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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. All they're doing is pulling stuff from us. We've been saying we spotted children in the trailer and they're just adding to it. We're actually starting to bring this shit on ourselves, us the fans...not Rockstar.
  2. Really, i don't think that iy was Upstate Liberty that we saw it was probably Liberty City modded. But i kind of want only Liberty City for some reason. So you're saying that they'll never open up the tunnel on Shoreside Vale? Why wouldn't they? This is the perfect opportunity to finally open it.
  3. Ok, I'll add a PS3 game portion. I guess I'll take off that "NOTE:". Just let me know what games you own.
  4. Well a lot of you, as well as me, are thinking that Liberty City might not be the only location, even if Upstate Liberty is featured in GTAIV. Last night, before I went to sleep, I had a thought pop in my head that maybe the next trailer will be in a totally different location other than Liberty City. I was thinking the next trailer could be featured in Vice City and than a third trailer to feature San Andreas. Hell, these trailers might even have new main characters. If this comes true, will there be a fourth trailer that combines all these locations? Or will they show a new location? Anyways, I’d like your thoughts and opinions on what future trailers could have.
  5. Yeah, we just need to put them in the right area.
  6. I was thinking we could all put our heads together and create a rough draft of the map for GTAIV. This will just be a fun project to do, not to prove something or anything like that. If you want to change the current map, just give proof as to why the certain addition needs to be added to the map and I'll be glad to update the map. Here's what I've got so far.
  7. I think a lot of the extra things in SA was just to see how fans would react to those sort of things. I feel that Upstate Liberty will be accessible now which will be twice the size of the old Liberty City map. Basically the map should be just as big as San Andreas, but with better graphics and possibly game play...although the game play has always been good.
  8. I'd say October of 2007. GTAIII was based in October of 2001, when it was released and I think they'll do the same with GTAIV.
  9. (Don't quote me)The trailer was all strickly Liberty City; including additions such as, a possiblity, Upstate Liberty. Due to the fact the land near the bridge you're talking about that has an intersection underneath is totally different from any land near a bridge in the current playable version of the Liberty City map, that can't be Staunton Island. The bridges shown in the trailer have absolutly no similiarities to the Gant Bridge in San Fierro although the one in the distance looks similar to one that connects San Fierro and Las Venturas. Although the houses do look similar to the ones located in areas of San Fierro such as Calton Heights, those type of houses can be easily found in New York(Liberty City). As for the "Screamer" being located in Santa Maria...please tell me where you see it. SIDE NOTE: The "Platypus" is also in the last scene. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Don't get your hopes up. get a print screen. New games, so new things. These areas are in completly different places. FYI; the bridge, that to you looks like the Callahan Bridge, is the same bridge in the clip of the Russian guy at the cemetary. Obvious/no, no, NO!
  10. I updated my section of the Userbar Thread...so if you want to copy and paste the code in there, that'd be great. Orignal GTA Master's Userbars [center][table][tr][td][color=black][size=6][font=Pricedown]Orignal GTA Master's[/font][/size][/color] [color=#FFD700][size=7][font=Edwardian Script ITC]Userbars[/font][/size][/color][/td][/tr][/table][/center] [center][table][tr][th][img=http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/492/futureivplayerzi2.png][/th][/tr][/table][/center] [center][table][tr][th][url=http://www.gtarealestate.co.nr][img=http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2536/blankbluegtarealestatecopyyr1.png][/url] [img=http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/3610/vcf2ha9.png] [img=http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/733/greasychopperbikersmg0.png] [img=http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/7980/leoneku4.png] [img=http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/7922/bloodfeathertriadig4.png] [img=http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/6793/ogfuserbarcopyqa3.png] [img=http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7086/haitianuserbarzo4.png][/th][/tr][/table][/center]
  11. Let me know what you guys think of the new additions to my sig, the userbar and banner pic. scale of 1/10
  12. Clearly midgets. I don't think Rockstar will bring children into the game with assholes like Hilary Clinton and Jack Thompson on their ass.
  13. LOL, King 2003 is trying to prove he knows the most about the GTA series and since ps3 player said, "I think OGTAM will probably get it, he know everything about GTA. I think he will get it anyway." He found that this is an opportunity to try to prove his "knowledge" of the GTA series by getting the magazine. Fortunately, my friend is subscribed to the magazine and will give it to me once he gets it, which doesn't matter because getting a magazine before someone doesn't prove you more knowledgeable. Good try King 2003, but this wont prove that you know more. You need to find real ways to prove your knowledge of the GTA series. I'm like King 2003's GTA history mentor.
  14. I'd probably give you an 8/10 as well. I don't really think they'll go with the old style for the next generation, but you put it together well, good job.
  15. Don't worry, I'll get all the screens up, just like ps3 player said.
  16. Sorry to bump a semi-old topic, but I made a new GTAIV Box art. Let me know what you guys think of it. I'll probably make some more. EDIT: Rate it too, please. Scale of 1/10.
  17. In another topic, someone said that Rockstar themselves said that those were the in game graphics. I'm just wondering if they'll have swimming in the game seeing as the water is so much more realistic...just can't really imagine swimming in a GTA game with water that realistic.
  18. The sign above the Tunnle in Shoreside Vale says "Upstate". I'm just simply adding "Liberty" at the end since Liberty City is based off of New York City and that there is an Upstate New York.
  19. "After that I think there is a possibility that we'll visit the older locations as well as new locations such as Upstate Liberty. " Never said I was certain. I deffinetly think we'll be seeing Upstate Liberty for the first time.
  20. Well as I was discussing this with Cubanwhip on MSN. We got a thinking that maybe we'll just start out in Liberty City, much like people do when they come to america, start out in New York City. After that I think there is a possibility that we'll visit the older locations as well as new locations such as Upstate Liberty.
  21. After I watched the trailer, I began to think about Upstate Liberty, the portion of Liberty that was closed off in Shoreside Vale. I believe that Upstate Liberty will be open for use to travel to where it'll be an entirely new addition to the map. This is where we will see the Statue of Liberty that was in the trailer along with other locations seen in the trailer that we've never seen in Liberty before. I would like to hear all your thoughts on Upstate Liberty finally being accessible.
  22. Maybe this isn't the best time to ask this...lol
  23. 10 MINUTES LEFT!!! It all comes down to this!
  24. Would the excitment for the GTAIV Trailer be lost if you were just told you were going to die in 24 hours?
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