on earth. If you guys believe in this stuff or are at least just interested on the subject, watch the videos below. Some are long, but worth watching. I'll add more if you guys want more.
  11. Ok, sorry about the wait Dmac_91. My internet was messed up yesterday and didn't even feel like getting on the computer, so I re-did your sig today. I hope you like it. [img=http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/791/dmac91sgifsig12la2.gif] NOTE: I made the "Dmac_91" text one size smaller, it was 36 and now it's 30.
  12. You didn't have a comment for mine...so what should I do? I'm not sure what you did or did not like about my first one, but I made another sig for the time being.
  13. Ok...then where did it come from? You don't have to tell me to shut up just because I don't find your topic any good.
  14. Yeah...again, I don't see what's so special about listing things from a strategy guide and or game manual.
  15. To me, this just looks like he typed this stuff from a strategy guide and some from the manual...don't see how this is really that impressive.
  16. I'll do that tomorrow as soon as I get home from school. I'm thinking about going to sleep early tonight, 3 hours a night isn't cutting it.
  17. Well I took a shot at it. Dragon Stealths [img=http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/1691/dschrismanavatarob0.gif] [img=http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/9520/dragonstealthschrismansga0.png]
  18. Yeah, I told him over PM...but you had no way of knowing that. ...Would if I used another program?
  19. Sorry for the double post, but Dmac_91, I've finished your GIF Image sig to meet all your specifications. Just incase you forgot some how, you already paid me. [img=http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/2773/dmac91sgifsig1hv6.gif] If you want anything changed on it, please let me know.
  20. That's more unlikely since Tommy didn't really seem to want to leave Vice City "...because there ain't no up north any more. It's all down south now". I'm not saying it's impossible, because I'd love to see Tommy make a return. Even out of the storyline I don't think it's really that possible since Ray Liotta doesn't play side parts, he always goes for main character and shit.
  21. I probably wont. I don't find it that interesting.
  22. Well I know how to create fairly good sigs, but this is a custom shop and what ever you say you want in it, is what you get. I understand you were just giving me a tip, since I'm new to the whole trading stalls thing, but I just wanted to point that out so that people didn't think I was being cheap. EDIT: I don't make them pay until they get exactly what they want, although some choose to send me the cash first.
  23. I simply made it to his specifications. You must tell me exactly what you want.
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